Peng Aiting is a senior reporter from the "Huangjiang Evening News". She received a task assigned by her superiors, saying that she was asked to interview a group of "tramps" who behaved strangely.

In the minds of many people, homeless people should look slovenly. They may carry a snakeskin bag on their backs and make a living by picking up garbage. If they live, of course they live under bridges or something.

However, the "tramps" that Peng Aiting is about to interview now are the kind who just grab a sleeping bag or tent and sleep in the park. What's even more strange is that more and more such "tramps" are gathering together...

They all seemed to be single men, and most of them had serious jobs. In addition to sleeping in the park at night, they actually got up on time to go to work in the morning.

It is worth mentioning that the park's geographical location and public transportation are very developed. Whether you take the subway, bus, or ride a shared bicycle, it is very convenient.

Obviously this is the reason why this group of single young people chose to spend the night here.

Peng Aiting deliberately chose to wait for their arrival in the well-known park in this super first-tier metropolis in the evening when she got off work.

She didn't wait long, but she actually saw a group of backpackers "tramps" arriving at the place where they often gathered. They were talking to each other happily and in a very high spirit. No one would have thought that they had already arrived. Got used to spending the night at this place...

Based on her many years of experience as a reporter, Peng Aiting found that these young men did not look like "tramps" at all. Instead, they looked like college students who had not worked long hours after entering society. After graduating from college, they chose to work here. Come and explore the super first-tier metropolises in the South.

Peng Aiting did not rush up to interview them, but listened to their conversation for a while——

"When are we going to start today? Let the brothers help me with the main mission, especially the Yuanxin boss. We need your layout! After that, we will form a team to invade and play five-on-five. I'm sure Very enjoyable!”

"Let's order takeout first. You can order something more luxurious. Since I don't have to pay rent anymore, I suddenly feel that real life is not so depressing..."

"Nonsense, this is a super first-tier metropolis. Originally, our salary was considered high enough in those small 18th-tier counties. It's a pity that the rent is paid, plus the monthly food money, and daily living expenses. As for expenses, there is basically not much left, and I don’t even dare to talk to my girlfriend! Of course, I feel that my money is very tight, and my life is naturally depressed. "

"It feels like when we come to such a super first-tier metropolis, we are all working for those landlords, so that my dream is to have thirty-one houses, and my daily job is to collect rent. It feels good to think about it..."

"Haha, no one knows that life is inherently unequal. Those lucky people who were born in the city had a few houses in their early years, and then they became rich instantly when they were demolished. Then they used the money to buy houses, tsk tsk, You can enjoy it for the rest of your life.”

"Hahahahahaha, fortunately, the 'Lord God Space' has appeared now. I live in a mansion worth 50 million in real life in the game, and I have a considerate maid to serve me at all times. Even if I only use a sleeping bag to live in a park in reality, What can I do? The psychological gap is a little bigger when I wake up, but before going to bed, I feel good!"

"That's right, you all don't know that when I was about to pay the rent for my house, the landlord urged me to pay the rent. He told me to get out if I didn't have the money, saying that his house was in short supply! As a result, I I really don’t want to rent anymore! The boss changed his face in an instant, which really made me laugh! Thanks to Future Stunt Studio, I will never work for the landlord again!”

When Peng Aiting first heard the conversation of this group of single young people, she thought they were just talking about games. But the more she heard what they talked about later, why did it become more and more mysterious?

It’s no wonder that Peng Aiting is ignorant. She is already a middle-aged person in her forties. She doesn’t like to surf the Internet very much. She doesn’t even play Weibo. Instead, she can play in WeChat Moments, so she doesn’t know "Martial Arts World" This game, and its newly launched features, are also understandable.

"Huangjiang Evening News" is not a new media, but a more traditional paper media. Its readership is also those who are older. In order to make its sales better, of course "Huangjiang Evening News" likes Report some content that this age group loves to watch.

This time, the strange phenomenon of many single young people gathering to sleep in the park was caused by a group of older women who came to the park to dance square dances at night. They did not fully understand the performance art of these young people.

Peng Aiting finally chose to take the initiative. She set her target on the young man who was surrounded in the center. He wore thick glasses, was short and thin, and clearly looked like an otaku with no merits at all, but he was... The other young people admired him very much.

"Hello, my friend, I am a reporter from the Huangjiang Evening News. My name is Peng Aiting. I just want to interview you this time. I wonder if it is convenient for you to accept my interview?" Peng Aiting said very skillfully, everything about her His words and deeds all showed the demeanor of a senior reporter.

The otaku who was surrounded by the center adjusted his glasses. If it were him before, he might have felt very restricted and not good at communicating with others. But since playing "Martial Arts World", he feels that his life has changed. Completely changed.

His name is "Liu Yuanxin". In his "Master God Space", he was originally slightly autistic and afraid of social interaction, but he was cured by the maid he spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy. Then he appeared in "Martial Arts World" , there are still a very small number of players who are particularly good at layout and operation. They can often complete the tasks in the game by waving their feather fans and using their own sure-kill situations.

And now, after the online mode of "Martial Arts World" is launched, players like him who have command and layout talents are like a duck in water, because he is a perfect match with those players who are reckless without saying a word!

Often after having Liu Yuanxin, the difficulty of the entire game seems to have become easier.

Although Liu Yuanxin died less in the game, his mental contribution was actually no less than that of other players, because his brain worked too hard. This kind of "smart" player is also the boss behind the scenes, Li Shushan What she wants to see, whether it is thinking or death, is convenient for Alice to harvest spiritual power.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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