What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 164 Licking the screen [Update after 600 orders]

Many people may have fantasized about what the perfect goddess from the second dimension would look like when she appeared in the real world.

So this idea led to the emergence of cosplay, and various cosplayers satisfied many people's fantasy of the second dimension becoming the third dimension.

However, even the most perfect cosplayer can’t compare to the two-dimensional goddess who actually appears in the real world!

Now, as one of the two-dimensional goddesses, Platycodon platycodon has appeared in Hao Yuchun's live broadcast room!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was very real. One moment, they were still shocked and arguing about the extraordinary battle scene after Japan's "supernatural resurgence", and the next moment, they were all centered around Platycodon!

Although the manga "Inuyasha" is already a so-called ancient work, a classic is a classic and will not be forgotten just because it was finished long ago.

Besides, even viewers who have never watched "Inuyasha" will choose to lick the screen now that a miko with top-notch looks and perfect temperament like Kikyo appears in the live broadcast room!

"Lick, lick, lick, this goddess's face is worth licking!"

"I am an uninvited fan of "Inuyasha" for ten years. Long live the goddess Platycodon!"

"Wow, my childhood memories, I still can't forget Kikyo in this anime..."

"With all due respect, the three-dimensional Platycodon, in terms of looks alone, is really inferior to the two-dimensional one. This cannot be blamed on the two-dimensional Platycodon. If I am to blame, I can only blame Aunt Takahashi's painting style for being too old!"

"I see people who dislike the style of painting without considering the era at all. Why can't we be more objective? Anyway, whether it is the two-dimensional platycodon or the three-dimensional one, they are all perfect in my mind!"

"Having never watched "InuYasha" at all, and only watched "The Slippery Son", I said that I will catch up on this classic show right away!"

"Suddenly I had a bold idea. If the manga author Rumiko Takahashi knew that the heroine she painted appeared in reality, would she dare to show Kikyo the manga she drew?"

"Rumiko Takahashi: What will happen if the manga heroine in her novel comes to reality?"

"Three-dimensional Kikyo: I'm sorry, I really don't like half-demon like Inuyasha. Don't disturb me when I serve the goddess Amaterasu!"

"The real Kikyo is definitely not the one in the comics. Do you still remember the hell girl with the Yama Sword last time..."

Kikyo, who became the center of conversation among the audience in the live broadcast room, of course noticed Hao Yuchun who was live broadcasting at a glance, but she did not stop his live broadcast at all.

Because Kikyo remembers the meaning of her creation, which is not to protect humans or eliminate monsters, or that these actions can be done, but the real purpose is just to worship the object of "Amaterasu Shrine", that is, Olivia, she The master, collects faith.

So of course she hopes that "Amaterasu Shrine" will be known to more and more people, and it is best to attract believers from all over the world!

However, in order to maintain the strong and transcendent status of "Amaterasu Shrine", she must not do her best to promote it herself, but must try her best to show that she doesn't care whether humans believe it or not.

This was Li Shushan's original policy for "Amaterasu Shrine". Of course, Kikyo will run "Amaterasu Shrine" in full accordance with the master's policy.

In this case, more "tap water" must be used to help promote it. However, it is obviously impossible for Japanese natives to broadcast live in the "Amaterasu Shrine" where it is said that the will of the goddess Amaterasu really exists. They even I feel that even taking pictures is disrespectful.

Therefore, the fame of "Amaterasu Shrine" in Japan depends entirely on word of mouth, the aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys, and some young believers are boasting about it on the Internet, insisting on labeling it as an "Internet celebrity shrine" title.

Unfortunately, there is no video evidence, and at the same time, there are "no pictures and no truth." This has led to the limitation of the influence of "Amaterasu Shrine".

Even the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", an official organization that claims to suppress Japan's supernatural world, still doesn't know much about the combat effectiveness of Kikyo, codenamed "Miko".

After all, it is just a rumor on the Internet that the area around "Amaterasu Shrine" will not be invaded by ghosts, because all the ghosts who dare to invade will be eliminated by the witch Kikyo of "Amaterasu Shrine".

However, after today's test in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", it is clear that it truly understands why "Amaterasu Shrine" can guarantee that it will not be invaded by ghosts and has so many believers!

Even the Abyssal whose destructive power is infinitely close to the S level cannot withstand a demon-breaking arrow from the miko Kikyo. Which ghost without eyes dares to run wild in this place?

Unless there are people who are stupid after reading comics and think that Inuyasha can win over Kikyo, but I can’t?

However, Inuyasha has the aura of a protagonist, so what the hell are you?

It is also worth mentioning that the Platycodon grandiflorum of "Amaterasu Shrine" does not have any Shikon Jade, and has no responsibility to protect it. What she thinks about most is how to maintain the strong character of "Amaterasu Shrine" and at the same time, Harvest more believers, then harvest their beliefs and upload them to the magic network, where they will naturally be converted into magic power by the magical artificial intelligence Alice.

Hao Yuchun, an outdoor anchor from China, was originally glanced at by Platycodon. He was still a little guilty, fearing that the other party would stop him from continuing the live broadcast. After all, doing live broadcasts in a shrine seemed a bit disrespectful...

In addition, I don’t know if it was his psychological effect. He just felt that after entering the "Amaterasu Shrine" from the outside, he felt a solemn and solemn atmosphere. He seemed completely out of tune with other Japanese people who devoutly visited the shrine. .

However, he thought that he did not come here for free, but would definitely buy the consecration ornaments. He could be considered a high-quality customer, and he suddenly felt confident again.

Hao Yuchun was heartbroken at this moment, thinking that his brother came to Japan to explore the secret of "supernatural resuscitation", just like the Tang monk who went through a life of nine deaths, and now finally saw Platycodon grandiflorum, who seemed to have appeared from the second dimension to the third dimension, could he just dare to Photograph her from a distance?

So, Hao Yuchun, shocked by his companion Yoshiyuki Tanimura, walked straight towards Platycodon. He really worked hard for the effect of the live broadcast. He was live broadcasting with his life!

When this live broadcast is over, he will go back to his hometown... No, you can't set such a flag, otherwise you will definitely not survive next time.

"Master Witch, how do you sell the consecration ornaments here? I want to buy ten or eight of them..." Hao Yuchun asked shamelessly.

Kikyo looked at him indifferently and took him directly to the place selling accessories nearby.

After seeing the price, Hao Yuchun said he would buy ten or eight, and his face turned dark, because the cheapest one cost one hundred thousand Japanese dollars, which is equivalent to more than six thousand Chinese dollars.

The third update today! ! !

Thanks to [His Royal Highness Luo Tianyi] for the 1,200 reward, and [His Royal Highness Luo Tianyi] for the 500 reward~~~

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