What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 178 Messy in the Wind [Updated after 1300 orders]

Liu Yuanxin smiled faintly at the reporter named Peng Aiting, and seemed to exude the aura of a superior. He said casually: "Yes, I will cooperate with your interview."

Peng Aiting was a little surprised, because she had never thought that an otaku who looked so ordinary could have such a calm and effortless temperament.

She couldn't help but think about it at this time, wondering if the other party was deliberately keeping a low profile. Otherwise, there would be no way to explain that a person like him, who looked ordinary in appearance, was the central figure of this group of single young people.

She held back her surprise and asked two or three simple questions to warm up the situation, such as how old the person was, what his name was (if it was published in the newspaper, he would use a pseudonym), where he was from, what he did for a living...

Liu Yuanxin was not timid at all, but seemed particularly calm. He said that he was twenty-five years old this year. His hometown was in the north, but he went to university in this super first-tier city and worked as a code farmer at the bottom.

He gives the impression that he doesn't care about what his job is like in reality, and he doesn't look forward to the future in reality. He seems to be a complete outsider, and the whole person seems particularly aloof.

Peng Aiting finally asked her the real question this time: "Excuse me, why are you spending the night here?"

Liu Yuanxin laughed at himself and said calmly: "Of course it is for living. We are very poor and cannot afford to rent the house we want to live in."

For the first time, Peng Aiting discovered that there are such people in the world who are so poor. She couldn't help but continue to ask: "Then what kind of house do you want to live in?"

The smile on Liu Yuanxin's face seemed to become funny. He said: "I want to live in a house that I built myself. If it can become a wonder of the world, that is the best. I will not sell it for 100 billion." Yes, but if you sell it for one million and limit the number of purchases, it will definitely be snapped up by people, right?"

Peng Aiting was confused by Liu Yuanxin's answer. She felt that she understood everything the other party said, but she just didn't understand what he meant. Could this be the legendary generation gap?

At this time, Liu Yuanxin said to the young people around him: "You can also answer this reporter's question, so as to prove what I just said, that is, we cannot afford to rent the house we want to live in."

Now everyone couldn’t help but speak freely——

"My requirements are not high. I just want to live in a high-end apartment. The reference in reality is Tomson First Grade."

"Of course I want to live in a European-style villa with a huge area, but it's a pity that I really can't afford to rent it in this city!"

"Now I have to live in a hotel with a swimming pool. Maybe in reality, I have to live in a five-star hotel every day. Hey, I really can't afford it!"

"I feel that my requirements are the least demanding. I just want to live in a house with a maid. Even if the house is smaller, I can accept it..."

When Peng Aiting, a senior reporter, heard the thoughts of these single young people, she couldn't help but be confused. What is wrong with today's young people?

Why can they think so beautifully even though they obviously don't look like rich people? Why can't they be more down-to-earth?

As an old-school reporter, Peng Aiting did not hold back her desire to preach. She told Liu Yuanxin her thoughts just now, thinking that Liu Yuanxin and the others were not down-to-earth enough and too ambitious.

In the end, Liu Yuanxin still said in a nonchalant manner: "We work down to earth every day. In addition to sending home the money we earn to honor our parents, we have saved the rest. If we have nothing to do, we will buy a new house to improve the quality of our living. This is very It is good for our physical and mental health. When we wake up the next day, we can definitely devote ourselves to work with a full-spirited attitude!"

Peng Aiting was shocked by Liu Yuanxin's remark of "Buy a new house if you have nothing to do". Buying a new house in this super first-tier city costs nearly 100,000 yuan per square meter?

At this time, she already had some doubts about whether there was something wrong with the spirit of these single young people. Otherwise, why would they be full of unrealistic fantasies and then use this park as a place to spend the night...

Another young man named "Zheng Chong'an" seemed to be unable to stand Liu Yuanxin teasing this serious middle-aged female reporter any longer.

He just thought that this was a good opportunity to promote the game "My Lord God Space". In his opinion, this game was already so popular. As a result, China was all over the place in both traditional media and online media. It's calm, this is too much!

Such a good game, why can't more people know about it?

Anyway, the technology of "Future Technology Studio" is so outstanding that it is not afraid of harmony at all, so as long as more people know about this game and even the Magic Network platform, then this world and this country will definitely be able to Become better!

Of course, Zheng Zheng'an would not admit it. He actually hoped that those landlords who relied entirely on their houses would not be able to rent out their houses. He even believed that the landlords of this era were the landlords of the old era. Nowadays, as soon as everyone has money, they will It's about buying a house. How is this different from the landowners in the past who bought land as soon as they had money?

In the past, there were long-term and short-term workers farming for the landlords, but now there are all kinds of tenants, and all the money they earned through their own efforts was taken away by the landlords who enjoyed the gains.

Maybe someone wants to speak up for the landlord, saying that the house was originally bought by the landlord. Isn’t it natural to rent it out to make money?

Of course Zheng Zhongan knew that this was natural, but he just saw landlords who could live a good life relying on rent only for eating, drinking and having fun all day long. He hoped that their house would never be rented out. Anyway, living in the "Lord God Space" is the best place to live. comfortable……

"Journalist, let me tell you the truth. As for us, of course we are players of a game called "Martial Arts World", and we are all single. We also fell in love and own a house in the game. So we no longer want to waste money on renting a house in reality. Anyway, no matter where we spend the night, we can fall asleep sweetly after we get tired from playing the game. When we wake up the next day, we will be very energetic. So we thought, if that's the case, why don't we just live outside?"

Zheng Zhongan said in a sighing tone that he was the kind of person who originally felt that the pressure in reality was extremely high and life was extremely difficult, but now, he feels that the world is so beautiful and full of positive energy!

And reporter Peng Aiting was already messy in the wind...

The third update today! ! !

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