What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 188 Growth Period [400 Monthly Tickets for Additional Updates]

However, although Luna's body is that of an ancient elf tree, her consciousness is definitely that of a human being.

Even the "newbie gift package" given to her by Li Shushan seemed to be a gift to her, allowing her to surf the Internet even if she became a tree. In fact, Li Shushan's calculation was too deep. If Luna could not surf the Internet, she might lose her ability over time. As time goes by, she will slowly be assimilated into her ancient elf tree body, which is not what Li Shushan wants to see.

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage.

Human beings have always liked to grow by plundering other creatures. When humans truly stand at the top of the food chain, other animals will either become food in human mouths, become materials for humans to make clothes, or become humans' pets... …

Therefore, as long as Luna's human nature remains, after she discovers that she can gain evolutionary points by hunting other creatures, she will definitely not do nothing and just bask in the sun like a Buddha.

After she felt that the towering trees around her were in the way, she stretched out her branches straight into the trunks of other giant trees as if hunting a caiman!

Sure enough, she heard the unchanging voice of the system, asking her whether to devour the towering trees around her and directly transform them into her evolutionary points...

Luna has no consciousness at all that being an "elf ancient tree" actually harms other trees. After all, the primitive accumulation of capital is always cruel. In the future, the forest will be protected by the elves she gave birth to. As for now, let's start with It would be the evolution point she needs.

In addition to swallowing the towering tree, of course she also gained an innate characteristic, which is actually "photosynthesis". Of course, it can also be given to young anacondas, which means that in the future, the young anacondas basking in the sun will be equivalent to eating...

In this case, it does not need to hunt in those dangerous places, and if Luna wants to, she can indeed control the actions of the young anaconda, probably as if the young anaconda becomes her selectable unit in a game. , she can control it to move around and even attack other units.

The young anaconda seemed to have completely worshiped her as the god of the forest. After all, the god of the forest could transform its body at will.

As a player, Luna has regarded accelerating the growth of ancient elven trees as a hunting game. She would hunt the creatures in the tropical rainforest that she had never hunted before to see what talents she could "explode". , and then used it to transform the baby anaconda. She completely regarded this devout believer as her experimental creature.

When the young anaconda finally grew bird wings, she gave it a name - feathered serpent!

The feathered serpent is no longer the original young anaconda. It has become a snake that can fly. It has been perching on the "elven ancient tree" and absorbing the "spiritual energy" released by the ancient tree every day. Maybe one day, It will be the first magical creature on earth!

In addition to the feathered snake, Luna acquired another controllable creature as she grew up, the Amazon giant bird-eating spider, which is known as the largest spider in the world. Its length can reach up to 30 centimeters!

Again, if Luna were a human, if she encountered this 30cm spider, she would definitely hide as far away as possible, and she would feel uncomfortable just by looking at its appearance! It is a spider with eight eyes, so it is also known as the "Eight-Eyed Spider King".

However, Luna is not a human now, just an ancient elf tree. The main reason is that she thinks that spiders are quite powerful creatures. If she cultivates a super giant spider that is at least three meters long, she will probably be able to let people see it. Are humans scared to death?

She would never admit that her plan to train spiders as her own scouts to open the map was influenced by an old game called "Red Alert". Didn't the scary robots in it look like spiders?

However, after she gained another controllable creature, she couldn't help but start to modify the spider, giving it various talents and characteristics, and finally gave it a name - Rose.

Rose will become Luna's Spider Queen and will develop underground in the future. Luna feels that Spider Queen Rose's future may also surprise her.

Whether it's the feathered snake or Rose, they are both pets that Luna has carefully cultivated. I don't know why she found people who kept snakes and spiders unacceptable to her in the first place.

Obviously she is very happy now...

In addition to the Quetzalcoatl and Spider Queen Rose, as Luna grew taller and taller, and her trunk became longer and thicker, she transformed more and more "aura". Countless creatures in the rainforest seemed to be affected by it. Attracted by the "feng shui treasure land" formed by her presence.

This "feng shui treasure land" has turned out to be a "fighting ground" for countless rainforest creatures. Except for the feathered snake and Spider Queen Rose, who can survive here stably, other creatures may have just been snatched today. An area would be robbed tomorrow, and then he would be buried here.

The appearance of the ancient elf tree Luna seems to have inspired the evolutionary instincts of the creatures in the entire Amazon rainforest. They completely regard Luna as the "God of the Forest". In order to please the "God of the Forest", they are even willing to regularly offer sacrifices to her. Tribute, take the initiative to become a sacrifice for the evolution of the "Forest God"...

Of course Luna would not refuse the kneeling and licking behavior of these creatures. Anyway, these are free evolution points, why not?

Although it wouldn't take much effort for her to do it herself, but now, after all, she can be regarded as an ancient elf tree that has completed primitive accumulation, and is regarded as the "God of the Forest" by these rainforest creatures. Of course, she still has to pay attention to her eating habits...

And as her figure becomes larger and larger, of course she needs more and more evolutionary points. Now she has changed from the infancy stage of the Tree of Life to the growth stage, and to the next stage of growth. The stage is the maturity period, and after the maturity period, it is the complete body.

The complete Tree of Life can give birth to elves, which means that it has become a base in a similar game. The first "Tree of Life" will evolve into the second "Ancient Tree". Then it needs to be developed properly, and Luna is the kind of person who particularly likes to develop, um, predatory development.

The second "Ancient Tree" has to evolve into the third "Eternal Tree", which is almost the distance between a demigod and a god. Now she feels that she still thinks too far...

Just when Luna was happily "growing", what she didn't expect was that the huge noise she caused in the rainforest was finally discovered by humans!

The third update today! ! !

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