What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 165 Robbery of Faith [Additional update after 700 orders]

Even with such a price, the consecrated jewelry of "Amaterasu Shrine" is still selling very well, because it does work.

Generally, wild ghosts are incorporeal and can only be frightened by methods such as "ghost hitting the wall" and "ghost pressing on the body". If successfully frightened, they can grow by absorbing fear. .

However, as long as you wear the jewelry consecrated by "Amaterasu Shrine", such as pendants, bracelets, rings, etc., you can effectively avoid this kind of devil's illusion, and you can also have a psychological suggestion for yourself - I am a god. I am blessed by the goddess, and I am her most loyal believer. No ghost can hurt me!

But if you encounter a high-level ghost that can turn reality into reality, or a ghoul, then these accessories will have no effect.

In any case, the current income of "Amaterasu Shrine" from the sale of consecration ornaments is extremely amazing, and these incomes are also invested in this piece of land with great appreciation potential, and a building is built around "Amaterasu Shrine" The city is slowly taking shape. It will be directly named "Amaterasu City", which is the holy city of the Amaterasu Sect.

Obviously Amaterasu is the main god of Shintoism, but now, she has completely become a clone of Olivia, and a new Amaterasu sect will be created, which will probably make the Japanese officials and the original Shintoists People have a huge headache.

However, the "real" goddess Amaterasu can indeed bestow magical powers, while the "fake" goddess Amaterasu is just an Japanese myth and legend. Belief in it is useless and can only produce psychological comfort.

In the case that all religions will not have miracles, it depends on who can deceive better, whose sect leaders are wiser, and whose organizational capabilities are stronger. However, in the face of all these, facing the one who can really produce miracles, As far as religion is concerned, they are all rubbish!

Therefore, it is conceivable that in the land of Japan, the Amaterasu Sect will gradually unify the beliefs of the entire Japan!

At this time, Hao Yuchun was indeed very embarrassed by the prices of these consecrated jewelry. He seemed to still regard himself as a small anchor, thinking what if he was the kind of super popular anchor who earns millions a month and tens of millions a year. If so, then he would definitely buy ten or eight of them without hesitation...

In fact, he is no longer a small anchor now. By virtue of being at the forefront of Japan's "supernatural recovery", live broadcasting scenes of extraordinary battles, and then also photographing the three-dimensional Platycodon grandiflorum, his popularity in the live broadcast room has soared to A degree that he himself could not even imagine!

And the various viewers who enjoyed watching it did not hesitate to reward them, which completely made him, a little anchor, fat!

The problem is that he can't withdraw the reward money now, so he is short of money. He didn't bring much money with him when he came to Japan. However, mobile payment is not popular in Japan. Most of them still use cash. He only has two coins in his pocket now. One hundred thousand Japanese dollars, I thought that a consecrated jewelry would only cost five or six thousand Japanese dollars at most, but I never expected that the lowest price would be one hundred thousand!

Fortunately, Hao Yuchun's face was thick enough. He just ignored what he had just said about buying ten or eight, and then bought the cheapest one...

Even so, he still felt a little painful, because he really didn't believe in this consecration jewelry, and always felt that it was a kind of "IQ tax", but considering that his life was saved by the witch Kikyo, he just It's a thank you fee.

As a result, his behavior caused crazy complaints from the audience in the live broadcast room!

"The host is too shameless, his skin is blown!"

“It’s funny to see the anchor being slapped in the face, and he’s being fucked instead of pretending to be cool!”

"The anchor still lacks this little money. With his explosive popularity, it won't be a problem to earn a million a month, right?"

"Can the anchor help me buy it for me? I think the consecrated ornaments produced by Amaterasu Shrine are definitely not that simple."

"It's just useful in Japan. We in China don't have the soil for ghosts to live, so those who sell enlightened Buddha treasures in China are all scammers!"

"The anchor is so shameless. A life is only worth 100,000 Japanese dollars? Shame on Jill. The anchor should quit the group!"

When Hao Yuchun saw the barrage in these live broadcast rooms, he no longer felt anything. Maybe this was because he was used to being thick-skinned.

After purchasing the consecration ornaments, Hao Yuchun felt that his waist had straightened up, and he said to Platycodon grandiflorum: "Miko, as you can see, I am actually an outdoor anchor from China. I am now interested in what is happening in Japan." I am very interested in the changes! Could you please accept a brief interview with me? This can also play a very good role in promoting your shrine and the gods you believe in. After all, the popularity in my live broadcast room is very high!"

Kikyo Xin said that this was a good opportunity. When the Japanese people faced her, they were all trembling. They didn't even dare to take pictures. They thought it was disrespectful to the gods, but they didn't know that she really wanted the media to go all out. Amaterasu Shrine is widely promoted.

But it is obvious that the Japanese officials are too afraid of this "Amaterasu Shrine" and will never take the initiative to promote it. Otherwise, if the Japanese people regard "Amaterasu Shrine" as orthodox, then wouldn't "Ise Shrine" be the same? Will it be completely destroyed?

So Kikyo said in a very approachable manner: "Of course."

Hao Yuchun waved his arms excitedly, and then he and Platycodon were in the live broadcast room. He skillfully said to Platycodon: "Miko, come and say hello to the audience in the live broadcast room with me!"

"Hello everyone~" Kikyo said in smooth Chinese.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly, and "Hello Platycodon" has flooded the screen!

"Why is your Chinese so good?!" Hao Yuchun said in shock.

"Because the whole world speaks Chinese!" Kikyo joked, "Well, I hope that the goddess Amaterasu I serve can have followers all over the world. In order to preach, I am proficient in many languages."

"You are indeed a very responsible miko, but Amaterasu may not be able to enjoy it at all in Western countries." Hao Yuchun reminded kindly.

"Amaterasu is the goddess of light and the sun god. Her teachings are very positive and full of positive energy. Such an Amaterasu sect should have followers all over the world, right? And as long as the believers are devout enough, they can be granted magical powers. , become a priest, and the Western name is priest." Platycodon seize the opportunity and publicize it.

So this is not the Japanese Amaterasu. It is obviously Olivia, who was once the goddess of light. She put on the skin of "Amaterasu" and started to snatch the faith...

The fourth update today! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 tip~~~

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