What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 169: Shifting Eyes [300 Monthly Ticket to Add More]

After being reported by many local media in Japan, the fame of "Amaterasu Shrine" and its shrine maiden Kikyo skyrocketed like a rocket!

The "Amaterasu Sect" that the shrine maiden Kikyo believes in has undoubtedly attracted many believers. Many Japanese people who originally believed in Shintoism naturally switched to the "Amaterasu Sect" and did not think there was anything wrong. Anyway, " "Amaterasu" is also the main deity of Shintoism...

But there is no doubt that the various rules and systems of the "Amaterasu Sect" are much stricter than those of Shintoism. Its "sun" symbol, which is similar to the "cross" of Shintoism, has quickly changed. It has to be deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

Many Japanese jewelry manufacturers have seen the business opportunities arising from the rise of the "Amaterasu Sect" and have begun to imitate "Sun" pendants and other accessories, even those who have not yet believed in the "Amaterasu Sect" Japanese people will also buy a "sun" pendant for peace of mind.

Therefore, it must be admitted that religions with symbols that are deeply rooted in people's hearts often have a much greater influence than those religions whose symbols people cannot remember. It is said that Shintoism is the religion with the largest number of believers in Japan, but when it comes to If so, how many people can recall its logo?

However, when it comes to Catholicism, everyone will know its symbol - the cross.

The most intuitive benefit of the surge in followers of the "Amaterasu Sect" is that Li Shushan found that the magic power reserve at his disposal has increased a lot, and he can use it to further open up more "fertile land."

That's right, in Li Shushan's view, Japan has undoubtedly changed from a "wasteland" to a "fertile farmland". The amount of magic power it produces is really satisfying to him.

The one who deserves to be remembered this time is of course the shrine maiden Kikyo. She not only expanded the influence of the "Amaterasu Sect" and gained more faith, she also did what Yama Ai should do, which is to harvest. An Abyssal who has reached the red realm, this also means huge magic power income.

Of course, there will be rewards for meritorious service. Li Shushan directly received his creation in the magic net, then praised her, and further inspected and optimized her body structure to increase her strength.

Of course, Kikyo was extremely excited to be able to see her father. The most important thing is that she also received praise from her father, which gave her a great sense of happiness. As for her father, he also personally carried out physical examination on her body. The whole body examination and optimization also made Kikyo extremely moved. She felt that it was worth it even if it was destroyed now that she could receive such care from Father God.

Maybe those people in Japan who already worship Platycodon to the extreme and think she is the most sacred witch in the world don't know that their goddess is particularly well-behaved in front of Li Shushan and respects Li Shushan, the father-god.

After receiving Li Shushan's reward, Kikyo couldn't help but become more concerned about running the "Amaterasu Shrine" and expanding the "Amaterasu Goddess Sect". Only in this way can she repay her father's kindness to her.

Speaking of which, Platycodon grandiflorum, Enma Ai, and the cracked girl are all familiars created by Li Shushan and Olivia, but they are closer to Li Shushan, probably because Li Shushan is more willing to communicate with them, guide their actions, and keep them at all times. Everyone felt his care.

Olivia didn't bother to do this kind of thing at all. Although the familiars she and Li Shushan created in cooperation far exceeded her own works, in her eyes, they were still just tools. As long as they were used It's enough to get up easily.

However, Li Shushan regarded them as intelligent beings and gave them the respect they deserved.

Therefore, in the minds of these familiars, their mother god is too inhumane, and their father god is more worthy of getting close to.

At this time, Li Shushan was happily counting his magic power income through the magic artificial intelligence Alice, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Then he thought, and a world map appeared in front of him. On the map, there were countless light spots shining in China, Japan, and even the entire East Asia region.

These light spots obviously represent the humans who are producing magic power for the "Magic Network". Among them, Japan relies on "Supernatural Resurrection", while China relies on the virtual reality game "Martial Arts World".

Except for the dense light spots in these two countries, the light spots in other areas are relatively sparse. Obviously, this also relies on the game "Martial Arts World".

However, after all, martial arts culture is only a Chinese characteristic. Although it can also attract players from Western countries, there is a cultural gap after all, so it will always be a niche.

However, Li Shushan didn’t pay too much attention to this. He had already prepared exclusive packages for European countries and the Star-Spangled Kingdom of America, but he had been limited by the lack of magic power before, or it could be said that the magic power was used to colonize Japan first.” "Supernatural Resurrection", so I didn't take action.

Now, as Japan's "supernatural recovery" is on the right track, Europe's "magic recovery" should also begin.

European countries obviously have a long history and splendid culture. However, the two countries with the thickest thighs in the entire world are China in the east and the Stars and Stripes of America on the other side of the Pacific.

Although many people think that the Stars and Stripes of America has inherited the long-standing culture of the European countries and can be regarded as the vest of the European countries, but in fact, the Stars and Stripes of America is still the world's leader, and all European countries are like it. 's younger brother.

Magic, or the fantasy culture that is inseparable from magic, also originated in Europe. Works such as "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" have become best-sellers around the world, making fantasy culture almost universally popular. Something familiar.

It’s just that even Japan has developed Japanese-style fantasy light novels, and it goes without saying about China’s Internet literature. The early Internet literature is almost full of swords and magic.

Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that if the first virtual reality game developed by Li Shushan is not "Martial Arts World" but "Fantasy World", it is estimated that the influence of the latter will far exceed the former and become the world's most popular virtual reality game. Most popular games.

This is because Western countries have been the center of the world since modern times, and their fantasy culture has also dominated the reality of the world.

However, for Li Shushan, this has become something he can use. Just like Japan's "supernatural recovery", he wants Westerners who are addicted to "magical recovery" to become his workers.

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