The emergence of the "Prehistoric Beast Continent" caused a worldwide sensation, which directly overshadowed the original popularity of the "Misty Forest".

This is obviously because the "Misty Forest" is in an inaccessible place deep in the Amazon rainforest, and its expansion rate is far inferior to the crazy expansion and reproduction of giant ferns like the Zerg "carpet" in the game.

Giant ferns have invaded the homes that originally belonged to the people of South America. The invasion of this plant is often more troublesome than the invasion of animals!

After all, for animals, just use weapons to kill or expel them, but these different types of ferns cannot be solved by human weapons at all, unless someone really dares to risk the world's disapproval and drop a nuclear bomb Clearance……

However, it is very helpless that none of these countries in South America has nuclear weapons, and I have not heard of any country that dares to secretly develop nuclear weapons. Comparing this with those countries that are researching nuclear weapons under the pressure of the five gangsters, you can know Many of these countries in South America have not pursued it.

It can even be said that it is because they do not have nuclear weapons that the five gangsters dare to ask the United Nations to make such a resolution. They are bullying these South American countries because they do not have the ability to die together...

Many people whose homes have been invaded by these giant ferns cut them down like trees. However, to their helplessness, these ferns will grow back before long, and their vitality is simply like As strong as weeds!

Unless they are dug up by the roots, there is no way to prevent them from growing bigger. However, their roots are much deeper than those of weeds. It can be said that we can only wait until humans develop new herbicides for them. Only then can they be cleared.

The energy produced by these giant ferns through photosynthesis every day will be transferred to the ancient elf tree Luna, in addition to maintaining their own survival.

Luna's control over plants is more thorough than that of animals. After her transformation and mutation, these giant ferns have become an extremely convenient means of enclosure for her to control more territory.

She doesn't want to drive all the humans out of this land, she just wants to use this land as much as possible. She even feels that she has promoted urbanization.

Why do you say that?

Because in addition to occupying all the rural areas close to the rainforest with giant ferns, and even the plants that sprouted from the ground directly overturned houses, she did not go so far in those urban areas and completely preserved all kinds of infrastructure. It just replaces the green parts of the city.

In other words, humans living in those cities will basically not be affected by the "resurgence of the beast", and even the traffic will still be maintained well...

In a sense, these cities will have a wave of dividends in the future, because tourists from all over the world will definitely need to stay in these cities in order to visit this place where the "behemoth is resurrected".

Of course, the security of these cities will also be under tremendous pressure, because many homeless rural refugees will flow into the cities, which will naturally increase the chaos in the cities.

The existence of these cities is somewhat like the colonial points in the Age of Discovery. If humans want to expand in this "prehistoric continent of beasts", they will need to start over again around the colonial points. However, with today's human technology, this is obviously It won’t be as difficult as the Age of Discovery.

But the problem now is that the people of the world do not allow humans on this land to expand at all. Instead, they feel that such a "god-given land" should be well protected. The United Nations Army represents the will of the people of the world!

The method of dealing with the ancient elf tree Luna is very clever. It almost perfectly divides the continent of South America into human cities and the habitats of giant beasts. And giant beasts will definitely not take the initiative to invade human cities, so ordinary people Only humans will be photographed killing giant beasts, not giant beasts killing humans.

Under such a subtle influence, it is estimated that non-South American humans will applaud when they see humans who have intruded into the territory of giant beasts being killed, thinking that this is a "poacher" seeking his own death.

And if everyone in South America loses their place to live, then this "continent of prehistoric beasts" will definitely suffer.

Therefore, retaining human cities and giving humans a place to stay is the most appropriate approach.

Perhaps in the future, capital will directly take over these cities that contain huge hidden interests. After all, as long as these cities exist, they can be used as transfer points, allowing the behemoths to form an industry, which also requires the existence of these cities.

And with the emergence of this resolution that sacrificed the interests of South American countries and satisfied the interests of other countries in the world, of course some South American countries expressed dissatisfaction, even if their tough leaders had been dealt with.

Among them, Samba, the largest country in South America, refused to implement the United Nations resolution, and then resolutely chose to send troops, saying that it would expel the beast and regain its lost territory!

Samba Country's approach suddenly made the Stars and Stripes Country a big hit in the world. This was simply a slap in the face. It was stipulated in the treaty that as long as it is a place where giant ferns grow, of course it also includes the original Including the rainforest, it no longer belongs to the territory of a certain country, but belongs to all mankind. Now you, a weak country, dare to object. Do you really think that if you play football well, other countries will give you face?

Originally, the current president of the Star-Spangled Country was just an irritable old man. Now he has seen the dawn of making the Star-Spangled Country stronger from the "New World". But now the Samba Country has jumped out. I really think that any country can be like the Chinese Country. That would make the Star-Spangled Kingdom extremely fearful?

As a result, the United Nations forces led by the Stars and Stripes Nation marched toward South America. The Stars and Stripes Nation's aircraft carrier fleet began to show its prowess again!

And this time, the public opinion in the Star-Spangled Kingdom seems to be particularly good, and the people's support is simply supported. After the President of the Star-Spangled Kingdom found that his support has increased again, of course he was overjoyed!

The domestic media in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom began to publicize the importance of the "Prehistoric Beast Continent" to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and how cruel the people of South America were. It was obvious that those prehistoric beasts just lived there peacefully. That’s it, they are far away from human cities, but now they are still being massacred by humans. This is really pitiful!

Humans can coexist peacefully with giant beasts!

The media in the Star-Spangled Kingdom seized on this and crazily brainwashed the people of the Star-Spangled Kingdom...

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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