The fog was undoubtedly created by the ancient elf tree Luna. Its existence could hide her true location very well.

Now, as an ancient elf tree in the growth stage, she feels that she still needs to develop. However, the "spiritual energy" she is releasing now has an increasingly wider range of influence, reaching a radius of 10 kilometers. This means that ordinary people It would take at least 2 hours to cross this area.

However, the existence of fog will make ordinary people completely lost in this area. Any electronic device that can confirm the direction cannot be used in the fog. This is the characteristic of fog.

Luna had to admit that the inspiration for creating the fog came from a movie called "The Fog". The "fog" in this movie was full of murderous intentions, and now the fog she created was also full of many murderous intentions. It is a creature that humans find completely incredible after seeing it.

For example, the mutant anaconda that was just shown in front of Harrison and his group, its size and aggressiveness have far exceeded that of ordinary anacondas. It can definitely be the protagonist in the movie "Anaconda", they are no longer They are wild animals at the mercy of humans, but magical creatures that are evolving!

The mutated anaconda is obviously just one of them. The "man-eating spider" that has already treated the poor indigenous guide as a mosquito has obviously become a creature that can cause great fear to humans who enter the fog!

"Oh my god, is this 'Misty Land' a forbidden land for humans? It's so terrifying!"

The Harrisons were undoubtedly desperate at this time, because they saw another scene that made them unbelievable!

It turns out that the captain of the mercenary team, Louis, saw his team members being swallowed by the terrifying giant snake and then running away. He chose to fire at the opponent crazily!

As a result, the modern guns that humans are proud of, the bullets hitting these mutated giant beasts are like scratching an itch, unable to cause any harm to them at all. Those bullets that can easily kill humans, hit the giant beasts, It's like turning into a rubber bullet!

In such a situation, the Harrisons certainly would not choose to move forward, nor did they flee in panic like the indigenous guide. Such an approach, in the fog, was simply asking for death!

Harrison's wife Ou Ruini still did not stop her filming, because she had a hunch that if she could get out alive this time, then the video she shot this time would definitely be able to survive!

"Damn it, the positioning system has completely lost its signal. In this 'Misty Land', we can't send out a distress signal at all!" Harrison said with some despair.

"Fortunately, I brought a compass. At critical moments, a slightly more primitive tool is still useful." In this situation, Ou Ruini was more reliable than her husband.

And in the center of the fog that they didn't even know about, the ancient elf Luna looked at the scene of this group of people struggling to survive in the fog with interest. She had already arranged a script for them.

The three humans who had just been captured by the creatures in the "Mist" were all sacrificed by these creatures that were very kneeling and licking the ancient elven trees. Luna turned these three humans into her own evolution points without even thinking, and then Then see what talents and characteristics can be revealed, and then you can continue to transform the creatures in her "mist".

What surprised Luna was that humans provided her with more evolutionary points than other wild animals without intelligence. The most important thing is that human souls can also increase her mental power!

Human beings are indeed a unique existence in the entire world!

Creatures with intelligence can provide more evolution points to the ancient elven trees!

After Luna discovered this, of course she hoped that more humans would come to her "Misty Land" to send warmth. It was not her who killed people anyway, she just accepted the sacrifices of the mutated creatures in her mist. .

How did humans treat these wild animals in the past? Now they will treat humans in the same way.

Luna discovered the innate characteristics of "natural spirituality" from these sacrificed humans, and of course she gave them to the feathered serpents and Rose she focused on cultivating. This means that their bodies will slowly Produce a soul.

They will have the same innate soul as humans, so they can assist Luna more conveniently. They will do whatever it takes to further accelerate the growth of the "Elven Ancient Tree".

However, due to their different personalities, the methods and methods used by the two are definitely different.

Feathered Serpent has a relatively upright character. She will become the Quetzalcoatl in American mythology, and will promote the growth of the "elven ancient tree" by harvesting human faith.

As for Spider Queen Rose, she will completely regard humans as inferior creatures. She will control the dark creatures under her command and hunt for the ancient elven trees. All intelligent creatures will become her prey. She is born in the chaotic evil camp.

So even if one day the ancient elves give birth to new intelligent creatures like elves, they will not let Rose, the Spider Queen, be soft. Instead, she will lure those elves to fall and become dark elves, just like humans believe in Quetzalcoatl. Believe in her and become her most loyal minion.

But I am afraid that those orthodox elves will never know that Rose, the Spider Queen, also serves the "Elven Ancient Tree".

Luna, the "ancient elf tree", has become a real mastermind behind the scenes. All the disputes are caused by her, but no one will ever discover her evil, because she hides it very well. She just She only accepts the sacrifices from those mutated creatures. In fact, humans can also sacrifice to her. Her stance is very neutral.

Perhaps the only person who could make Luna bias was the mage girl who saved her and gave her such a great blessing. Everything she did was to see her again and at least be able to say something to her. "Thanks".

As for other humans on the earth, in the eyes of this ancient elf tree, they are not much different from anacondas, crocodiles and other creatures. She will not harm any life, but many lives compete for her favor in order to evolve. Killing each other is beyond her control.

In order to allow more humans to explore this "Misty Land" and experience the "revival of spiritual energy", Luna arranged for Harrison and his party like a director.

Just like in Hollywood movies, it is impossible for the protagonist team to be completely destroyed, but it is almost done...

The only survivor was Harrison's wife, Eurene, who managed to get out of the "Misty Land" and sent a distress signal.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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