What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 195 Officials waiting to see what happens

The official response from various countries around the world is indeed not as fast as netizens imagined. Some online gossips have already proposed that countries with nuclear weapons directly launch nuclear bombs into the "foggy forest", saying that this way can end the problem once and for all. Solve the mutated animals that pose a great threat to humans.

But it’s great to talk nonsense on the Internet. In fact, it’s impossible for those official leaders to act like this. South American countries do not have much presence in the world, but they are sovereign countries after all. In the field of football, anyway It is also quite influential and has many talented people.

The Stars and Stripes of America, the most powerful country in the world, has always regarded South America as its own backyard. As long as the president of the Stars and Stripes does not stand up and say anything, it is estimated that the heads of other countries will not take the initiative to intervene in this matter. An incredible thing.

Besides, it goes without saying that the importance of the Amazon rainforest to the climate and environment of the entire earth goes without saying, as any student who has taken a geography course will know.

Originally, the Amazon rainforest has been caused by excessive deforestation by humans, which has caused environmental problems such as flooding and desertification. Therefore, the mainstream view of the Amazon rainforest in the world now is of course that it must be protected. Who dares to propose that the Amazon rainforest be protected? If nuclear bombs are used in the most important areas of the country, he will probably become the public enemy of people all over the world!

Are we going to use nuclear bombs to destroy the "lungs of the earth"? This is simply a fantasy!

That's right, the "Misty Forest" is located deep in the world's largest tropical rainforest. Only researchers like Harrison and Ou Ruini can set foot in such a deep place. Ordinary tourists and those who are just getting started Adventure enthusiasts will basically not go to such inaccessible places. They go to places that have been developed for tourism and are almost completely unlikely to encounter danger.

Now as this "Misty Forest" becomes more and more popular, perhaps those senior adventure enthusiasts can't help but want to challenge it, and some capital will also join in, such as "Misty Forest" Based on the theme, create an outdoor adventure variety show, maybe it will become a hit.

However, the question now is whether the "Misty Forest" mutant biological incident will be like those mysterious incidents that were once a hit. As time goes by, after its secret is completely revealed, it completely loses its popularity.

For example, the famous "Loch Ness Monster" incident was once famous because of its various legends, blurry photos, and even traces of the monster found on Google Earth, as well as a certain witness named "Wright". A smash hit.

Wright said he saw the monster with his own eyes while fishing on the shores of Loch Ness. Wright said: "When it rose in the water only about 27 meters away from me, I was shocked." He also said that the monster's body was black and looked like an overturned boat. Its neck is at least 4 meters long, and its head is about the same size as a football.

This news caused a sensation all over the world. Journalists, explorers, travelers and scientists from many countries traveled thousands of miles to the shores of Loch Ness, hoping to see this monster, but no one saw it. Everyone had to be disappointed. Leave.

Later, some people refuted the rumor and said that the "Loch Ness Monster" was a hoax, made up purely to make Loch Ness attract tourists from all over the world.

The current "Misty Forest" incident is considered by some people who have seen through this so-called "mysterious incident" and "unsolved mystery" to believe that it is also a kind of hype, and it is also a high-tech style of the new era. of hype.

“In the past, people used all kinds of blurry photos and false witnesses to fabricate mysterious events to deceive the world. Now with the development of the times, some people are becoming more and more sophisticated in their deception, and they do not hesitate to use the most perfect special effects to achieve this. This kind of deception will be successful as long as everyone is attracted to that place, and those who are interested in going to explore the truth will be disappointed to find that the misty forest naturally exists, but the mutant creatures in it must all be is fake!"

A netizen who thinks he has seen through the truth of all mysterious events commented on Ou Ruini's video. His objective and rational attitude can be said to have resonated with some netizens.

Nowadays, more and more people have indeed lost interest in such mysterious events, because the evidence provided for many mysterious events is too unconvincing, and there are also many people who fish in troubled waters and make various frauds. Some media Knowing clearly that this is fake, but just in order to attract attention, they add fuel to the flames...

The most important thing is that many mysterious events are mysterious because there are too few witnesses, and they are not repeatable, which makes other people who also want to explore the mysteries feel very boring.

The more times you are deceived, the less likely you will be fooled again.

Therefore, officials from various countries around the world are basically keeping silent on this matter, but they have not restricted the spread of this matter among the people, and even vaguely promoted it, obviously hoping that private explorers will try the water.

If the "Misty Forest" is confirmed to be just like the mysterious incident in the past, no more evidence can be found at all, and it will always be ambiguous, then the official will not have to work hard to find out the truth, otherwise it will appear that the official and those who easily The civilians who are deceived are all stupid and easy to deceive...

In this case, "Misty Forest" can be used as material for a program like "Approaching Science". In the early stage, it was made mysterious and mysterious, and the final explanation given by science was that those things were actually human beings breathing in. An hallucination caused by some kind of miasma in the rainforest. There are no mutant creatures in this world at all.

This is the program "Approaching Science". Rather than saying it is a popular science program, it is a program that plays on human beings. This must be admired by its director, who can always use various editing and background music to turn a mysterious event into a It was extremely confusing and aroused great curiosity among the audience. When everything was revealed later, people felt like punching themselves after watching it.

Speaking of which, when this video that caused a sensation in public opinion around the world was transmitted to China, it certainly caused quite a stir. However, the video was blocked because it was too bloody. However, the discussion about the "Misty Forest" was not at all It is not less popular than abroad.

The mainstream view among Chinese netizens is that they believe in the authenticity of this incident and connect it with the "supernatural resurgence" that occurred in Japan.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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