"The anchor is really lucky, he didn't even die!"

"This live broadcast is so exciting, it feels like watching a super blockbuster!"

"What kind of 'supernatural resurrection' is this in Japan? It has clearly become a different world. Has anyone formed a team to go to Japan to become a transcendent?"

"Forget it, haven't you seen how miserable ghost hunters are in Japan? Moreover, this extraordinary system is only useful in Japan."

"Once you become a 'ghost controller', it means you are bound to that land. The ghosts will never let you leave Japan. I actually have a Japanese friend who became a transcendent. He wants to leave Japan. As a result, the connection was completely lost, and the visual inspection was already cold.”

"Japan is probably shrouded in a barrier. Those extraordinary beings can only be locked in this land. It feels like there is an invisible hand behind the scenes controlling everything!"

"Goddess Platycodon is too powerful. The anchor should go interview her quickly and ask her if she knows Inuyasha."

"Wow, that Abyssal One looked so disgusting after he died!"

"The Japanese people feel that they are really living in dire straits. I feel that China is fine just like this. Don't let any extraordinary power appear."

"Suddenly I can understand why these Japanese people are so pious. If I were saved by the 'Amaterasu Shrine' when I was on the verge of despair, I would also believe in it from the bottom of my heart!"

Hao Yuchun's live broadcast room was filled with various comments of shock, speculation, and complaints from the audience.

Of course, most of them were shocking barrages. Obviously, all the scenes he showed were clearly telling the Chinese audience that Japan, the island country next door, has now entered a new stage of "supernatural recovery."

Maybe it was just a small fight before, mainly about all kinds of weird urban ghost stories, but then most people were frightened by ghosts, and only a handful of humans were actually killed by ghosts.

But to be honest, this makes the "supernatural atmosphere" more intense. And with the emergence of extraordinary people like "ghost controllers", the scariness of ghosts seems to have plummeted. Some ghosts that can't scare people at all are just You can choose to cooperate with humans who desire to obtain extraordinary abilities, and use human wisdom and strength to upgrade.

Fear comes from the unknown. When everyone discovers that ghosts are not completely unsolvable, and that we can use the power of ghosts to eliminate ghosts, it naturally becomes less scary.

But whether the previous "urban ghost stories" in Japan came true or the current emergence of the extraordinary training system of "ghost controllers", there is no doubt that the three views of many Chinese audiences have been impacted.

There are even some viewers who are ready to go to the supernatural world of Japan to pursue extraordinary power. Even if they are trapped in Japan, it doesn't matter. They believe that as long as they practice more powerfully, they can definitely break the barrier!

Wouldn't it be possible then to return to China with extraordinary power, pretend to be a slap in the face, and do whatever he wants?

Well, they don’t seem to have thought about the possibility of falling into the abyss…

Of course, most people just think about it. After thinking about it, they just do whatever they should do.

Some people who are open-minded even think that playing "Martial Arts World" already means they have extraordinary abilities. The all-encompassing martial arts in the game are much better than Japan's extraordinary system that relies on ghost cultivation.

And just when Hao Yuchun wanted to interview Kikyo, the shrine maiden of "Amaterasu Shrine" in accordance with the audience's request, the members of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" who had been on standby in the distance fell into a mysterious silence. status.

There is no doubt that this time the A-level ghost hunter "The Devourer" suddenly degenerated into an abyssal in this place. It was not for no reason. He was completely treated as an abandoned son to explore the reality of the shrine maiden in "Amaterasu Shrine". , the explanation above is waste utilization.

"The Devourer" relies on his "devouring" ability to advance to A level at a speed that can be said to have broken the record. However, the outcome of his degeneration into the Abyssal is almost a foregone conclusion, so it is better to let him fall in advance, which will completely He used it as a self-destruct truck...

This naturally makes other ghost hunters who have joined the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" quite chilled. They originally thought that the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" could give them a warm family, but they did not expect that the top management of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" In the eyes, they are chess pieces that can be abandoned at any time!

Masanobu Miyamoto, a Class B ghost hunter code-named "Hayate", had already begun to think about leaving at this time. He felt that ghost hunters needed to have their own organization and could cooperate with Japanese officials, but they should not obey official orders in everything, otherwise One day, you too will meet the fate of "The Devourer".

Of course, Miyamoto Masanobu still felt that staying in the "Super Disaster Response Room" was not happy enough!

"This 'miko' is too powerful! I feel that her strength is not inferior to Enma Ai-sama. The official should perhaps reconsider its attitude towards 'Amaterasu Shrine'." C-level ghost hunter "Mind Reader" Inoue Jun couldn't help but sigh, breaking the confused silence at this moment.

At the center of the crowd, the A-level ghost hunter code-named "Thousand Eyes", seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief. It would have been too difficult for him to complete the finishing work, and the most he could do was delay it. , maybe this will come at a huge price, after all, the Abyssal One after the fall of "The Devourer" is really too powerful!

However, such a powerful Abyssal One was killed by a single arrow. What does this mean?

This means that any A-level or even S-level ghosts and ghost hunters cannot pose any threat to "Amaterasu Shrine"!

The strength of "Miko" Kikyo is unfathomable!

This place will become a paradise for ordinary people, and their belief in "Amaterasu Shrine" will be extremely pious!

A person in charge of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" team looked at the crowds of people who were kneeling around the "Amaterasu Shrine" and worshiped it. He frowned deeply. He was only worried about this time. After the incident ferments, "Amaterasu Shrine" will further gain public support and even challenge the official authority!

But what can be done? Originally, they thought that the Abyssal Ones, whose destructive power was close to the S-level, would be able to successfully deal with this "Amaterasu Shrine" which has become more and more famous from unknown time. Who knew that this shrine The witch in the movie is really not just a decoration!

Perhaps in this case, Miyazaki Kazuhiko, the big leader who can successfully recruit Yama Ai-sama, has to take action, and he will kneel and lick him for a while. Maybe this way the official can incorporate "Amaterasu Shrine".

"Look, veterans in the live broadcast room, I finally entered behind the shrine and photographed the living goddess Platycodon!" Hao Yuchun lowered his voice and said with great excitement.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [His Royal Highness Luo Tianyi] for the 3500 reward~~~

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