What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 176 The impact on the real world

In addition to praising the new gameplay of "My Lord God Space", of course there are also players who like the online mode.

"The online mode that I have been waiting for for a long time is finally out. From now on, you can explore the world with your friends!"

"It's great. My technology farming stream is finally useful. Even if there are only five people at most, it's still better than just one person farming and climbing technology trees!" The player who has always insisted on following the technology farming stream [ One Hundred and Ninety Seven Yu] extremely supports the cooperative mode in the online mode.

"The invasion gameplay is also very interesting. When I think of other players on the opposite side, it feels more fun to fight!"

"The guy upstairs was actually tortured so hard by the NPC in the game that he couldn't help himself, right?"

"All in all, this official update is really great. It feels like it has suddenly raised the appeal of "Martial Arts World" to a whole new level!"

"I still continue to hope that the official can directly release large-scale online games. I feel that even if there is a stand-alone game with online mode, it is still not as good as online games..."

Li Shushan is quite pleased to see players affirming the "online mode" and continuing to look forward to online games.

Of course there will be online games, but they will definitely not be online games in this spiritual world, but real "travel to another world" online games that combine Olivia's magic network with Su Wuming's heavenly and creator abilities. , you can project the consciousness of Earth players into her world.

As for the game panel system, of course you can refer to Yu Shengfan's. The "Tower of Planes" she played can be said to be a perfectly crafted game.

Therefore, if Li Shushan wants to develop a large-scale online game next and allow all players to help Su Wuming advance in the world, he will need to combine the abilities of Olivia, Su Wuming, and Yu Shengfan.

However, this super large-scale online game is still in the preparation stage, and Li Shushan's current magic power reserve is not enough to support tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players to travel through consciousness.

Therefore, "fertile land" like Japan still needs a lot of cultivation, and all "magic recovery" and "superpower recovery" must be arranged!

Li Shushan just watched the reactions in the forum of the "Martial Arts World" game, but he didn't know that the current real world has been impacted by the new gameplay of "My Lord God Space"!

The online mode of "Martial Arts World" only affects the original player group, but "My Lord God Space" affects more non-player groups!

Especially those companies and individuals who have seen huge business opportunities, such as the [Perfect Home] company that was recruiting in the forum before.

Its reality in reality is actually a real estate company in a third-tier city that is on the verge of bankruptcy. I don’t know if the boss of this company is a loyal player of "Martial Arts World".

After he saw that some players who did not understand housing design at all uploaded the houses they built to the trading platform, they became popular inexplicably, and then used extremely low costs to make hundreds or even a thousand times of profits, he was really So jealous!

It is said that if capital has a 50% profit, it will take desperate risks; if it has a 100% profit, it will dare to trample all laws in the world; if it has a 300% profit, it will dare to sell and hang itself. Noose, this is obviously not a lie!

Therefore, this real estate boss, even if his company was on the verge of bankruptcy, he resolutely established a design department and sales department specifically responsible for the "Lord God Space" and named it "Perfect House". In addition to letting his own headquarters Designers quickly entered the game to learn about the versatile building materials in the game. Of course, they are also actively recruiting more imaginative players.

This boss is obviously quite far-sighted. Most of the houses built by players in "My Lord God Space" are still based on real houses, but as time goes by, players will definitely no longer be satisfied with reality. Instead of living in a house in a fantasy style concept house!

Anyway, the price of the house in the game makes it from a just-need luxury item that requires the whole family to discuss and consumes six wallets to buy it in real life, into an ordinary consumer product, which obviously allows players to change their homes at will. live.

So in such a situation, the most important thing for a virtual real estate company in a game like [Perfect House] is to keep the architectural design updated at all times, so that players have more choices, otherwise players will definitely Dump this company soon...

In a sense, a big player full of brains and imagination may create a work that is more popular than a work created by a design team.

Just because the architectural design in the game really does not require any rigorous mechanism, some buildings that are designed to seem completely inconsistent with architectural principles can be optimized. This allows players who only have imagination. Now you can show off your skills.

For example, building with universal building materials in the game is actually like using a brush to draw on paper in the real world. Even people who can’t draw can still draw a simple drawing of a house...

In the game, even those who don’t understand architecture can use the properties of universal building materials to build a simple house.

It’s just that many people have not tried this function and tried it with their own imagination. They are afraid of losing a few or more than ten yuan. They would rather spend the money to buy it in the game mall. After all, it is better to buy it than to make it. Even I am still unwilling to buy the works of other players on the trading platform for fear that the quality of their works is not good. It is more secure to buy a house in the game mall...

Really smart players either build by themselves or go to the trading platform Taobao, and they may be able to find cheap and very creative buildings, not just residences, but also other decorations, which can make their "lord god" "Space" becomes more colorful.

Nowadays, there are more and more virtual world real estate companies like [Perfect Home], because they are very optimistic about this rising industry!

At the same time, as time goes by, many people suddenly discover a very strange phenomenon, that is, there seem to be more and more "tramps" sleeping on the streets, but judging from their appearance, they are clearly not tramps. But a very ordinary company employee.

This undoubtedly attracted the attention of many media, and the media sent reporters one after another to interview these "tramps" happily sleeping on the streets...

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [MrClever] for the 2000 reward and [Star Dream Language] for the 100 reward~~~

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