The presence of the United Nations in the world is now getting smaller and smaller. As for the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, many people may not know his name or which country he comes from.

Compared with the previous Secretary-General from Korea and the previous Secretary-General from Africa who won the Nobel Peace Prize, the current Secretary-General of the United Nations has an extremely low sense of presence.

After all, the United Nations is an institution that has less and less authority. It is just a tool of the powerful countries in the world. The United Nations has always been ignored by the United Nations. When it is happy, it will launch war through the United Nations. When it is unhappy, it will completely Ignore the United Nations and go directly over the United Nations to start a war.

The meaning of the existence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is to strongly condemn this and that. However, what is the use of just condemning? Only the weak need to condemn, and the strong just roll up their sleeves and get to work.

However, the sorrow of small countries was once again vividly displayed at this UN emergency conference. The saying "weak countries have no diplomacy" is really an eternal truth.

The United Nations resolution is to classify the "resurrection of giant beasts" including the "foggy forest" as an area like Antarctica that does not belong to any country, as a "prehistoric giant beast nature reserve", and formulated a An "International Behemoth Continent Treaty".

The content of the treaty is that it is in the interest of all mankind to recognize that the Behemoth Continent will always continue to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and not become a place or object of international disputes.

Recognizes that international cooperation in scientific investigations on Behemoth is a significant contribution to scientific knowledge.

All in all, Behemoth Continent is only used for peaceful purposes, to promote the freedom of scientific investigation in the Behemoth Continent area, to promote international cooperation in scientific investigation, and to prohibit all activities of a military nature, nuclear explosions and the disposal of radioactive materials in the area. Freeze current territorial claims and promote international cooperation in science.

There is no doubt that the International Treaty on the Continent of Behemoths was formulated because the entire human scientific community has been attracted by the "resurgence of behemoths" in South America. If more scientific research results can be produced through this place, it will promote the overall development of humankind. If technology advances, of course we must protect this extremely rare continent!

Otherwise, according to the ferocity of human weapons today, no giant beast will be a match for humans, and they will be exterminated by humans before long.

At this time, many documentaries about the "Prehistoric Behemoth Continent" have been released, and many of them contain content that makes the audience very worried.

The content is naturally about those giant beasts that look very scary. They are completely vulnerable to human heavy weapons, so their bodies, teeth, and fur have become the targets of poachers. What is the hottest thing on the black market now? That, of course, is all about Behemoth…

Today's human beings are obviously no longer the old humans who didn't know how to protect the environment and fished from the bottom of the lake, but the new humans who understand the principle of sustainable development.

Nowadays, most people have regarded the "resurgence of giant beasts" who do not know how they appeared as a gift. This is a resource that belongs to all mankind. Even if this new continent is to be developed, it should be developed in a protective manner!

If some of those giant beasts could be successfully tamed, how good would that be for humans? Riding a horse is not fun enough, riding a dinosaur is fun!

No matter how you look at it, these giant beasts are not threatening. Anyway, they appear in South America, a continent that does not have a strong sense of existence. Now this continent should belong to all mankind!

Therefore, this resolution of the United Nations can be said to be very in line with the trend of public opinion. The United Nations even established the United Nations Army headed by the Stars and Stripes. Of course, the peace-loving China did not participate. The United Nations Army aims to prevent some people who do not accept The small country decided to resort to force and simply sent out modern troops to destroy the giant beasts and defend their homeland...

This approach of the United Nations has completely chilled these small countries in South America. They have strongly condemned it and announced their permanent withdrawal from the United Nations!

The foreign minister of a small country also shouted loudly at the meeting, scolding the five gangsters who were all traitors and who actually sacrificed humans for the sake of giant beasts!

However, in the eyes of big countries, the scientific research value, economic value, industrial value and even tourism value of this continent where the "behemoth is recovering" are greater than those of small countries.

It's just that there has never been a good excuse to control this fertile land in South America. At most, it is an economic colonization. Anyway, these countries only sell raw materials and have no industry at all.

Behind this UN resolution, of course, the Stars and Stripes are still causing trouble. Apparently they feel that it is better to control the backyard managed by others than to control it themselves. After all, it is the closest big country to South America.

However, in order to prevent China and the Bear Country from getting in the way, the Stars and Stripes Country also ceded the interests of the "Prehistoric Behemoth Continent" and also allowed their scientists to study this brand new continent born due to the "resurgence of the behemoths".

It's just that the country of China is too far away from this continent after all. The only country that can really develop this continent and form an industrial chain for the interests of the giant beasts is the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

Therefore, regardless of what is written in the treaty, this continent will belong to all mankind like Antarctica, but in fact, it is the Stars and Stripes of America that has the greatest influence on it.

Stars and Stripes eats meat, and other non-South American countries can only drink some soup. As for the original South American countries, they are pitiful creatures who were completely sacrificed under the pretext of "humanity."

Affected by this resolution, Stars and Stripes' stock market began to rise in response, and many capitals turned their attention to this new continent!

Universal Pictures even announced that the new "Jurassic Park" will be shot on the continent of prehistoric beasts, and even create a real Jurassic theme park for tourists!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Duke the Devil] for the 200 reward, and [pay for each modification] for the 100 reward~~~

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