Although many netizens expressed their amazement and considerable approval for the analysis and hypothesis of the "Misty Forest" incident by the "Aura Resurrection Flow" Internet writer, it was undoubtedly refuted by many brick-and-mortar professors. Of course, And those Zhihu big guys.

When the incident about the "Misty Forest" became popular on the Internet, how to view this incident on "Zhihu" has certainly become a hot issue, and many industry leaders have been exposed for a while.

Some self-proclaimed biology experts said that the biggest fraud in the video was the adult-sized spider.

He believes that even in the prehistoric "Giant Insect Age", giant spiders were only as big as a human head. The spider in the video now is clearly larger than the spiders in the "Giant Insect Age". This is simply a fantasy!

If there really was such a big spider, it would be crushed to death by its own weight!

And with the current oxygen content on the earth, it is simply impossible for such a giant spider to be born. It will directly die from lack of oxygen!

Of course, this big guy’s answer was praised by countless onlookers, because compared to the internet writer’s hypothesis that has no scientific basis, the big guy’s answer that lists data and quotes scientific literature is really too So convincing!

This is the case for many answerers with many followers on Zhihu. Their answers always appear so professional and rigorous that people will think that they are real experts and cannot be some fake experts who like to make up stories.

There are also some Zhihu bosses who are really good at bragging. They claim to know very well about Ou Rui Ni, a British wildlife biologist. Everyone in the circle knows that this guy is crazy about being popular. He obviously has no academic achievements and relies entirely on his husband Harry. Sen, in the end, he used this method to gain attention.

Anyway, as an insider, he really couldn't stand this guy's behavior, so he stood up to expose it, hoping that Chinese netizens would not be deceived. In short, she was a joke in the industry, and everyone in the industry knew it.

As for why he wanted to answer anonymously, of course it was because there were too many people in the circle and he didn't want to offend anyone. In short, the matter was very deep and he could only reveal this.

This kind of Zhihu answerer was obviously talking a lot. As a result, just because he insisted that he was an "insider", many onlookers were quite convinced and began to guess which big shot in the industry the answerer was. …

In fact, the respondent is not an insider at all, he is just making up stories to fool people. Watching the onlookers like them one after another, the sense of intellectual superiority is not too satisfying.

All in all, Zhihu’s trend can be summed up in four words – this is unscientific!

So this video is definitely fake, and mutant creatures definitely don’t exist.

This is almost the same as when the news of Japan's "supernatural resurgence" first reached China. The trend on Zhihu was that this is absolutely impossible, it is all fake. I have friends in Japan and I don't know the real situation in Japan?

As a result, when the live video later showed irrefutable evidence, those respondents who categorically said that "paranormal recovery" could not exist were all silent. Only some very shameless respondents persisted to the end, and the result was naturally nothing but ridicule.

Some netizens who support the Internet writer’s view of “revival of spiritual energy” are just waiting for the day when they continue to see these Zhihu answerers who are always full of superiority being slapped in the face...

Under such circumstances, judging whether all this is reasonable based on the original science is obviously a desperate attempt to find a sword!

In fact, there are still many Chinese people who want to go and see the place where the incident happened in person, but South America is really too far away from China, and it is not Japan next door. You can go wherever you want, but since the "supernatural recovery" of Japan has been After it was confirmed, not many Chinese tourists wanted to go. Japanese ghosts came to kill people and didn't care which country you were from.

No matter how you look at it now, China is still the safest country. Although there are also virtual reality games like "Martial Arts World" that cannot be explained by modern technology, at least you will not die playing this game, and your spirits are getting better and better.

South America is not only far away, but also because it does not have a good reputation internationally. For example, Brazil is a country that can be regarded as a top country in South America, but its public security is notoriously poor. Various slums, and then drug dealers are rampant...

Except for some really wealthy Chinese tourists, it is definitely impossible for ordinary Chinese to go to the "Misty Forest" to find out what's going on in person. They can only follow this hot event through the Internet.

But now the problem comes again, that is, although the video owner Ou Ruini released this video, she did not tell the specific address of the "Misty Forest" because she actually could not completely accurately locate the "Misty Forest".

When she explained this situation to the outside world, it naturally aroused a new round of doubts. Many people said that it was still the same old routine. Anyway, as long as she did not know the specific location, it is estimated that the next explorers would not It may be found again, and this "foggy forest" will become a new unsolved mystery...

Of course, Ou Ruini didn't want to be misunderstood, so she announced the specific location where she and her husband originally studied anacondas, and said that the misty forest was not far from her research station, and it took less than three hours to walk.

It was already two weeks after she announced the specific location.

What no one knows is that in the past two weeks, the scope of the "foggy forest" created by the ancient elf tree Luna has expanded again, and has completely surrounded Orini's research station. From space, Viewed from the satellite, the "Misty Forest" is no longer a small dot that can be ignored, but an area that cannot be ignored.

In order to obtain more talents and characteristics, the ancient elf tree Luna started to create more species with the help of the system. She felt like she was playing the game "Spore"...

Anyway, it is not just animals, it has also created more plants that are extinct on the earth. When humans really step into this "foggy forest", they may be shocked to find that they seem to have traveled through time and space and arrived at a prehistoric continent. !

While Luna was expanding her "Misty Forest", she was also controlling some of the fantasy creatures she created, such as flying dragons and sea dragons, to conduct various explorations...

So soon, after the "foggy forest", various "unidentified flying creature sightings" and "water monster sightings" began to break out one after another!

At this moment, the world is focused on the Amazon rainforest!

The third update today! ! !

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