What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 205 The stage is set up [Updated for 2000 orders]

For Li Shushan, the changes in the international situation in the past few months have indeed made him somewhat unexpected.

He obviously just planted an ancient elf tree in the Amazon rainforest, and the purpose was to save a certain poor son-in-law. Who knew that this son-in-law who had turned into a mother tree could actually cause trouble and rain like this? Degree!

What's even more awesome is that the entire human race is kept in the dark and has no idea that this "prehistoric beast continent" was actually created by an ancient elf tree. She is even stealing human technology and wants to Combining human technology with his own biological abilities comparable to those of the Zerg Mother Queen, he can make all the creatures he can create more powerful.

Li Shushan has been watching Luna's development. He doesn't want to find out in a blink of an eye that this ancient elf tree is getting bigger and bigger and wants to exterminate mankind and rule the earth.

This is completely inconsistent with Li Shushan's interests. Human beings, who are born with souls, each contain huge potential. If the potential of all humans can be stimulated, how terrifying will the knowledge produced by humans be?

The more knowledge he has, the more powerful Li Shushan will become with Olivia, and the magic power produced will become more impressive.

It's just a pity that many human beings in this world do not have the opportunity to fully demonstrate their potential. After all, not everyone has the right to education.

What Luna did was still within Li Shushan's bottom line. She released the huge smoke bomb of "Prehistoric Beast Continent", which was also a very wonderful move!

This "continent of prehistoric beasts" can indeed have a huge promotion effect on human research in the current field of biology!

While Luna was causing trouble in South America, Li Shushan was not idle in China. He used the laundered funds belonging to "Miss Windsor" to acquire many industries, set up a group company, and then In the name of this company, an LPL team was acquired, and an LDL team was also established. This was to help Yu Shengfan complete her main mission.

This didn’t cause much of a stir, because the entry of big capital into the LPL is nothing new.

As for why Li Shushan is rich, it is of course because the income from "My Lord God Space" is really amazing, and there are not as few gods who are willing to spend 5 million for private customization as he imagined.

The income earned in several months was enough for him to build such a platform for Yu Shengfan.

In fact, Yu Shengfan has now become a star figure in the game "League of Legends". Chinese e-sports enthusiasts have recognized that a Chinese gaming genius has been born!

Yes, she is Yu Shengfan! Everyone affectionately calls her "Ayu" and "Xiaoyu".

This talented person who looks like a lolita with two ponytails has successfully climbed to the top of all major servers in the past few months, achieving an unprecedented feat of reaching the top of all servers!

Many videos of Yu Shengfan showing off in Rank frequently appear on major platforms, attracting the admiration of countless viewers!

Many viewers can't wait for her to enter the profession. With her skills, it is really a waste to stay there as a small anchor...

Who let the LPL disappoint the "League of Legends" audience in China again? Almost all international competitions this year were defeated. They were already promoted to the world's number one division, but they were knocked back to their original shape. In this kind of Under such circumstances, everyone can only hope that a hero will step forward.

That’s why everyone doesn’t want Yu Shengfan to waste his talents on live broadcasts. What’s the point of being a small anchor?

But then again, now she is not a small anchor at all, but a well-deserved sister of the "Demon King Live Broadcast Platform". Her daily gift income can exceed 10,000!

Yu Shengfan not only broadcasts "League of Legends", but also broadcasts "Martial Arts World". Her performance in "Martial Arts World" also shocked countless viewers!

Just because when other players like to play tricks and take advantage of game loopholes, she completely relies on hard power to face the martial arts masters in the game. She even created her own martial arts!

Yes, in the game "Martial Arts World", you can create your own martial arts, but how many players have such talent and perseverance?

But Yu Shengfan had it. Her self-created martial arts actually used sleeves, because she felt that long sleeves allowed her to attack from a distance. She still preferred long-range attacks to melee combat. At the same time, she could also hide a dagger in the long sleeves. This way she can kill with one hit in close combat...

This style perfectly corresponds to her hero pool in the "League of Legends" game, which is mages, shooters, assassins, and warriors who can show off.

During the live broadcast of "League of Legends", Yu Shengfan had already contacted many professional players in advance, and many professional players were willing to invite her to play in a duo queue.

After being led by her, many of the professional players asked her half-probingly if she would like to join their team to play professionally. He was very willing to recommend her to the team.

However, what made the audience regretful was that Yu Shengfan did not relent at all. Her career stage had already been prepared for her by Li Shushan.

Among them, the one who has the best relationship with Yu Shengfan is the retired former professional player Ming Kai, nicknamed "Factory Director" and "Qi Jiang". After all, he still failed to break through the curse.

But even so, he still has many fans, but there are also people who hate him extremely because his playing style is too cowardly, his matches are always frustrating to watch, and his escape skills are top-notch...

However, it is undeniable that Ming Kai's father-keeping skills are still top-notch even after he retires. If he and Yu Shengfan play in tandem, they can always protect Yu Shengfan as a big father. Anyway, he will be done with it.

At a certain moment, he suddenly understood the joy of "Benji" who was partnered with "Faker". Why didn't he meet a super dad like Yu Shengfan when he was playing professionally? He felt that even the fat general and the young boy in his prime were not as good as this girl with extremely terrifying talent for gaming!

When Mingkai had such an idea, he felt a little incredible!

Until one day, he was suddenly bound to something called the "lol veteran system". He could use the system to observe the various abilities of other professional players, and of course his own.

He found that his consciousness was still very good, but the operation... was really terrible, but it didn't matter. After having the system, as long as he continued to complete the system tasks, he could improve the operation. In addition, the system also has the ability, then Just by spending points, you can let him enter the "Dark Kai" mode!

Then Mingkai saw the main mission of the system - to bring Yu Shengfan back to the professional stage and form the strongest midfielder combination with her!

As for the side tasks, you can also get task points by using various heroes and super gods to carry tasks in the Korean server king game.

After having this "lol veteran system", Mingkai suddenly ignited his desire for his dream again!

I think many people still mocked him as a "dreamer", but this time he felt that he really had the possibility to realize his dream. Now he not only has the system, but also Yu Shengfan, a super big guy...

It's a pity, do any teams still want him now?

The fourth update today! ! !

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