There is no shortage of so-called "mysterious places" and "supernatural areas" on the earth. Some people have even summed up the rules, saying that these areas are all located at almost 30 degrees north latitude, such as the Bermuda Triangle, Mayan civilization ruins, and Shennongjia. , pyramids, etc.

However, the so-called "mysterious places" and "supernatural areas" are basically based on various legends. Maybe some of them are true, such as the various shipwrecks that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, but some may just be Various fabrications based on facts are purely for the purpose of gaining attention, and even for various tourism promotions...

After all, no matter where mysterious water monsters or savages appear, it will attract tourists who love adventure, and some people want to try their luck. If they also take pictures, videos, etc., wouldn't it become popular?

In fact, with the advent of the information age, those "mysterious places" and "supernatural areas" are no longer as easy to fool people as before. This is because many "mysterious places" lack key evidence and rely on some Specious photos and fabricated stories maintain their mystery.

Many people read various street stall magazines such as "Top Ten Unsolved Mysteries" and "Top Ten Forbidden Places in the World" when they were young. They read them with gusto and their blood was boiling. They wished they could go on an adventure and figure out the mysteries. But when they grow up, Queen, how many people are still interested in these legends?

If you search for these legends on the Internet, you will find that these legends have not been updated after more than ten years. For example, the legend of the Bermuda Triangle, one of the examples cited was from 1976...

Again, we are in an information society, and information is transmitted too fast. If there is another major accident in the Bermuda Triangle, the whole world will probably know about it, just like the Malaysian Airlines incident.

Unfortunately, after the advent of the information age, many "mysterious places" and "supernatural areas" seem to have completely lost their mysterious characteristics, and their legends seem to no longer be able to deceive people...

Including the so-called "UFO mystery", it is no longer as popular as it used to be. Many people have even lost the curiosity to get to the bottom of it, because every time they get to the bottom of it, they will find that it is basically a scam and can be used " "Get closer to science" to explain that the appearance of many UFOs is even just because of problems with the shooting equipment itself.

The information age has made the original "mysterious places" lose their mystery. Therefore, the "foggy places" or "foggy forests" now appearing in the public eye have once again aroused the curiosity of many people!

Many people have an adventure dream in their hearts, especially Westerners. They all have an adventure factor in their bones. Now the emergence of this "foggy forest" has perfectly satisfied their desire for adventure. Many people have even begun to pack up. Pack your bags and prepare to go to the "Misty Forest" to find out what's going on. Perhaps this can help you find the meaning of their lives!

Of course, in Stars and Stripes, when this video was first aired on television, it caused many complaints from parents.

This is naturally because this video was actually broadcast on a program like "Animal World". As a result, many parents who watched "Animal World" with their children were frightened and cried when they saw them, and asked them this Do these terrifying man-eating monsters really exist in the world...

Of course, parents said that these monsters do not exist and are purely the use of special effects. Just like the monsters in the movie "Godzilla" series, they are all fake. It is absolutely impossible for these monsters to appear in reality!

There are ruthless parents who even want to take this deceptive TV station to court. Anyway, for a country like Stars and Stripes that likes to issue lawyers' letters, it is normal for them to file lawsuits at every turn.

However, what the parents didn't expect was that this TV station was also very tough and didn't care whether they sued or not, because they confidently believed that the videos they played were real documentaries like "Animal World", only scary and bloody. It's just a little bit, but it really does a good job of popularizing science about the mutated creatures in the "Misty Forest"!

You parents who don’t understand the situation are going to sue the TV station. It’s totally stupid. Their TV station is originally a pay TV station, and the content has always been relatively large-scale. This issue was specifically explained before it was broadcast, but the result is still You want to take your own children to watch it together. Isn’t this your own doing?

Besides, the TV station can completely guarantee the authenticity of the video, and even invited Ou Ruini, who shot the video, to appear on various interview shows to let her personally tell what happened at that time. After listening to her interview, people will definitely feel that her words It is particularly convincing, because it is impossible to describe that feeling without experiencing that situation personally.

And Ou Ruini, the video shooter, can be said to be completely popular!

She was originally just an ordinary wildlife biologist, but now she has instantly become an Internet celebrity and a famous YouTube video host. The comments and debates under her video completely show how everyone has discovered this "" The passion of "Misty Forest"!

"Does anyone believe such a fake video? Where is your IQ?"

"The person who said the video was fake was my mother. Didn't you see that so many experts have confirmed that the video is real?"

"Expert identification may not be true, but the husband of the video owner is really gone. Of course, there is also the mercenary team that is well-known in the local area, and of course there is an indigenous guide..."

"The movie Anaconda actually happened in reality! I wouldn't be surprised if a King Kong appears in the misty forest."

"The mutated anaconda is not scary at all, is it? What is really scary is the man-eating spider, which is covered in fluff and has 8 eyes similar to humans. The video owner has used up all his luck in his life to survive. Come on, sacrifice your husband..."

"Not only the disaster of Anaconda, but also the rise of the Planet of the Apes! The chimpanzees in the video, apart from their appearance as orangutans, are obviously no worse than us humans in terms of intelligence. Let's be prepared to usher in a new intelligent race. !”

"I have packed my bags and am ready to explore the misty forest. I would also like to ask the officials around the world how they react to this sudden appearance of a supernatural place?"

"The official reaction? I guess they are still waiting to see what happens and further confirm the authenticity of the incident and the seriousness of the situation..."

The fourth update today! ! !

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