The members of the search and rescue team were obviously a little confused by this survivor. Mainly because as a professional search and rescue personnel, they knew a lot about the creatures in the rainforest. However, according to this survivor, how could those creatures be completely beyond the scope of the problem? His imagination?

In the end, even the mythical creature "Feathered Serpent" appeared. Is this sure she wasn't hallucinating because of the danger?

But then I heard Ou Ruini say: "The Quetzalcoatl guided me on a path out of the fog. Only then did I realize that we had not gone to the center of the fog at all, but had been spinning around in the outer layer... In the fog, even a compass, They can’t even give you any direction!”

The member of the search and rescue team looked at a place not far away that was obviously shrouded in thick fog. He subconsciously took a step back, obviously frightened by the survivor's words.

However, based on his years of search and rescue experience, it is common for fog to appear in the rainforest, but the appearance of such a thick fog does seem weird...

Fortunately, the members of the search and rescue team did not have particularly curious people like Harrison. They did not want to get themselves involved in rescuing people, so they would never enter the fog.

Ou Ruini did survive, but she was indeed full of doubts, that is, although she fled in the mist and was very embarrassed, she was not seriously injured, as if those mutated creatures deliberately let her go.

And the "Quetzalcoatl" she mentioned last. Why did the other party guide her to escape from the "Misty Land"? It seems that she does not believe in Quetzalcoatl at all, but believes in the Catholic Church...

Quetzalcoatl is a deity commonly believed in Mesoamerican civilizations and is generally depicted as a feathered snake.

It hates living sacrifice rituals, and there is a legend that it once ruled the sun god.

According to legend, Quetzalcoatl ruled the morning star, invented books, legislation, and brought corn to mankind.

Quetzalcoatl also represents death and rebirth and is the patron saint of priests.

Quetzalcoatl's status in Mayan culture can be observed in many ways. In the classical period, the scepter held by the Maya "real person" had an exquisite small shape at one end, with one leg of the villain in the middle turning into a snake body, and a snake head at the other end. In the post-classical period, there were many deformations, but the basic form completely changed, becoming the image of Quetzalcoatl with a feather fan shape in the upper part and a snake body in the middle and a snake head in the lower part.

Originally, Orini did believe in Catholicism, but after surviving this time, she began to have a very strong interest in "Feathered Serpent", and even changed her original belief. She felt that she might be able to see him again one day. To Quetzalcoatl…

And Ou Ruini directly uploaded the video of her process from tracking the strange trails of the anacondas to finally escaping from the misty land to the Internet, and of course sold it to a TV station in the Stars and Stripes of America.

This time her video sold for the highest price in all the years she has been making videos!

When the person in charge of the TV station was watching her video, he was full of energy and all kinds of exclamations came out...

Of course, the person in charge is dubious about the authenticity of this video, but even if it is fake, the special effects are too powerful. It is simply a super thrilling monster thriller movie!

It’s just that this movie is somewhat politically incorrect, because there are no black people, Chinese Americans, or homosexuals in it. If it were released, it might be accused of racial discrimination...

The person in charge was impressed by the "special effects" and immediately decided to purchase her video. Then he went to a professional to evaluate it. Unexpectedly, he couldn't find even a single flaw. It was a completely real video!

The person in charge felt like he was in big trouble now. Did the people killed in these videos really encounter those terrifying mutant creatures in the Amazon rainforest?

In the end, he didn't bother to think too much and just broadcast Ou Ruini's video on this pay TV station. He also asked a professional editor to edit it to make the video look more exciting to the audience.

To be honest, this is indeed a bit like a Hollywood monster thriller. I always feel that the scenes in the video of being hunted by mutant creatures one after another are all arranged, because except for the two who unfortunately died in the mutant forest at the beginning, Except for the members of the mercenary team in the belly of the anaconda, no one else died in the same way!

Every death is showing a new mutated creature to the audience...

And the experience of Ou Ruini, who was able to survive in the end, is even more legendary, because she was actually saved by a certain mythical creature called the "Feathered Serpent", and she even believed that the other person was the "Feathered Serpent"!

Unfortunately, Quetzalcoatl was not captured in her video because her high-definition camera had been turned off as she resigned herself to death.

And by the time Ou Ruini turned on the high-definition camera again, Quetzalcoatl had already disappeared into the richness.

In front of Orini's eyes, it was as if a passage had been opened. The fog in the passage no longer existed at all. She walked out of the "Land of Mist" along this passage.

She also photographed this passage. To be honest, the visual effect was still very amazing, because the surroundings of this passage were still filled with thick fog, and every time she walked forward, the space behind her would change again. Occupied by thick fog.

After all, Ou Ruini still cherished the chance to live, even if she was really despairing at that time and even thought about dying with her husband...

After surviving, it can be said that she has been living for her "faith", and she still has not given up on the "Misty Land". Although she does not dare to go to that place anymore for the time being, she can still Promote that place so that all adventure-loving people in the world will be attracted by this "Misty Place" and then go on adventures one after another.

"My Quetzalcoatl...this is what you want to see, isn't it?" There was a nervous smile on Ou Ruini's face, as if she had heard the oracle.

And soon, the video taken by Ou Ruini was broadcast on the TV station of Stars and Stripes of America. At the same time, the video also spread on the Internet...

This video, which looks like a Hollywood monster special effects blockbuster, no one expected that it would be presented to the public in the form of a documentary!

At first, of course no one believed that the content captured in the video was all real. But when more and more evidence showed that the video was definitely not fake...

This video is completely viral!

It shocked the whole world!

"Misty Land" or "Misty Forest" has suddenly become the most popular mysterious area in the world!

The third update today! ! !

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