What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 189 Tracking [30,000 recommendation votes plus more updates]

The first person to discover the abnormality in this rainforest was a biologist named Harrison.

At this time, he, his wife, and the hired local guides and helpers were staggeringly tracking something in the rainforest, with a look of deep confusion on their faces.

He has actually been studying anacondas since 1992, and has been conducting field investigations in the rainforest.

Until then, almost nothing was known about this sensitive and dangerous creature.

In 1996, Harrison's wife, wildlife biologist Eurene, joined the hunt for the giant snake.

The couple captured and recorded nearly 800 anacondas and named most of them.

In their view, anacondas are born to be the overlords of this rainforest, and no creature can compete with them here.

What interests Harrison and Ou Ruini most is the reproduction of anacondas, so they must put radio transmitters into as many anacondas as they can find before the mating season arrives.

It may seem inhumane to force these giant snakes to swallow these radio devices, but they will only feel a little uncomfortable, after all, they can swallow smaller humans without any difficulty.

Harrison was passing through the satellite at this time, chasing an anaconda he named "Diya Song", not just Diya Song. He found that many anacondas seemed to be crawling in a certain direction like crazy. It seems that there is something extremely attractive to these anacondas in that place...

Harrison couldn't help but think of the female anaconda he named "Diya Song". He used it to study the giant snake like anaconda at close range.

He remembered that after Diyage swallowed the capybara, the warm sunlight accelerated Diyage's digestion process. Its whole body swelled, its body was filled with gas, and its entire body floated on the water.

Harrison closely monitored Diago's movements, waiting for it to regain its slim figure before arresting it.

After an anaconda has eaten a meal, it will stay still and wait for digestion.

Two weeks after Diyago digested the feast, the Harrisons' capture plan was put into action.

Fortunately, this time Diago was a little tired after a feast, and just wanted to escape rather than attack, so Harrison captured it without much trouble, while Ou Ruini put a sock on its head, and then killed it. Brought back to the place of residence.

For the Harrisons, they have long been accustomed to getting along with snakes. They numbered each snake they captured and drew the snake's tail pattern as the anaconda's fingerprint mark.

This job is much easier than fighting with snakes in the wilderness, but what is unbearable is the stench emitted by this behemoth.

Anacondas have sweat glands on their bodies that emit a smell equivalent to the stench of carrion that has been left for five days. At most times, there were dozens of giant snakes in the Harrisons' residence, which was really stinky.

Diago is more than 4 meters long. It is indeed a big snake, but it is definitely not the longest. No one knows exactly how long anacondas can grow.

After registering and placing the transmitter, Diago was released into the rainforest.

The Harrisons said goodbye to it for the time being, hoping it would reproduce successfully.

However, what the Harrisons did not expect was that when they accidentally used satellites to track the anacondas they had marked, they were shocked to find that they were all crawling in the same direction!

Such behavior is undoubtedly very inconsistent with the habits of a giant snake like the anaconda, not to mention that the anacondas they marked are not all in this rainforest...

So, without any hesitation, Harrison took his wife Eureni and the team he hired and set out to track down the traces of these anacondas.

It can only be said that human beings are extremely arrogant and very curious creatures. The Harrisons rely on their familiarity with this rainforest, coupled with the protection of modern technology, even if they encounter danger, they will definitely be able to survive it as soon as possible. Contact the rescue team immediately, and they will directly fly a helicopter to rescue you. Do you need to worry about any accidents?

This wave is really too stable, Harrison thought smugly.

And if he can figure out the secret behind this large-scale anaconda operation, maybe he can gain a reputation in the academic world. For scientists, fame means funding, and those companies with strong economic strength , is definitely more willing to invest research funds in more famous scientists. Even if the scientist himself has actually become a mascot, his laboratory is always full of talents.

As the group walked, the indigenous guide couldn't help but said: "If we go further, we will be in the depths of the real rain forest. Not only will we be completely lost, but we will also encounter more dangers." biology."

Harrison looked at his positioning system and found that everything was normal, so he said confidently: "Don't be afraid, the current technology is no longer what it was more than 20 years ago. In addition, besides you as a guide, we have There are eight capable and well-armed helpers! Louis, you will ensure our safety, right?"

The majestic man named "Louis" is obviously the leader of this mercenary team. In South America, a place where warlords fight, it is where all kinds of mercenaries are active.

This time, Louis thought he had received a very ordinary and low-risk commission, because this commission only required them to ensure the safety of the funder, who was also a biologist.

This kind of pure scholar basically has no enemies, so there is definitely no need to worry about being attacked by humans. Since there will be no human attacks, do you still need to worry about any security issues?

Lewis didn't think the animals in the rainforest could pose any threat to their well-equipped mercenary team.

Animals are just animals after all. They may have an advantage over humans due to their size and strength, but when faced with human weapons, are they the targets of slaughter?

I think back then, when humans didn’t have more advanced weapons, they could all become the “terrible erect apes” at the top of the food chain. Now that we all have automatic rifles in our hands, what else do we need to worry about?

So, team leader Lewis showed a reassuring smile, and he assured biologist Harrison: "Don't worry, Dr. Harrison, our team can definitely guarantee your safety, and we are absolutely worthy of every cent of your commission! "

Harrison nodded with satisfaction and said to the timid native guide: "Are you relieved? Keep going! Reality is not a movie, and there is absolutely no way such a thing like a python disaster will happen!"

The fourth update today! ! !

Thanks to [mollyaihuaan] for the 100 reward~~~

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