Mingkai's "LOL Veteran System" is of course a system tailor-made for him by Li Shushan. This system is the same as Tan Keying's "Xueba's Future Technology System" and Luna's "Elven Ancient Tree Growth System". They are all very orthodox systems. It can be said that as long as the host works hard, he can definitely use these systems to create unlimited possibilities.

These orthodox systems are not directly cheated by the host. The improvement of the host is a subtle process. Only those hosts with perseverance and self-control can maximize the effect of the system.

Mingkai, the LPL player numbered 001, although there are countless people who criticize him, they basically criticize his performance on the field. There is no way, in e-sports, dishonesty is the original sin, but in terms of his personal life, But there is nothing shady about him, and his professional attitude is also very good.

Of course, the most important thing is that he does have a dream. Otherwise, he could have retired when he was at his peak and let all the audience remember his glory, instead of insisting on pursuing his dream all the time. There are more and more negative fans, but as time goes by, many viewers also develop negative feelings.

Just when Mingkai was a little confused about where to start from scratch, he received an invitation from Yu Shengfan, and they would compete in S10 together.

After Li Shushan set up the stage for Yu Shengfan, he handed everything over to her.

There is no doubt about Yu Shengfan's ability to talk. Even Su Wuming, a girl who wanted to die, was persuaded to live by her.

Therefore, as long as he provides Yu Shengfan with enough funds, he believes that she can definitely pull together a strong team to complete her own main mission.

In the past few months, while Luna relied on her ancient elf tree body and system to carry out the "resurgence of the beast", Tan Keying also relied on the "future technology system of the academic master" to make her mark in the academic world. Limelight!

She first showed her prominence in the field of mathematics. Various papers and awards in the field of mathematics established her reputation as a "young mathematician", and she did not lag behind in other fields.

She was favored by many Jiangcheng University professors, who even recommended her to professors at better universities, saying that this good talent must not be buried.

If it weren't for the fact that the international "Resurgence of the Behemoth" incident was too eye-catching, then Tan Keying would definitely have attracted a lot of attention with her increasingly outstanding academic abilities, because her current appearance is incomparable. Picky.

The relationship between Tan Keying and "Li Shushan", or Olivia, has also progressed rapidly because they have a strong academic consensus.

But Tan Keying didn't understand why "Li Shushan" didn't publish papers and get more qualifications like her. She must know that she was able to solve certain problems and got help from "Li Shushan".

Anyway, Tan Keying felt that the only person in the world who could truly become her confidant was Li Shushan.

The real Li Shushan is very pleased with Tan Keying's growth. She has indeed not buried the "future technology system of the academic master". If she waits for a while, maybe she can bring him a bigger surprise.

Li Shushan actually spent more time in Su Wuming's heavenly space, and began to focus on evolving Su Wuming's plane.

Through the operation of "Martial Arts World" and "My Lord God Space", he already felt that it was time to create online games. Even if the current magic power still cannot support a large number of players to "travel", online games are inherently closed. Those in beta, private beta, and finally public beta.

In other words, it is entirely possible to draw a small number of players into Su Wuming's plane at the beginning to see how much their potential can help Su Wuming's plane advancement.

At the same time, in this process, the gameplay of this online game is also further improved. If you want to use the power of players, you must first make them fall in love with this game and develop a sense of belonging to this game.

Olivia also spent a lot of time in Su Wuming's heavenly space. She didn't start everything from scratch like Li Shushan. She directly transformed her planet into a planet based on the plane she once was in. A world similar to "France Continent".

This is a severely polarized world. Those who are born with magical talents are destined to become superiors, while ordinary people without magical talents can only be ordinary people throughout their lives.

Li Shushan’s comment on “France Continent” is that it is a very boring world, and players will not like this monotonous world.

However, Olivia didn't care about Li Shushan's evaluation. She completely regarded the "Flange Continent" she created as an experimental world, just to see how the mages in this world had acquired more advanced mathematical knowledge. , can she create magic that will make her eyes shine?

The result was of course very disappointing to Olivia, because these mages created based on the templates of the genius mages in her memory simply lost any enterprising spirit...

Her "France Continent", like Su Wuming's "Warrior World", is a world that is almost destined to be destroyed, because whether they are mages or warriors, they will self-degrade over time.

So in this case, Yu Shengfan's "Monster Planet", or "Abyss Plane", came into play. When those terrifying monsters came to the "Flan Continent", those mages who were not enterprising were completely It seems vulnerable!

Olivia was very disappointed with the world she created. She could probably understand Su Wuming's mood.

Olivia completely gave up intervening in the "Flan continent", but she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. This meant that even if she returned to the real Franco continent now, she would pass on the knowledge she learned from the earth to those Mages, they cannot escape the end of the world in the end.

The mini "Flan Continent" in Su's nameless plane has thus become a place abandoned by gods, probably like a fantasy apocalyptic world. Perhaps it can be used to make a special copy in the future.

Therefore, both Olivia and Su Wuming focused their attention entirely on Li Shushan. They wanted to see how Li Shushan could create a world that truly has a future and maintains forward momentum. If it Even if it stagnates, you can continue to advance the world by introducing the player variable.

What makes Li Shushan better than Olivia is that he is humble enough, unlike Olivia, who thought he had created a "full potential" French continent, but ended up embarrassing her.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Dark Shang Tianqi] for the 100 reward~~~

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