Hao Yuchun, the original small outdoor anchor at Station B, has become popular!

The number of followers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million, and the popularity can be stable at 4 to 5 million at the beginning!

And the video of his live broadcast in Japan this time has also been edited more wonderfully by the good guys. The boring parts have been cut out directly, leaving only the high-energy parts!

This edited video has, of course, been posted on major video websites and social media.

The most exciting part has also appeared on major short video apps, instantly becoming a popular short video!

From the initial encounter with the ghoul in the "Tokyo Ghoul" comic, to seeing the ghost hunter in Japan's supernatural world, and listening to him briefly describe the extraordinary system that is gradually forming in Japan...

If it weren't for the ghost hunter Yoshiyuki Tanimura, codenamed "Ghost Hand", who indeed showed his extraordinary power, eliminated the ghouls in the video, and saved the anchor Hao Yuchun, the audience would never have believed him.

But now, even if the audience doesn't believe it, they can only say that Japan's "supernatural resurgence" has indeed caused a lot of trouble to the Japanese people. Ghosts are rampant at night and ghosts appear everywhere. Japan, which was originally a small country, can't help but look like it now It has become more crowded, and the housing prices of places that can be guaranteed not to be invaded by ghosts have increased to varying degrees.

But what no one expected was that the appearance of ghosts actually led to the birth of the first extraordinary cultivation system, which was to use the power of ghosts to become a "ghost controller"!

Even if this extraordinary cultivation system still has huge flaws, so what, at least the "ghost controller" has the power to protect himself!

When many viewers see this, they can't help but yearn for becoming a "ghost controller". It can only be said that ordinary people's desire to become a transcendent is indeed deep in their bones.

However, as we continue to watch the video, we no longer want to become "ghost controllers" so much.

Although the "Ghost Controller" looks really handsome when he uses the power of ghosts, the appearance after the "Ghost Controller" degenerates into the "Abyssal One" is really disgusting!

If the price of becoming an extraordinary person is that you may completely lose your mind and become a crazy monster, then this will definitely make people retreat.

Moreover, the extraordinary system of "Ghost Controller" can only work in the land of Japan, because there is no soil for "supernatural recovery" elsewhere.

The climax of the video is undoubtedly the Abyssal whose destructive power is infinitely close to that of S-class. It wreaks havoc on the whole place and devours a large number of humans. However, it is killed on the spot by a magic-breaking arrow from the miko Kikyo. This scene can be said to be The scene far exceeds Hollywood-level special effects!

After all, the special effects are fake after all, and everything in the video is an extraordinary battle that actually happened.

Perhaps the only thing that's a bit unsatisfying is that the time of this extraordinary battle is really short.

Originally, everyone thought that this S-class abyssal that looked so terrifying and was blown into the sky by Yoshiyuki Tanimura would have to fight a difficult battle before it could be eliminated——

Whether it's in movies or anime, it's always acted like this. After all, its destructive power is blown to the sky, and it is also said that it can destroy Japan. This is too much preparation.

However, who knew that the witch Platycodon could be so powerful? Maybe this is the extraordinary person who has his own extraordinary system. Compared with the "ghost controller" extraordinary system that humans have figured out by themselves, the former is far superior to the latter.

The audience who saw this had obviously become extremely curious about the miko Kikyo who instantly killed the S-class Abyssal with one strike.

The ending part of the video thoughtfully satisfies everyone's curiosity.

The "Amaterasu Shrine" shrine maiden Kikyo, whose combat power is unfathomable, doesn't have the pretensions of a supernatural being at all. She appears to be very approachable, just like the setting in the "Inuyasha" manga——

Platycodon is tolerant and kind to others, very gentle to the weak, and selfless to others, so it is very popular and respected by humans. But underneath his strong appearance, he also has a gentle and passionate heart. In battle, he can calmly analyze the opponent's position or the situation on the scene. He can easily see through the enemy's purpose and conspiracy, and react quickly at critical moments.

Platycodon grandiflorum, who was interviewed by Hao Yuchun, an outdoor anchor, also revealed another extraordinary system, that is, the priest or priest extraordinary system. However, this extraordinary road is not that easy to walk, mainly because not many people will go there these days. Believe in God from the bottom of your heart.

Especially most Chinese people who have received materialistic education since childhood, they never feel that they are lower than the gods, and the purpose of burning incense and worshiping Buddha is not because of true belief. It is essentially a transaction. You have to give me benefits first. Only then will I continue to worship you, otherwise it is not effective enough. Then this kind of deceiving gods and Buddhas will get away as far as they can.

Chinese people have always had a tradition of worshiping gods when they see them. This is not because of fear of God, but purely out of a mentality of "many friends, many paths".

Therefore, what Hao Yuchun said to Platycodon can be said to have completely touched the hearts of many Chinese people, that is, Chinese people rely on themselves for everything and strive for self-improvement.

Therefore, the extraordinary system disclosed by Platycodon does not make the Chinese people yearn for it. Maybe they all feel that this kind of extraordinary person is too unfree. The extraordinary person they want to be is the kind of carefree and comfortable. It seems that the most The extraordinary system suitable for Chinese people is still the system of cultivating immortals.

But Chinese audiences won’t hate Kikyo with the added character of a magic stick, because Chinese people respect the freedom of belief of others very much, not to mention that appearance is justice. The witch Kikyo is so beautiful, and she is obviously without makeup. Hao Yuchun didn't even turn on the beauty camera, but she turned out to be 360 ​​degrees beautiful with no blind spots.

The last barrage question about Platycodon amused many viewers who were watching the edited video.

It can only be said that some troll netizens are really naughty, and some actually want to pursue this transcendent witch who does not know what level she has reached. Others are just teasing her and want to see how she responds to troll netizens' trolling problems.

Of course, Kikyo's response was perfect. She gave people a feeling of spring breeze, and her attitude was very gentle. Many people could not imagine that she was the superpower who had just killed the S-class Abyssal with one arrow!

Originally, this miko-sama attracted fans because of her "Platycodon skin" in "Inuyasha". Even if her character is quite different from that in the comics, it's not a big deal. Now she has shown extraordinary affinity, which makes her more popular. It is a matter of course that people can't help but fall in love with her.

Therefore, the shrine maiden Kikyo has also become popular, and the "Amaterasu Sect" she serves has appeared in the public eye with an extremely positive image for the first time!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Flying Pierre] for the 100 tip~~~

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