What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 161 The prey that comes to your door [Additional update for 500 orders]

Hao Yuchun soon felt something was wrong. Although he was not an extraordinary person and could not feel the "spiritual pressure" mentioned by Yoshiyuki Tanimura keenly, he still felt a feeling of palpitations and seemed to be unable to breathe for a while. Come on!

He did not forget to live broadcast at this time, and quickly moved the camera to the place where the crowd was commotion, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "You should have heard what my friend said just now, maybe we will all die today, but even if In this way, before I die, I will take a photo of the legendary Abyssal One for everyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Abyssal One who had appeared in Tanimura Yoshiyuki's mouth many times appeared in his live broadcast footage!

I saw an extremely huge figure rising from the ground. This figure was between entity and illusion, and it seemed to be countless ghosts stacked together, like a tsunami composed of ghosts!

It releases its shadow with all its strength, and can actually devour the humans around it! Those people had no time to escape!

Then the ghosts of the surrounding humans continued to be pulled into the physical and illusory figures. Even the flesh was not let go, and was completely absorbed into the completely blood-red flesh ball in the center of the illusory figure!

Blood red represents red clothes!

This Abyssal One is clearly a twisted product of a combination of a ghost and a human body. As time goes by, the more humans it devours, the stronger its abilities will become!

"This is the A-level ghost hunter 'The Devourer'! Why did he degenerate into an Abyssal here? This means that he will become an Abyssal whose combat power is infinitely close to S-level! It's over, we Japan will be destroyed The country is over!" Yoshiyuki Tanimura held his head and said in disbelief.

Hao Yuchun was stunned at this time. This was really more exciting than watching a special effects blockbuster. He couldn't help but said: "Didn't you say that every A-level ghost hunter will be followed by many of you 'Super Disaster Countermeasures Room'?" ’ members, why don’t they think of a solution?”

"Do you think they are still alive now? The A-class ghost hunter 'The Devourer', although his combat power is not at the top among the A-class of no more than ten in total, he has the ability to devour ghosts. Now he has become The Abyssal Ones who have lost their minds must also have the ability to devour humans. Whether they are ghosts or humans, they will become its nutrients!" Tanimura Yoshiyuki explained with some despair.

Hao Yuchun suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said: "Didn't your 'Super Disaster Countermeasures Room' recruit that 'Hell Girl' Yan Mo Ai? As long as she takes action, this 'devourer' should not be her opponent." Bar?"

Yoshiyuki Tanimura smiled bitterly and said: "Enma Ai-sama is not a subordinate of our 'Super Disaster Countermeasures Room'. Even the top leaders above us do not dare to trouble each other casually. She can compete with our Japanese Prime Minister and Emperor." We were chatting and laughing, and do you think that even if she were to take action, she would be able to rush here immediately and save us?"

Hao Yuchun was also said to be desperate by Tanimura Yoshiyuki for a while, but he unexpectedly found that he had no fear in his heart.

He felt that after coming to Japan this time, he truly felt the relief of the "supernatural resurrection", and he also completely broadcast the wonderful part live. He felt that Sajia's life was worth it!

All his viewers should remember him as an outdoor anchor who dedicated his life to live broadcasting, right?

In fact, the popularity of his live broadcast has reached its peak now!

Originally he was just a not-so-famous little anchor, but after he met Yoshiyuki Tanimura, a C-level ghost hunter codenamed "Ghost Hand", his live broadcast effects began to explode, and his popularity skyrocketed, attracting almost all likes. The eyeballs of viewers watching the live broadcast.

It’s not like there weren’t anchors who went to Japan to broadcast “Supernatural Resurrection” in the past, but at that time Japan’s supernatural world hadn’t really taken shape yet, and those anchors often went to death to play some spiritual games, to explore whether the urban ghost stories were true or not, and the result was that the screen often Once it goes dark, there will be no more content...

How could a guy like Hao Yuchun actually live broadcast a special effects blockbuster? Things like the Abyssal One are no longer just ghosts, but closer to monsters!

Far away from the site of the incident, there was a group of staff from the "Super Disaster Response Room", all wearing uniforms.

Among the staff, there is also an obvious central figure. His whole body is tied with bandages, just like a mummy, as if to seal something.

And when he saw the "devourer" who had fallen into the abyss, he didn't say a word and seemed to be waiting for orders from above.

"Is it worth it to deliberately induce the Devourer to degenerate into the Abyssal here? Is it possible that even A-level ghost hunters are just dispensable pawns in the eyes of the superiors?" A swordsman dressed as a swordsman next to the mummy man said The ghost hunter couldn't help but say.

This is a B-class ghost hunter, codenamed "Hast Wind". He seems to be very dissatisfied with the actions of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" this time.

"'The Devourer' was already on the verge of depravity. He could not control his ghosts, but in order to reach a higher realm, he devoured ghosts without restraint. In the end, it became increasingly impossible to reverse the trend of depravity. The above is as follows The reason for doing this is to solve this unstable factor in advance, and also to test the 'witch'." Another C-level ghost hunter codenamed "Mind Reader" explained.

"What's there to tempt the 'Miko'? She's obviously in the same camp as us, but she's Kikyo! Now I'm worried that after the 'Devourer' degenerates into the Abyssal, we and the 'Miko' combined won't be able to finish! "The swordsman codenamed "Blast" said worriedly.

"We have Lord Thousand Eyes here, so we don't have to worry about finishing the matter at all. Lord Thousand Eyes is the third-ranked A-level ghost hunter on the 'Hunter List'!" The ghost code-named 'Mind Reader' boasted fiercely. In front of me is a mummy man who seems to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The mummy man spoke, seemingly speaking in "ventriloquism". He said objectively: "Unless I am also completely liberated and transform into an abyssal, I won't be able to solve it. Now I will delay it for a while at most."

The C-class ghost hunter codenamed "Mind Reader" was a little dumbfounded. She really didn't expect that even Master "Thousand Eyes" was no match for "The Devourer" who had degenerated into an abyssal. It was not that Master "Thousand Eyes" only used One eye can easily take down a B-level monster, but if the "Thousand Eyes" are fully opened, will the combat effectiveness be infinitely close to that of an S-level monster?

Just as Yoshiyuki Tanimura and Hao Yuchun were waiting to die, Hao Yuchun suddenly said loudly: "This is the territory of Amaterasu Shrine. How could the witch Kikyo allow the demon to wreak havoc here?"

"Even she can't easily defeat an S-class Abyssal..."

Before Yoshiyuki Tanimura could finish his retort, he saw an extremely pure azure light and shadow shooting out from the shrine!

In the light and shadow, there is an arrow with a simple shape.

"Demon-Destroying Arrow!"

Kikyo, who was wearing a beautiful miko costume, stood at the door of the shrine with a nonchalant expression. After casually shooting a "Demon-Destroying Arrow", she put away her bow and turned back confidently.

She murmured: "I stole Ai-chan's job again, but this time it seems that I can harvest a large wave of magic power. You can't turn a blind eye to the prey that comes to you automatically."

The fifth update today! ! !

Thanks to [AI039] for the 1000 reward, [Qin Xiaotian] for the 200 reward, and [Chen Qixiong] for the 100 reward~~~

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