What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 166 Qu0026A [Updated after 800 orders]

Olivia's approach undoubtedly seemed arrogant, but it gained Li Shushan's approval. In other words, a sect that can perform miracles can defeat any religion in the world.

After studying Japanese Shintoism, Olivia decisively chose "Amaterasu" as her first replacement. She wanted to put aside Shintoism, which believed in many gods, and create an "Amaterasu" that was completely unique to her. A "monotheistic religion" like the Amaterasu Sect, or Shintoism, which claims to have 8 million gods, how scattered is its belief?

Throughout history, the religious cohesion and organizational power of "monotheistic religions" are far better than that of "polytheistic religions". They can even achieve the power of theocracy to override the power of the king. The pope is more powerful than the emperor, and the king's power is granted by God.

In addition, Olivia also got herself a statue of the "Goddess Amaterasu" and placed it in the "Amaterasu Shrine" for believers to worship. This has actually made Japan's unique shrine nondescript. .

But Olivia doesn't care. Anyway, she is drawing on her previous experience in running the "Light Goddess Sect" in the indigenous plane. Having a statue of a god makes it easier to collect faith. This is a truth that has been tested in practice.

The statues of gods should not only be placed in shrines for people to worship, but can also be sold to believers as accessories such as pendants, so that believers can see them every day and keep the goddess of light in their hearts!

In addition, the "Goddess of Light Sect" who has put on the skin of "Amaterasu Sect" in this world also has a symbol similar to the "cross" like the symbol of Western Catholicism, that is, the "sun", which believers can wear The "Sun" medal, the "Sun" pendant, and praying to the "Sun" symbolize "light".

The Japanese will definitely not reject this symbol, because their national flag contains the sun.

It's just that Japanese people who originally believed in Shintoism would be a little confused as to why the "Amaterasu Sect" now has more rules and even has a "Bible of Light" similar to the "Bible"...

At this time, Hao Yuchun, who heard what Platycodon said, was naturally doubtful. He couldn't help but said, "Then do you think I am qualified to become a priest?"

Kikyo smiled lightly and said: "It's very difficult for you to become a devout believer in the Amaterasu Sect, because you don't fear gods in your bones. If gods come to the world, you will think about how to become gods, and even kill gods against heaven. "

"Hahaha, you are right! We Chinese have always been very realistic and very confident. There is a saying that 'man can conquer nature', which is the way we Chinese have been since ancient times. By the way, I highly recommend you a movie. It's called "The Wandering Earth", and you'll know why we don't believe in God. Even if the sun explodes, we won't pray for God's salvation, but rely on the power of the people to save ourselves!" Hao Yuchun said with great pride.

Kikyo was not angry at all because of his "blasphemous" remarks. The "Light God Religion" was not a narrow sect, and it also respected those atheists who relied entirely on themselves.

At this time, Hao Yuchun asked again: "Miko, why do you believe in the goddess Amaterasu?"

"There is no reason, this is the meaning of my existence." Kikyo said with great piety.

Such an answer certainly did not satisfy Hao Yuchun, and also made the audience in the live broadcast room question the character of this three-dimensional platycodon, because no matter how you look at it, she does not look like the witch in the Japanese comics, but looks like many novels The "saints" in those religions.

This can only be blamed on her creator Olivia, whose understanding of "miko" is probably similar to the saint she once was.

Hao Yuchun also chose to respect Platycodon's beliefs and continued the interview: "So, Miko, what do you think of the current 'supernatural recovery' in Japan? Can this country return to its original appearance?"

Of course, Kikyo wouldn't say that "supernatural resurrection" is really great. Without ghosts running rampant in Japan, how could everyone believe in the "Amaterasu Sect" more devoutly? However, she still said arrogantly: "In Japan With the guidance of the goddess, the future is bright.”

Hao Yuchun rolled his eyes, and then said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Do you have anything you want to ask Miko-sama? If so, just send a barrage and ask, and I will choose some answers for Miko-sama."

The barrage in the live broadcast room asked questions one after another. The audience was very enthusiastic, and Kikyo also answered in a very approachable manner.

Question: I just want to ask if Mr. Platycodon can come to China to open an official online store and sell consecration jewelry. If not, can I purchase it on behalf of others?

Answer: I'm sorry that I won't go to China to open an online store. Purchasing on behalf of others is possible, but I can tell you clearly that the consecrated ornaments produced by "Amaterasu Shrine" are only necessary to wear in Japan.

Question: I want to believe in the "Amaterasu Sect", aspire to become a priest, and embark on the path to transcendence. What should I do?

Answer: If you believe in God just to become a transcendent, you will never become a priest. Belief in God is to identify with God and the doctrine from the heart, not to ask God for something before choosing to believe.

Question: I would like to know if Kikyo-sama has read the manga "Inuyasha" and what he thinks of Rumiko Takahashi, the original author of the manga.

Answer: emmmm... I have read it. It is an excellent comic, but it is undoubtedly fiction. Teacher Rumiko Takahashi is an excellent cartoonist and I look forward to her new work.

Question: Does Lord Kikyo have a romantic partner? If not, how should I pursue you? Who is Kikyo-sama’s ideal type?

Answer: The little girl has dedicated her life to the goddess Amaterasu.

Question: When will Lord Platycodon come to China to preach? We are very welcome! Don't believe what the anchor said about "man can conquer nature", we still have many azai waiting for God to redeem us!

Answer: Don’t be ridiculous.

As the barrage questions in the live broadcast room became more and more strange, Hao Yuchun decisively stopped the interview. He did not want to anger this approachable witch because of the ridiculous questions of Chinese netizens. He felt that he could form a good relationship with the other party, so he It's already a very lucky thing.

Hao Yuchun successfully concluded this live broadcast in Japan to explore the truth of "Supernatural Resurrection", but what he never expected was that his live broadcast would actually cause a stir in China and even the entire world. Huge sensation!

There was no way he could do it. He was so lucky during this live broadcast. He was able to capture so much explosive content. Even the interview with Platycodon at the end was so interesting!

The fifth update today! ! !

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