What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 184: A son-in-law should not be insulted [Additional update after 1700 orders]

The Amazon rainforest is located in the Amazon Plain of South America, covering an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers.

The rainforest spans 9 countries: Brazil (accounting for 60% of the forest area), Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and France (French Guiana), accounting for half of the world's rainforest area and 10% of the global forest area. 20%, it is the world's largest tropical rainforest with the most species.

The Amazon rainforest is known as the "lungs of the earth" and the "green heart".

Li Shushan set his sights on this place simply because of one of the props in Yu Shengfan's inventory - the Ancient Elf Tree Seed.

Originally, Li Shushan wanted to go to Venus to raise demons, but unfortunately, the current magic power reserve is not enough for Olivia to open the space door to Venus, but it is enough to open a space door anywhere on the earth. .

So Li Shushan decided to plant this ancient elf tree in the Amazon rainforest.

This ancient elf tree seed is a mission reward that Yu Shengfan received after helping the elves successfully fight against the Scourge in certain floors of the "Tower of Planes". Basically, this means that wherever it is planted, it will be harvested. A kingdom of elves can be developed.

After all, the ancient elven trees can breed elves, and then the elves can collect resources for the ancient elven trees, and even transform themselves into various elven buildings.

Well, basically players who have played "Warcraft 3" should all understand the significance of the existence of the ancient elf tree. It is like a red alert, which means that there is a base and you can start farming.

And Yu Shengfan's ancient elf tree seed can breed not night elves, but elves who all have beautiful appearance, precise archery skills, and artistic accomplishments. Their fighting power is not weak at all. In various fantasy novels, they often appear as "slaves".

If the seeds of the ancient elf tree were allowed to grow naturally, it would take thousands of years to give birth to an elf. Then the moon well would have to wait until it was built.

This is obviously very inconsistent with Li Shushan's plan to expand "fertile farmland". In his plan, it is best to build moon wells throughout South America. In this case, the magic power produced by this "fertile farmland" will be far greater than that of Japan. That piece of "fertile land".

There is no way, the land in Japan is too small, but South America is different, this is a whole continent.

Of course, when trouble occurs on this land, the most powerful country in the world, the Star-Spangled Kingdom of America, will definitely not sit idly by.

But when it comes to catechism, you will be shocked to find that perhaps this South America should no longer be called "South America", let's call it "Elf Continent"...

When an elven empire with magical technology appears in this world, what kind of excitement can it bring to this world?

All of this obviously comes from the ancient elf tree planted by Li Shushan at this moment. He can control the future elf empire by controlling the ancient elf tree.

But now, he needs a human consciousness to actively promote the growth of the ancient elf tree. It is best to customize a system for him to let him know what to do to make the ancient elf tree grow faster.

Well, Li Shushan must admit that he first came up with the idea of ​​letting him "transform" into an ancient elf tree after discovering the "lonely ghost" Yu Dongsheng in the game.

Li Shushan also saw what happened to Yu Dongsheng. It can be said that it was really tragic. His parents died young and he was raised by his grandmother since he was a child. His family was poor, but his academic performance was very good and he was admitted to the two best universities in China. Capital University, one of the universities.

Although his background is not good, his handsome appearance and extraordinary talents still make him very popular with girls. This is also the reason why he can become a son-in-law of a big family.

However, although he is a son-in-law, he has never felt inferior because of his status. Instead, he has worked harder. Now he can become the leader of a large state-owned forestry enterprise, which shows his ability. Of course, it is undeniable that he is among them. My wife’s natal family’s help.

But what he didn't expect was that no matter how hard he tried, his wife looked down on him in her bones...

However, he only learned about this bloody fact after Yu Dongsheng's "death".

This made Yu Dongsheng feel deep hatred. If he could do it over again, he would never choose to be a son-in-law again!

He must take revenge on his wife Qian Jiangyao and the entire Qian family. He vowed that if God could give him a chance to counterattack, he would one day complete the revenge and let everyone know that a son-in-law should not be insulted. !

The god Yu Dongsheng prays to is probably the official "Future Technology Studio" of the game. To be more precise, it should be Li Shushan.

Li Shushan felt the burning anger in Yu Dongsheng's soul, and of course the other party's desire for counterattack. He felt that the other party's "brother-in-law" status seemed to be born with a "buff", just on his face The word "protagonist" is written on it.

Li Shushan is very good at letting others be the protagonists, and he watches their performances behind the scenes. However, it seems that the protagonists he has created before are all women. In the real world, the only one who has the style of a protagonist is probably the "Tan Keying" .

However, Li Shushan then thought about it and realized that this person in Dongsheng could actually be considered a woman now. After all, the body of the middle-aged uncle "she" in reality was cremated, and the body she pinched in "Martial Arts World" was A perfect girl!

After all, strictly speaking, the soul has no gender, so to judge whether a person is male or female, you only need to look at his body.

The only body Yu Dongsheng has now is undoubtedly the account "she" created in the game, so "she" is a girl.

And the next "body" "she" has in reality will be the ancient elf tree planted by Li Shushan. Then the question arises, is this ancient elf tree male or female?

The answer is obvious, of course it is a female. Otherwise, how can we give birth to an elf?

To sum up, as a son-in-law, Yu Dongsheng was unfortunately humiliated and suffered a car accident, but after he turned into a female and met Li Shushan, the protagonist's halo came!

"She" has transformed and become stronger!

Li Shushan looked at the sapling in front of him, smiled slightly, and injected into the sapling the consciousness of Yu Dongsheng, who was about to run out of mental energy and was about to "lost his soul" in the "main god space".

She has a new name - Luna Shadowsong.

The fourth update today! ! !

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