What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 170 Online mode is online [Update after 900 orders]

Just like when Li Shushan went to Japan to engage in "supernatural recovery", he collected a lot of folklore and ghost stories about Japan in advance before choosing to start with the "Slit Girl".

This time, if we want to carry out "magic recovery" in European countries, we must also make careful and careful considerations.

And it needs to be pointed out that when he went to European countries to engage in "magic resurgence", he did not really do it to let Europeans master magic, but to make them think they had mastered magic and work hard to practice magic, but in fact they were working for Li Shushan , increase the magic reserve.

"Magic Resurrection" is just a name, maybe there can be an "Evil God Resurrection".

Just like those "ghost controllers" in Japan now who think they have mastered a path to becoming extraordinary beings, the faster they upgrade, the easier it is for them to become "abyssal ones", and abyssal ones are fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

Therefore, whether it is the previous "supernatural recovery" or the "magical recovery" he is about to engage in, it can be said that the goal is as clear as ever, that is, to deceive those foreigners into working for him, to sell themselves willingly, and to work for Li Shushan. Count money.

In addition, since the Japanese Shinto religion has been slowly replaced by the "Amaterasu Sect", why can't the Western Catholic religion be replaced by the "Light Shinto Sect"?

But don’t forget that in many online novels in China, the “Light God Cult” is a super villain force. When it actually appears in reality, it will be very interesting.

The current "Amaterasu Sect" is actually the vest of the "Light God Sect". As long as you look at its doctrines and symbols, you can know that it is the religion that Olivia practiced in the indigenous plane.

Olivia was just trying to make it easier. Basically, she didn’t change anything and brought it to the earth to harvest faith. Fortunately, unlike the evil “Cult of Light” villains in the novel, Olivia’s “ "The Cult of Light" is still very positive and can always maintain positive energy.

The reason is very simple, that is, Olivia, the "goddess of light", has always existed. She can clean out the dregs in the church at any time and maintain the purity of the sect, which can also ensure the authority of the church.

Perhaps the only flaw is that the "Light God Religion" cannot be as powerful as those religions that accept everyone.

But Olivia doesn't care. In her words, a devout believer can provide hundreds of times more faith than an ordinary believer. As for those pan-believers, it doesn't matter whether they are there or not.

Therefore, it is indeed very difficult for ordinary people to follow the "priest" or "priest" extraordinary system. The more the goal is to become a priest and then have extraordinary power, the less likely it is to obtain divine magic.

On the contrary, those devout believers who do not pursue becoming a priest, but simply believe in the goddess of light, may one day be gifted with divine magic and successfully change their profession to become a priest.

Li Shushan also strongly supported Olivia in setting up her "Light God Cult". He also found that he thought too simply at first, thinking that Olivia could easily gain countless faiths by pretending to be God, Buddha, etc. .

In fact, this is not the case at all. She can pretend to be God or Buddha, but only if ordinary people admit that they are the vest of the "Goddess of Light", otherwise it will be useless at all.

It's like more and more Japanese people now believe in "Goddess Amaterasu", which can allow her to gain faith, but for those who still believe in "Goddess Amaterasu", these beliefs cannot be gained by her.

While Li Shushan was collecting various folklore, mythological stories, and fantasy novels spread across European countries, he did not forget about the major updates to the game "Martial Arts World".

That is, the "Martial Arts World" game will launch an online mode. Players who have a good relationship with each other in private can finally form a team to "suffer", and "My Lord God Space" will also appear together with the online mode.

The emergence of online mode is almost equivalent to the upgrade of "World of Martial Arts" into an online game, but this online game will still not affect those players who like to play stand-alone, because stand-alone players can completely turn off the online mode.

Probably one day in early October, a major update to the "Martial Arts World" game was finally launched!

"Future Technology Studio", the producer of "Martial Arts World", still did not publish a game update announcement in the official forum before updating the game like those very responsible operators, telling players specifically where and where to update the game. What is the content of .

"Future Technology Studio" still looks very cold and seems to completely let the players explore on their own.

Many players actually know that game officials have been paying attention to the [Game Suggestions] section of the game forum. Ever since the last time the official introduced a relatively fair in-app purchase function, it has lengthened the game time for players.

So players only need to look at which post in this section has the highest number of likes, and they can use it to guess how the game official will update the game.

The most popular post now is Ji Yunzhou, who claimed to be a "married person" at the time. He posted a post titled "I strongly hope that the official can provide in-app purchase of housing in the game. The higher the grade, the better the housing can be." The longer it takes” post.

As more and more players who feel mentally lonely discover the wonderful use of the maid function in "Martial Arts World", they are now indeed eager to spend more time with the very caring servants purchased in the game.

But it is very regrettable that the official game of "Martial Arts World" seems to only regard this function as an in-app purchase function. I did not expect that players can be so attached to them, and even want to buy them a house in the game...

It can only be said that many players truly feel from the bottom of their hearts that they have been healed by the considerate servants in the "Martial Arts World" game. They have spiritual support in their hearts, which even makes their real world more colorful. .

Not only did they play games without delaying their work and study, but they became more efficient because they were mentally enriched. Of course, they may have thought that after completing their real-life garbage work early, they could go to the game. Live a life that truly belongs to you...

I don’t know whether such a change is a good thing or a bad thing, but the leaders of these mentally healed gamers are definitely happy to see their work efficiency become so high.

In such a situation, even if they see them "resting at their desks", the leaders will definitely understand.

Ji Yunzhou, a loyal player of "Martial Arts World", returned to his rental house after get off work as usual. After eating takeout, he couldn't wait to enter the game.

The fourth update today! ! !

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