As for the growth of the "Elven Ancient Tree", Li Shushan was of course watching the whole process behind the scenes, so he was naturally very aware of what Luna was doing.

And if Li Shushan wanted to, he could completely control Luna through the system, and even directly imprison Luna's consciousness in the magic network, and then personally control the ancient elf tree.

But Li Shushan would not do this. Since he chose to let Luna become the consciousness of the ancient elf tree, he would give her full trust and let her use all her talents.

For the growth of the ancient elf tree, it is not a big deal even if humans, the only creatures with souls on earth, become her nourishment.

This is the law of nature, natural selection, and survival of the fittest.

Those humans who dare to step into the "Misty Land" must bear the consequences of such things, just like those who choose to go to Japan and want to become extraordinary beings, they must also be mentally prepared to become the nourishment of ghosts.

In the future, the only "safe zone" in the world will be China. This is something Li Shushan can guarantee. Other countries in the world will become like the current Japan and the "mist land" that is slowly spreading in South America. "Same.

Of course, there are many Chinese people with an adventurous spirit in their bones who want to try their luck in places shrouded by extraordinary powers. That is not something Li Shushan can stop. Anyway, even if they are lucky enough to become extraordinary people and dare to go back to China to run wild, they will definitely They will be severely beaten by the iron fist of materialism and socialism...

Therefore, in the future, people from all over the world may come to China to buy houses and settle down, which can further ensure the prosperity of China's real estate market. Virtual residences in the "Lord God Space" will not cause the real estate market to collapse.

Li Shushan's approach, to sum up in one sentence, is that other people's children will never die, and Chinese people are very lucky. Who makes Li Shushan so patriotic and full of positive energy?

As long as Chinese people don't take the initiative to commit suicide, they can stay in China safely and happily play virtual reality games like "Martial Arts World".

So Li Shushan completely let Luna, the ancient elf tree, look down on the group of humans who unfortunately entered the "Land of Mist" as a creator. She was actually relatively kind, otherwise Harrison's team would definitely Totally destroyed!

And Ou Ruini, the survivor, is indeed extremely lucky. In the process of their group escaping from the "Misty Land", she almost recorded all the changes in the rainforest creatures in the "Misty Land". If the next If this video she shot were made public, it would definitely shock the whole world!

People will be very curious about what happened in this "foggy place", and why are so many rainforest creatures obsessed with that place, and even fight because of it?

Then one after another, the expedition teams will definitely choose to enter the increasingly larger "Misty Land" and stage various heart-stirring and thrilling stories...

Before humans figure out the "Misty Land" and it will not have any impact on the human order, humans will definitely not use any weapons of mass destruction. Instead, they will regard that place as a treasure, because Those mutated organisms will definitely make many biologists and even pharmaceutical companies ecstatic, thinking that the value of those mutated organisms is immeasurable.

It didn't take long after Ou Ruini sent out the distress signal. The search and rescue team flying the helicopter headed in her direction based on her position.

In fact, even if we can locate Ou Ruini's position, it will not be an easy task to successfully rescue her. The main reason is that the place is already deep in the rain forest, and those giant trees rising from the ground almost cover the sky. The ancient trees that block out the sun have a long history.

In this case, it is not an easy task for a helicopter to put down search and rescue personnel...

As for the helicopter pilot, when he drove the helicopter to the sky above this place, of course he also discovered an extremely strange phenomenon, that is, this place was actually enveloped in a dense atmosphere. Even though the sunlight in the sky was still very strong, There is no way to dispel this thick fog!

Fortunately, the person they were searching for was not within the area shrouded in thick fog...

However, when the search and rescue personnel found the embarrassed Ou Ruini, they found that her expression was a little sluggish, as if she had been damaged by something. She was still muttering: "This is a dream, this is definitely a dream." Nightmares, those mutated creatures in the fog, do not conform to the principles of biology at all! How could they be born on earth?"

The search and rescue team members rushed forward and asked about Ou Ruini's situation, and then asked her where the others had gone, especially her husband Dr. Harrison.

As a result, Ou Ruini, who was originally in a dull mood, couldn't help but recall their encounter in the fog when she heard about her husband. She almost collapsed emotionally. She was sobbing and describing the situation to the search and rescue team. Of course, , she still hasn’t given up on adding this content to the videos she’s been filming.

"The two members of the mercenary team were eaten first by the mutated anaconda. The anaconda was very large, even exceeding the record of the largest snake animal in the world. It can be said that it is a new giant species. It’s a beast, it must have mutated for some reason!”

"Those of us who survived can only use a compass to find the way out of the 'Misty Land', because in the fog, any high-tech positioning is completely ineffective, otherwise we will definitely contact the search and rescue team as soon as possible …”

"We discovered to our horror that even with a compass, it seemed that we couldn't get out of the fog. We always circled around in it unknowingly. Even if we put signs along the way, it didn't help. This even made us doubt that the fog was there. The trees in the land can walk..."

"We saw a man-eating spider that was larger than an adult. It captured humans like mosquitoes. Our guide died in its hands, leaving only dead bones in its web."

"Lewis of the mercenary team also died. His weapons were unable to deal with the mutated creatures in the misty land. He died in the attack of a jaguar. The size of this tiger is not much different from that of an ordinary jaguar, but It can actually spit out sharp wind blades!"

"Harrison also died to protect me. It was a group of chimpanzees who stole the mercenary team's guns. They seem to have intelligence that is no weaker than humans..."

"I thought I was doomed, until I saw a flying snake, which was obviously a mythical creature from America - the feathered serpent!"

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Gunduwang] for the 4000 reward, and [Meng Yixiao] for the 100 reward~~~

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