What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 171 Dreams come true [Update after 1,000 orders]

As a "married person", Ji Yunzhou now even feels that this narrow, messy rental house is not his home at all, because his mistress is not there at all.

His real home is in the game "Martial Arts World". To be more specific, it should be in the "Master God Space" of the game's login interface.

Now he has discovered that rather than becoming the martial arts supreme in the "Martial Arts World" game, he hopes to spend more time with the wife he has identified as Dayue Xiong - Liu Yujia.

However, it is a pity that now he can not even spend half an hour with his "wife" every day, but only twenty minutes. He very much hopes that the game official will make a game that he can spend money to buy and stay in the "Master God Space" The function of time.

But this day, when he entered the game as usual, he discovered that the system reminded him that the game had been updated with new features!

Players can actually build their own "Lord God Space". Of course, they can also directly purchase ready-made houses in the official mall. Once they have a house, they can stay with the artificial human they purchased for a longer period of time!

Without thinking, Ji Yunzhou opened the game mall and took a look at the official houses. When he found out the price of the house, he almost jumped up. This is so conscientious!

In reality, a house in an ordinary community costs more than one million yuan, but in this game, it only costs more than one hundred yuan, which is completely missing the word "ten thousand"!

When Yun Zhou, who was once a manager, was in school, he also imagined that one day when he became rich, he would buy a luxury house and drive a luxury car. However, the ruthless reality gave him a blow in the head. Not to mention luxury houses and cars, he just wanted to Buying an ordinary house in this first-tier big city is just a dream!

But now, Ji Yunzhou feels that his dream is about to come true!

Without any hesitation, he set his sights on a European-style villa that actually cost 30 million yuan, and then he spent 3,000 yuan, less than half a month's salary, to get a house in the "Lord God Space"!

At this moment, he didn't know why he had the urge to cry. Of course he knew that maybe his behavior, in the eyes of some people, was crazy, and he couldn't tell where the real reality was while playing games.

But he is really not confused, because for him, the game "Martial Arts World" is his reality.

You can say that he is escaping, that he is a loser using mental opium to numb himself, but he will never care.

Because at this time, he had already held the hand of his wife Liu Yujia and happily entered the European-style villa that he had spent 3,000 yuan to buy. The time the two of them could spend together had increased to five hours.

But in fact, these five hours are only equivalent to 20 minutes in the real world.

Li Shushan, a bad planner, will not let players indulge in Wenrou Township and neglect to conquer "Martial Arts World", which will definitely affect his magic power income.

So he used a brand new technology in the "Lord God Space". After all, what players enter the game is their consciousness. For the consciousness, as long as they secretly change their perception of time, they can They had the illusion that they had only stayed in the "Lord God Space" for 20 minutes in reality, but it seemed like they had stayed for five hours.

In fact, this approach will undoubtedly make more money for the players, because in a sense, their lifespans have been extended by this game.

If you do a little calculation, you will find that if they stay for one hour in reality, they can stay in the game for 15 hours!

After Ji Yunzhou brought his wife into the villa, he found that the furniture in the villa seemed not to be complete, so he skillfully entered the game mall and searched at random, and found that there was also furniture for sale in the mall!

Good guy, Ji Yunzhou suspects that this game mall has completely integrated real online shopping platforms such as Taobao, JD.com, and Suning into the game mall, but the prices have dropped across the board, so that ordinary people with financial constraints in reality can Live a rich life in the "Lord God Space"!

Ji Yunzhou bought the most luxurious brand of furniture without hesitation, and then watched his wife Oyue Xiong decorate the entire villa very virtuously and skillfully, as if she was not tired at all, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

If he hadn't known that this was in a game, he would have suspected that he was daydreaming. After all, how could an ordinary working-class person like him live in such a mansion one day?

Wait, Ji Yunzhou was suddenly curious about a question, that is, how much does the most expensive mansion in the game cost?

When he just bought a house, he just chose to let the game mall, that is, the "big light ball" in the "Lord God Space", arrange for him a house with a price of less than 3,000 yuan. He did not even take a look at the more expensive ones. Where is the house...

It didn't matter if Ji Yunzhou didn't check, but when he checked, he was shocked. It turned out that this game mall not only sells houses, but also sells any building that exists in reality!

He actually saw those wonders of the world!

For example, the Great Pyramid, the ancient city of Petra, the Forbidden City...

Ji Yunzhou was completely shocked!

He suspected that he was playing a fake "Martial Arts World". Was he playing the "Civilization" series of games? Ding, the ancient city of Petra has been built in a distant place?

But when he saw the prices of these wonders of the world, he couldn't help laughing. How many zeros were there behind them? Ten billion yuan? No, it’s 100 billion!

Ji Yunzhou understood in an instant that the game officials were just teasing the players. They deliberately placed these wonders of the world in the mall so that the players could have an eye-opening experience. How could any player spend 100 billion? Buy the wonders of the world in your own "main god space"?

Ji Yunzhou shook his head and couldn't help but check the cheapest building in the mall. Then he discovered that it was not a building at all, but basic building materials. Players could buy them at low prices and then give full play to their abilities. Use your imagination to build your own "Lord God" space!

These basic building materials are obviously not those in reality. Otherwise, the only ones who can build the "Lord God Space" are probably professionals.

No matter how slow Ji Yunzhou is at this moment, he still thinks of which game the new construction function of this game is based on. There is no doubt that it is "Minecraft"...

The fifth update today! ! !

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