What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 202 It’s time for the United Nations to stand up

Nowadays, various environmental protection associations on the earth can be said to be more and more influential. Some of them are extreme environmentalists who wish that mankind would stop the development of science and technology and return to the pastoral era...

However, this is undoubtedly impossible. Technology has become an integral part of human beings. Just as humans are destined to become the top of the food chain on the earth from the moment they learn to make and use tools, the existence of technology is destined. The future of mankind has infinite possibilities.

Therefore, officials from various countries around the world are definitely more inclined to paleontologists, hoping to use these dinosaurs that do not yet know how they appeared as research objects to see if they can promote the development of human biology.

Humans have many drugs, but they are all related to living things. So can the emergence of these dinosaurs solve difficult and complicated diseases that humans have not yet overcome, such as cancer...

Most countries were obviously shocked and surprised by the appearance of these prehistoric beasts. Only those countries and people in South America were very angry about this because these prehistoric beasts occupied their homeland!

There are already some grumpy guys who have picked up weapons and started to defend their homes. Even if ordinary guns cannot deal with the really huge dinosaurs, there are many dinosaurs that are several times the size of humans. It is estimated that they are five or six times larger than humans. Of course, such a dinosaur cannot withstand the power of a gun. Besides, even if the gun can't do it, wouldn't it be enough to just use the rocket launcher?

These giant beasts are not the magical creatures in the "Misty Forest". They are living targets under the power of human modern weapons.

This is obviously the ancient elf tree setting off smoke bombs. If humans encounter the "Misty Forest", they will definitely be faced with a formidable enemy, because human weapons will be very ineffective against the mutated creatures in the "Misty Forest" , this is probably the kind of world where mutated creatures in doomsday novels can easily paralyze humans.

But now what humans are encountering are these giant beasts that have size but no brains. When they see the locals who are killing dinosaurs crazily, they will sympathize with the dinosaurs and treat these giant beasts as extremely rare species. Protect them for research, and then capture some for exhibition in zoos...

Humans are undoubtedly the most arrogant creatures in the world, and they are indeed qualified to be arrogant because their intelligence is indeed completely superior to other animals.

When the official media of various countries take action, the influence of "Resurgence of the Behemoth" can be said to be growing. For example, China's official national television channel Seven, also known as National Channel 7, has sent reporters to traveled to South America for a live broadcast, allowing viewers to see various behemoths that only existed in prehistoric times.

Television stations in the Stars and Stripes of America, including NBC, were not far behind and paid attention to the changes in the situation immediately.

However, even if dinosaurs are not very intelligent, their destructive power is still very amazing. Many explorers think that they will be safe if they have a helicopter. How did they know that they would be ridden in the face by a pterosaur?

Such safety accidents have certainly made many people cautious, but many humans still die at the hands of giant beasts. Of course, there are even more giant beasts killed by humans!

Just because there are various organizations on the black market now purchasing the bodies of these prehistoric creatures. Whether they are alive or dead, they need them very much!

Nowadays, a living dinosaur can be sold for tens of thousands of meters. The value of this rice dollar is universal around the world, and it is more valuable than the Chinese dollar.

NBC reporters, while filming the world of dinosaurs live from a helicopter, captured a scene of a group of herbivorous hadrosaurs being chased and slaughtered by humans driving heavy off-road vehicles. Obviously hadrosaurs are also quite large dinosaurs. The average length is about ten meters, but in front of human machine guns, they have no resistance at all!

This scene can be said to be quite bloody. The screams of the duck-billed dinosaur were heard very clearly by the audience watching the live broadcast on the TV...

At this moment, the NBC female reporter complained in an extremely indignant voice: "Although we don't know why the once-extinct prehistoric creatures, dinosaurs, came to our world, their fate is so miserable. , they are already extinct, do we humans want to let them become extinct again now? This is really unacceptable. Why can't we humans maintain the most basic sympathy for these non-threatening creatures? What? Do we have to wait until they become rare creatures before we protect them?"

The female reporter’s accusation made the audience in front of the TV feel the same way!

When the Environmental Protection Association of the Stars and Stripes of America saw this scene, they became extremely angry. They began to organize humans who sympathized with the dinosaurs and held a grand parade, demanding that the officials of the Stars and Stripes act as the representative of the entire world. The most powerful country must shoulder the responsibility of protecting dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures!

Creatures that have already become extinct once, we humans must never let them become extinct again. Only keeping them alive is the greatest value to mankind!

Others are calling on the United Nations to take the lead in establishing a nature reserve for prehistoric creatures. It would be best to allow people from South America to migrate out and give these prehistoric creatures a clear sky!

The appearance of many Madonnas has unknowingly affected international public opinion. Those South American countries that have been severely affected have no voice at all. Many media have even begun to turn over old scores, saying that these South American countries have not taken responsibility at all. Economic interests do not pay attention to the protection of rainforests at all, and all kinds of indiscriminate logging have affected the world's climate, making people all over the world take the blame for them.

Well, now, the appearance of so many rare prehistoric creatures with great biological value is a gift from God, but in the end they are still being massacred. This is clearly holding back the people of the world again!

Therefore, it is recommended that all countries in South America be disbanded and stop holding back the people of the world. The contribution of prehistoric giant beasts to mankind is greater than yours!

In this case, the United Nations should really stand up. The main reason is that the "resurgence of the beast" and the "coming of the age of dinosaurs" are not the kind of quarrels between big powers. The United Nations cannot handle such things at all. The five gangsters are completely It is above the United Nations.

But now, the United Nations has finally convened representatives from countries around the world to discuss how to deal with such a "resurrection of the beast" event that shocked the world.

There is no way, the officials of those countries in South America are too unorganized, and their abilities cannot be trusted at all.

The fourth update today! ! !

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