What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 185 A tree with Internet access [Additional update after 1800 orders]

"What is it like to be reincarnated as a tree?"

If this question appears on Zhihu and becomes a popular question, it is estimated that there will be many thoughtful replies. After all, the big guys on Zhihu are extremely knowledgeable. What does it mean to be reborn as a tree? Does it produce maggots?

However, no matter how the Zhihu bosses answer, it is impossible for them to have experienced this kind of thing personally. Besides, after being reborn as a tree, there is no way to answer this question online...

But now, there is such a person in this world. To be precise, it should be a tree.

She can describe her feelings after becoming a tree, and can also go online to answer this question, because her consciousness can still return to the "main god space", and then of course she can access the magic network.

She is Luna Shadowsong, the name of an ancient elf tree. She is currently only at the level of the "Tree of Life", and will be upgraded to the "Tree of Ancient Times" in the future, which will probably occupy the entire South America.

She can eventually become the "Tree of Eternity". By then, her trunk should be able to grow into space, and the entire earth will be able to wrap around her roots.

As long as she fantasizes about such a future, she can relieve the depression that almost caused her to lose her soul.

Originally, she had successfully survived for many days in the "Martial Arts World" game, and she thought that human consciousness could really live forever in this game world...

But what she didn't know was that if Li Shushan hadn't specifically said hello to Alice, she probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long. After all, there are two different concepts between someone harvesting spiritual power and someone not harvesting it.

But even if no one harvests it, the mental power of the conscious body will still be consumed automatically, just like human beings in reality need to eat and drink water to maintain consumption.

In the game world, there is nothing to replenish the mental power of the players, unless they use magic power. However, how can Li Shushan, an iron rooster who never pulls out his hair, waste magic power on the players?

He would rather consume magic power to optimize those high-level familiars that are completely loyal to him than waste magic power on players.

Anyway, players all have the body as a carrier to nourish their souls, and the consumed mental power will be quickly recovered through deep sleep. Therefore, it is certainly more cost-effective to let the players recover their mental power by themselves than to spend magic power on them. .

Of course, Luna, who lost her human body, could not return to reality, use her body to warm her soul, so her consciousness became weaker and weaker, and she became more and more desperate...

This feeling was probably like someone who was about to drown. The deeper she sank, the more she felt like she couldn't breathe at all?

And in her "Lord God Space", except for her maid, no one was by her side to accompany her.

Her maid is undoubtedly a highly intelligent artificial person, but this artificial person does not feel the fear of death. Even if Luna disappears, she will cease to exist...

Perhaps these artificial humans have no concept of death at all, just because the players are immortal beings!

When Luna was dying, just like she had taken a gamble when she was in a car accident, she chose to take another gamble, that is, to use her last bit of clear consciousness to choose to quit the game!

She thought that even if she died, she would die in the real world. At least, this was the world she was born in.

As for this game world, it might just be some high-dimensional life, using this method to play tricks on low-dimensional life like them, right?

But what she never expected was that just when she thought she was definitely hopeless, a miracle happened!

Her consciousness seemed to have returned to an extremely warm body. This body seemed to have extremely strong resistance. It was not at all comparable to the human body she once had...

She felt like she was back in a very safe mother's body, and nothing could hurt her anymore. Even if another speeding car hit her, that car would probably be the unlucky one.

Her conscious body recovered a lot of mental power after only a short while. This speed was not comparable to the original human body.

She began to "open her eyes" as she once did when she was still a human being, but she soon discovered that she had no eyes to open at all, but she could actually let her consciousness out and let her consciousness replace her eyes!

Once, as a human, she could only use two eyes to see ahead, but now, she can use her consciousness to "see" in all directions!

Then, she "saw" a girl, who was wearing a sky-blue magic robe and holding a gemstone cane in her hand. She had extremely beautiful ice-colored hair, and her amber-gold eyes seemed to be full of tenderness.

For some reason, Luna felt that this girl should not show a gentle expression. She should be aloof and inhumane, as if she were a real god, overlooking all living beings.

But at this time, a very friendly smile appeared on her face, and she said: "When I come to see you next time, I hope you have grown into a towering tree, and I will finally give you a gift."

After she finished speaking, she just pointed lightly with the gemstone cane in her hand, and Luna felt her spirit trembled, and a voice from deep within her consciousness seemed to sound -

"The elf ancient tree growth system has been successfully bound! The novice gift package has arrived. Do you want to open it?"

Before Luna had time to respond to the system in her consciousness, she saw another scene that shocked her!

I saw that very gentle and friendly girl opening a door to space very easily. After stepping in, she disappeared into the endless void.

Luna understood in an instant that the person who might have saved her was this young mage who could open the door to space at will. Her true magical strength might have been comparable to that of a god!

As an ancient elf tree, as long as I continue to grow, I will definitely be able to meet the girl again!

"Open the novice gift package..." Luna used her consciousness and said to the "Elven Ancient Tree Growth System" that she had bound.

"Gift package for newbies: the Magic Network platform app. After opening it, you can enter the platform's games and the main god space at any time. You can also use the app to connect to the Internet, query any information, and ask for help from netizens..."

Luna was shocked when she saw the gift package for newbies. She could turn into a tree and surf the Internet. Is it so exciting?

It turns out that "Future Technology Studio" should be called "Magical Magic Studio"!

That girl mage is the mastermind behind all this!

"System, open my properties panel!" Luna ordered lightly.

The fifth update today! ! !

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