Even Li Shushan, the person who planted the ancient elf tree Luna, has to admit that Luna's speed and ability to do things are much more powerful than those high-level familiars in Japan, a small country.

Perhaps this is that beings with human consciousness are more subjective than familiars without human consciousness.

And human beings themselves are a kind of creature that likes to pursue extremes. Luna, the ancient elf tree, has used her abilities as an ancient elf tree and the ability of the binding system to the extreme!

Anyway, Li Shushan really didn't expect that this ancient elf tree could grow so fast, and judging from her posture, she was not just trying to create elf civilization, but also creating biological civilization!

Li Shushan also admired Luna's creativity. After destroying the mercenary team and then capturing the weapons, she actually developed a substitute for biological materials and installed the "biological assault rifle" in On top of the fantasy creature "Flying Dragon" she created, the "Flying Dragon" has the ability to shoot at the ground. She named this move "Flying Dragon Breath".

There are many other inventions like this. In short, she uses her ability to control the evolution of organisms and give her natural characteristics, combine it with the technology on the earth, and then naturally embark on a path of biotechnology.

Li Shushan even suspected that what he planted was a fake ancient elf tree. Isn't this the Mother Queen of the Zerg?

But I have to say that Li Shushan is happy to see this happen, just because looking at Luna's attitude, it is estimated that her journey will soon be the stars and the sea, right?

The core of biotechnology is evolution. She can use those extreme high temperatures and low temperatures to exercise the cells she creates, and then cultivate those cells that survive the extreme environment, and then use these cells as materials to produce those cells that can survive in the environment. The spacecraft that sail in the space environment are actually living things, they are alive...

Li Shushan could only sigh, Luna is really good at playing, he really did not misjudge her, this guy really has something.

However, humans at the top of the food chain on earth will definitely not remain indifferent. The more Luna causes trouble, the more humans will pay attention to her.

In fact, after Ou Ruini announced the address of her research station, that place attracted the attention of many researchers, explorers, and travelers.

With the tacit approval of the authorities, many private explorers have already traveled to the Amazon rainforest in South America with great enthusiasm.

Of course, there are also very courageous Chinese people, a young master from a wealthy family and a part-time anchor named Tang Xuejie. The content of his live broadcast is basically traveling around the world, tasting delicious food, and not forgetting to flirt with girls. It can be said that he relies on this His attitude towards the gaming world attracts many viewers who watch his live broadcast.

It's just that his live broadcasts are relatively casual, because he has not signed a contract with the live broadcast platform at all, and it is purely a live broadcast for fun.

Tang Xuejie has been to South America before, but he only visited the more classic attractions, such as the Colossus of Jesus and the ruins of the ancient city of Machu Picchu. Of course, he did not forget to flirt with those passionate Brazilian girls.

Generally speaking, South America is a good place to travel. The problem is that it is not cheap to come here from China. Maybe only a rich young man like Tang Xuejie who is not short of money can play like this.

Tang Xuejie has actually been interested in various so-called "mysterious places", "supernatural areas" and "forbidden areas of the world" since he was a child. But when he goes to these places himself, he will find that these so-called "supernatural areas" , I didn’t see anything supernatural about them at all!

He has even been to the Bermuda Triangle himself, but he has never capsized a boat, and he has never seen any UFOs flying out of the bottom of the sea...

It can be said that this kind of discovery made Tang Xuejie particularly disappointed, because when he was a boy, he was particularly interested in various legends about Bermuda. He even talked about its legends very well, and he also frantically promoted this place to other classmates.

At that time, he believed that it was the base of aliens, and if he encountered a storm there, he would definitely be able to travel through time and space!

As a result, not many classmates were interested in his Amway at that time. They just thought that it would be better to stay as far away from areas full of weird legends as this...

Tang Xuejie was unwilling to accept such a result. He fantasized that one day he would personally experience the holy land in his mind - the Bermuda Triangle.

But when he actually went there one day, nothing happened!

Such a fact gave him a blow to the head, and he felt that his faith had completely collapsed. Are all the mysterious events in this world just legends made up by humans?

Until the appearance of the "Misty Forest" this time, Tang Xuejie felt that his passion for the mysterious place had been ignited again!

He continued to pay attention to the wildlife biologist named Ou Ruini, and the moment the other party announced the address of his research station, he packed up his bags and headed straight to the Amazon rainforest like other explorers and travelers in the world. !

He knew that this trip must be very difficult and full of dangers, but this did not make him flinch, but instead made him more motivated.

He only hopes that this time the "Misty Forest" will not be like the original "Bermuda Triangle", where he went there with the mentality of a pilgrimage, only to return disappointed. From then on, he has been obsessed with all kinds of mysterious events and mysterious places. They all began to subconsciously wonder if this was another lie.

When he arrived in South America, he started the live broadcast and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "It can be said that the news about the 'Misty Forest' has become more and more popular on the Internet recently. I think everyone must also want to know this legend. The local area is real and fake, so this time, I will take you to explore the mystery of the 'Misty Forest' for a day!"

"Have you seen that these backpackers like me are obviously explorers and travelers from all over the world? Hey, there is a wheat-colored super beautiful girl over there. She seems to be here for the 'Misty Forest' Come here, do you think I can invite her to explore together?"

Tang Xuejie said to the live broadcast room very casually, and then he laughed when he saw the various ridicule barrages from the audience, and some people said that he was the "King of Artillery". "King of Artillery" and so on were too ugly, could it be Didn’t the girl who spent the night with him feel happy?

Tang Xuejie went for it immediately, opened the "Universal Translator" app, and confidently went up to her.

The fourth update today! ! !

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