What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 186 The Seed of “Revival of Spiritual Energy”

Following the command of the ancient elf tree Luna to the system, she felt a translucent light screen that could only be seen by her appeared in front of her "eyes", which displayed all her information——

Name: Luna.Shadowsong

Race: Elf Ancient Tree (mutated state, the only Elf Ancient Tree with human consciousness in all the worlds)

Rank: First level (Tree of Life [Infancy])

Evolution points: 0 (A large number of evolution points can be obtained by completing tasks issued by the system. Special photosynthesis through sunlight can also be obtained, but the speed is slower. Evolution points can be used to advance and accelerate growth)

After Luna saw this simple system panel, she knew that it existed and was supposed to assist her in her rapid growth, so in fact the information about her on it was not comprehensive.

For example, Luna's current "Eye of Consciousness" ability is completely comparable to the Byakugan in Naruto. She can even see the flow of magic power inside her body. As long as her mental body is stronger, her "consciousness" The range that the "eye" can detect will definitely be wider.

In addition to the "Eye of Consciousness", Luna also discovered that although she was a tree, she could stand up and walk around. Of course, she was still in her infancy, and she definitely couldn't commit suicide like this. That would be wasting all the energy in her body. magic.

Of course, her branches can also be turned into human hands and used. She can be regarded as a tree person instead of a simple tree.

But under normal circumstances, she found that her new body still preferred to be rooted in the soil. This was probably like how she liked to soak her feet in the winter when she was still a human. To her, the land was a warmth. of harbor.

Luna quickly saw that her novice task was basically not difficult at all. It was to use her human consciousness to speed up the special photosynthesis of the spiritual ancient tree, and then naturally speed up her own growth.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that other trees release oxygen through photosynthesis, but what they release is not just oxygen. It can be called aura, or gas containing magical elements, which is also the basis for the birth of elves. environment.

Animals on the earth, if they live in such an environment for a long time, will definitely be able to mutate and evolve. Perhaps creatures that have been extinct in history will be revived again because of her appearance. Not only that, maybe Those mutated and evolved earth animals will also have special abilities. It may be more appropriate to call them "warcraft".

Therefore, planting an ancient elf tree in the Amazon rainforest means that a "spiritual revival" will begin here. However, the first thing to evolve and mutate must be the large number of animals and plants in the rainforest.

After all, the place where she was planted was deep in the tropical rain forest, completely inaccessible.

Luna warmed her soul through the body of the ancient elf tree, and then completed her growth tasks step by step.

There is no doubt that she is very motivated for her own growth, because she has never forgotten the hatred in her heart. Even if she has become a female now, of course she holds more grudges, also because she does not want to disappoint the girl who saved her, If it hadn't been for that girl, she might have died by now.

After she felt that her mental power was completely restored, she used the function of the novice gift package given by the binding system, which allowed her to continue to log in to the Magic Network and even enter the "Martial Arts World" game.

She thought about it, and sure enough, she saw the Magic Network platform interface appearing on the translucent system interface that only she could see. She could directly click on the game icon above to enter the game, or browse the game's official website and forum.

In addition, she can also use this system interface to access the Internet on Earth to check the information, news, etc. she wants to obtain.

To be honest, such a gift package for novices couldn't be more satisfying to her. When she was a human, apart from work, she spent almost all her time on the game "Martial Arts World". In fact, he is not that addicted to this game. He just feels that the "main god space" in the game can keep him away from the distractions in reality...

Now, she has become an ancient elf tree deep in the Amazon rainforest in South America. Instead, she feels that it gives her a greater sense of expectation than the original purely virtual game world.

After all, the virtual game world will only affect reality in an indirect way, but now as an ancient elf tree in the real world, as long as it grows up smoothly, it will definitely affect reality directly!

She couldn't help but check the official forum of the game again, and naturally found that the request for help she originally posted had long been buried, and the subsequent replies were all in silence for him...

She knew that as long as she replied to the post now, the popularity of this post would explode again. Countless curious players would want to know what she had experienced, why her body had died but her soul had not dissipated. Could it be that she Found a way to keep your soul alive in the game?

If that's the case, wouldn't this game become an artificial paradise?

Even if the body dies in reality, as long as the soul enters the game before death, wouldn't it mean immortality?

It's a pity that these players don't know that her experience is even more legendary than they imagined. Although she doesn't have a human body, she does have the body of an ancient elf tree. The most important thing is that she is not the same as... Isolated from the world, but still able to access the Internet!

Luna did not reply anything in the official forum. She even changed her forum ID directly to her current name - [Luna. Shadow Song].

She began to visit the novel section of the forum that she rarely visited before. She could look for Internet writers who were good at writing "alien beasts" and let them use their imagination to write a story about a human being turned into a tree spirit...

Perhaps the ideas of these writers were also helpful to her growth?

Next, she played the game again. Before, she thought she would die, so she deleted all her game friends, including [Ji Mobai] who was very enthusiastic to help her, but the other party also got the rewards he deserved. That’s it.

But now she feels that this is a good idea. Let everyone think that she is dead. When she shocks the world, no one will think that she was just a humiliated son-in-law...

She only entered the game briefly, then chose to exit, and then she returned to the ancient elf tree. At this moment, two uninvited guests suddenly stepped into the detection range of her "Eye of Consciousness"!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 tip~~~

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