What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 190 Mist [Updated after 1900 orders]

The indigenous guide was confused by this insistent biologist and didn't know what to say, but when he saw the heavily armed mercenary team members around him, he couldn't help but feel less comforted.

But there was still a faint sense of crisis in his heart, and he always felt as if he had overlooked something important...

And Harrison's wife, Orienne, did not question her husband's decision at all. Instead, she kept holding a high-definition camera to film their trip. While filming her, she also introduced their progress to the camera.

This is how she often makes extra money. She cooperates with a paid commercial TV station in the Stars and Stripes of America. The other party will consider the quality of the videos she produces, buy the TV broadcast rights of the videos, and then broadcast them on a wild adventure program. Play.

At the same time, she will also upload videos to her YouTube account, but it may be because her videos are not interesting enough and do not have any explosive content. Naturally, the number of clicks is not very high and the videos are not very popular. fire.

"Hello viewers, the video I shot this time is about the strange behavior of anacondas in the rainforest. This is the first time that my husband and I have studied anacondas for so many years..."

Ou Ruini said to the camera in a serious and serious manner that every video of hers is actually in this style. This may be the reason why her videos are not popular. Who makes her pursue authenticity and rigor too much and ignore the fun? Woolen cloth?

As Harrison and his party went deeper into the rainforest, they felt that the surrounding environment seemed darker, and those towering trees unceremoniously occupied all the sunlight...

The indigenous guide finally seemed to remember something. He couldn't help but said again: "Dr. Harrison, don't you think the environment around us is too quiet? We didn't even encounter any rainforest creatures along the way!"

Dr. Harrison couldn't help but frowned. It seemed that things were not as simple as he thought. He originally thought that only anacondas showed such strange behavior, but he did not consider that other rainforest creatures seemed to have the same behavior. I was attracted to that place...

What exactly appeared in that place that almost all rainforest creatures couldn't stop?

Harrison was puzzled. He obviously realized that if he continued to move forward, he might encounter some unpredictable dangers, but his strong curiosity could not stop him at all.

After all, Harrison was still unwilling to choose to stop. At one moment, he even felt that he had become the hero seeking death in a Hollywood thriller. Just to satisfy his curiosity, he had to continue committing suicide without hesitation...

Harrison led his team to move forward, and not long after, they discovered another disturbing fact!

That is, I don't know when, fog actually started to appear in the rain forest, and the thickness of this fog also had a great impact on everyone's sight!

Louis, the captain of the mercenary team, quickly said to everyone: "Everyone gather together and don't get separated. Otherwise, if you get separated in such a thick fog, you may be lost forever!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a scream!

Before Lewis could even see anything clearly, he found that a heavily armed member of his team was dragged away by a completely invisible shadow!

The indigenous guide loudly said at this time: "It's an anaconda! A super big anaconda, it swallowed him in one bite. Oh my god, how could there be such a huge anaconda in this world? It seems to have mutated!"

Harrison wanted to refute this indigenous guide at this time, thinking that he was a complete nonsense. Anacondas that could swallow humans in one mouthful did exist, but the other party's movements were absolutely impossible to be so agile. The larger the creatures, the more powerful they were. At the same time, there is no doubt that agility will be sacrificed...

But before Harrison could refute his words, he saw two huge eyes glowing red in the thick fog ahead. Their eyes seemed to be as big as half a person!

Its head slowly emerged from the mist, and Harrison and his party finally saw the head of this existence that looked like a prehistoric monster!

That was a mutated anaconda spitting out letters!

There are no words that can describe Harrison's shock at this time. This is the largest anaconda he has ever seen in his life. If most of the anaconda's body was not still covered in thick fog, perhaps its hugeness would be even more shocking. Shocking!

"This is... Diago!" Ou Ruini couldn't help but say, and then she didn't know where she got the courage. She still didn't put down her high-definition camera in her hand, and frantically took pictures of this bird. She didn't know what kind of mutation had happened to make it appear. The anaconda that was originally just over 4 meters has turned into a super giant snake that is now at least 30 meters...

"It doesn't seem like it attacked us just now!" the indigenous guide continued.

"I know Dia Ge's temperament, but it's still relatively gentle..." Before Harrison could finish his words, he saw the mutated anaconda's two eyes that looked like huge lanterns, and with a flash of red light, it launched an attack. !

Its movements are also too fast. If compared with an ordinary snake, the human being attacked by it at this time is like a field mouse, with no time to dodge!

Another member of the mercenary team was swallowed by an extremely huge anaconda!

This process does not seem to be bloody at all, but for other people who are lucky to survive, the visual impact is too great. Their living companions are still around, but the next moment, they die in Shekou!

The aboriginal guide's mentality suddenly collapsed at this moment. He ran away wildly alone, chanting Quetzalcoatl's blessing...

However, what he met was not Quetzalcoatl, but he accidentally fell into a trap!

In a hurry to escape, he didn't run in the right direction at all. Instead, he went deeper and deeper into the "fog", so he fell headlong into the spider web. What he encountered was the mutated "Amazon Giant Tarantula", or it should be now It would be more appropriate to call it a "man-eating spider"...

Because the size of this spider was already as big as a human being. The more the poor indigenous guide struggled, the tighter the net became like a bug, and then he saw the terrifying giant spider covered with downy hair. Each of the eight eyes is like a human eye and emits red light!

At the end, the indigenous guide only saw the venom-secreting teeth of the giant spider. He knew that his fate would be the same as that of mosquitoes caught by ordinary spiders...

The fifth update today! ! !

Thanks to [Shokuji Kuangsan] and [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for their 100 tips~~~

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