Facts have proved that Kikyo's confidence is not unfounded.

For a high-level familiar like her, who was personally created by Li Shushan and Olivia as the shrine maiden of "Amaterasu Shrine", the Abyssal Ones, who looked majestic and spectacular on the outside, were nothing more than defective products.

It can only be said that those ordinary people in Japan who aspire to become extraordinary people are still very good at playing, and they have actually developed a training system that allows them to obtain extraordinary power after combining with ghosts.

However, this training system undoubtedly has major flaws, but it has no negative impact on Li Shushan's plan to harvest magic power through "supernatural resurrection". On the contrary, it speeds up the harvesting of magic power.

Just because wild ghosts don't get stronger fast enough, but if they are combined with smarter humans, humans will try their best to upgrade in order to become stronger. The magic power contained in the ghosts themselves will accumulate, which is very convenient. Sexual Harvest.

Like the current almost S-level Abyssal that appeared after the fall of the A-level ghost hunter "The Devourer", it was promoted to red in a very short period of time. If it had not combined with a human, it would slowly use its devouring ability to upgrade. If so, I still don’t know when it will take to reach such a state where it can be harvested.

Therefore, Li Shushan, who was behind the scenes, was not surprised but happy when he saw the "Ghost Controller" training system derived from Japan. He just felt that the Japanese people were really his good friends and took the initiative to speed up the magic power harvesting for him.

As for the shortcomings of the training system, Li Shushan is also happy to see the results. Although directly killing extraordinary people like "Ghost Controllers" can also harvest magic power, it is too dark and bloody. After all, most "Ghost Controllers" are In the human camp, only a handful of beings like "Izayoi Kaede" choose to stand on the opposite side of humanity.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to wait until the "ghost controller" degenerates into the abyss and becomes a demon that has lost its mind. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to harvest them. They are already fattened livestock and can be slaughtered, but it is a pity. "Ghost Controllers" are pig farmers who go to great lengths to fatten them up.

The glory and reputation belong to the pig killer "Hell Girl", and the spiritual sustenance and faith of ordinary people belong to "Amaterasu Shrine".

The "ghost controllers" who keep pigs are the worst. Not only do they work hard to clear out ghosts and go through many hardships to fight monsters and upgrades, they sometimes become food for ghosts. The most important thing is that they are discriminated against by ordinary people and eventually degenerate into monsters. "Abyssal Ones"... They think they are powerful extraordinary beings, but in fact they are all Li Shushan's wage earners.

The sower "Slit Girl" is actually hidden very deep. She is considered to be a manufacturer of pig feed, a farmer who works hard in the fields, and sometimes plays a "ghost siege", which is generally equivalent to feeding feed. Of course, If you are not careful, the "ghost controller" will become a fodder.

Thus, this formed a relatively complete magic harvesting system.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, Japan is a "pig farm" worthy of Li Shushan's management. However, a "pig farm" is certainly not enough. He also needs to open up a "chicken farm" and a "cattle farm" , "Sheepfold", etc., again, the magic reserve can never be too much.

As for the development of earth's science and technology, it should be left to atheistic materialist countries like China. Human beings who believe in science should go to China for development.

At this time, there are no words to describe the shock in the heart of Yoshiyuki Tanimura, a C-level ghost hunter codenamed "Ghost Hand"!

Mainly because just now he was saying, "Even she can't easily defeat the S-class Abyssal...", but the next second, the "Demon-Breaking Arrow" was wrapped in pure blue light and shadow. , actually penetrated the blood-red flesh ball inside the Abyssal!

You know, this is the Abyssal formed after the fall of the A-level ghost hunter "The Devourer". Its destructive power is infinitely close to that of S-level. In other words, it can be regarded as S-level, which is enough to destroy a country!

The most important thing is that it became the Abyssal One and swallowed so many humans in the first time, which means that its power has increased again!

Yoshiyuki Tanimura, who knew how terrifying the destructive power of the S-class was, was already in despair, thinking that he would be swallowed up next, because its tsunami-like body was about to topple over, and everyone here would become it. of nourishment!

However, such a powerful, terrifying, and invincible Abyssal One was killed instantly with one blow!

After the demon-breaking arrow penetrated the blood-red flesh ball, the flesh ball burst like a balloon, and a huge amount of blood spurted out in all directions. These should be the people who had just died innocently and tragically under its "devouring" ability. The blood, flesh and blood return to the flesh ball, and the soul returns to the body.

This is not the most shocking scene. What is even more shocking is that the Abyssal One's body, which is between virtuality and reality and seems to be formed by the superposition of ghosts, is like a tsunami. After its blood-red flesh ball was penetrated, it actually Fall apart instantly!

The Demon-Breaking Arrow was like some kind of container for collecting something. In an instant, it sucked up the sea of ​​ghosts cleanly!

So in front of Hao Yuchun and Tanimura Yoshiyuki, only the flesh and blood of the abyssal ones and humans were left. These flesh and blood seemed to have been drained of the extraordinary power, like a body that had lost its soul...

"We...are we lucky enough to survive?" Hao Yuchun said with lingering fear.

Yoshiyuki Tanimura nodded numbly, feeling as if he was living in a dream. He once encountered a fallen Abyssal from a C-level ghost hunter. As a result, he had a great shadow on the Abyssal, and his two A comrade lost his life for this.

This time, he encountered the fallen Abyssal from the A-level boss. He thought he would definitely die, but he never expected that this extremely terrifying and powerful Abyssal could not resist the witch Kikyo from "Amaterasu Shrine". An arrow!

How powerful has that Lord Kikyo reached?

At this time, they saw a strange-looking creature flying out of the shrine. This creature had a snake-like body with wings near its head. It was pale white and green. It seemed to have finished collecting the weapon in its mouth. The demon-breaking arrow flew back to the shrine.

"This is the Death Soul Insect! Sure enough, the one who just killed the Abyssal One and saved us is the Platycodon Goddess! No, I must go to the shrine to pay homage and see if I can get an autograph..." Hao Yuchun seemed to He soon returned to his original state, and he never stopped his live broadcast from beginning to end.

At this time, the humans who had survived like Hao Yuchun and Yoshiyuki Tanimura unexpectedly knelt down deeply in the direction of "Amaterasu Shrine", as if they had become the most devout believers of "Amaterasu Goddess". This The scene is equally shocking!

Even Yoshiyuki Tanimura couldn't help but kneel down. He would never underestimate a shrine again, especially this "Amaterasu Shrine". For a native of Japan like him, kneeling down to the goddess Amaterasu, no matter what There will be any grudges.

Hao Yuchun did not kneel down, but hurriedly captured this shocking scene, and the barrage in his live broadcast room had been in a state of explosion ever since Platycodon's Demon-Breaking Arrow instantly killed the Abyssal One!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Chen Qixiong] for the 200 reward, and [I Love Misaka Mikoto], [Flying Pierre], [Oooh], and [Word Spirit Curse Seal] for the 100 reward~~~

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