Li Shushan did not directly create creatures like Olivia did.

He knew that Olivia must have used her method of creating high-level familiars, which resulted in no growth process for the mages in her mini "France Continent".

Although these mages have been given the ability to think independently by Olivia and have no idea that they were created, there is no motivation to move forward in their lives.

On the contrary, those "weeds" in Olivia's eyes, civilians with no magical talent at all, are more subjective and proactive. Unfortunately, the existence of mages completely kills their motivation to move forward.

Therefore, Li Shushan believes that only naturally evolved creatures have greater potential. Olivia just wants to save trouble and completely ignores the process of evolution, resulting in her "France Continent" having no deep foundation at all.

This makes the philosophical question of "where do I come from" completely unsolvable. People don't know where they come from, and of course they don't want to know "where do I go."

Su Wuming's "World of Warriors" actually has such a problem. The group of warriors seems to have emerged out of thin air. Historically, no one knows who first created martial arts...

Many warriors live in this world in a muddle-headed way. If you ask them what the meaning of life is, they will probably say that it is to practice martial arts and become successful.

The cultural quality of the "World of Warriors" is lower than that of the "France Continent" later created by Olivia, and Su Wuming herself suffered from cultural disadvantages, which led to her having the aura of the protagonist, and she was regarded as miserable. look like.

Li Shushan completely used a "Book of Creation" to record his creation process. Of course, it was not something like "God said, let there be light."

The "Book of Creation" is for him to read, and it records the entire process of his evolution of the entire planet.

It is recorded in the "Book of Creation" that during the astronomical period, the planet was initially a molten body with an extremely high temperature, so he cooled it down.

Under the influence of the hot fireball rotation and gravity, the material inside the planet began to differentiate. The heavier materials gradually gathered in the center of the earth to form the core; the lighter materials were suspended on the surface of the earth to form the crust; the materials in between formed the mantle.

The layered circle structure is thus formed.

This process was completely displayed in the eyes of Olivia and Su Wuming who were watching. Because Li Shushan accelerated the evolution time, this process was extremely shocking.

Just because the original world of Olivia and Su Wuming was a world of "round sky and square earth". Although Su Wuming made a planet according to Li Shushan's request last time, this planet, to use a more fashionable term, That is soulless!

However, after Li Shushan's evolution, as soon as the "Book of Creation" recorded it, the formation of the planet immediately became more sophisticated.

Li Shushan continued to evolve. Because the temperature of the original planet was extremely high, the original atmosphere escaped.

But with the recombination and differentiation of matter, various gases originally inside the planet rose to the surface and became a new atmosphere.

As the internal temperature of the planet increases, the internal crystallized water vaporizes.

Later, as the surface temperature gradually dropped, the gaseous water condensed and accumulated to a certain extent, and then fell to the ground again through rainfall. This situation continued for a long time, thus forming a hydrosphere on the ground.

This is the entire astronomical period.

Next, the "Book of Creation" began to record the geological period. After the appearance of the earth's crust, the planet entered the geological period.

During this period, valleys, mountains, and large potholes formed on the surface. With water and atmosphere, weathering, erosion, and transportation occurred, and sedimentary rocks began to form.

Continents and oceans began to form, with oceans initially growing within continents and beginning in rifts in the continental lithosphere. Continents break apart and separate from each other at rifts, thus beginning to create new ocean basins…

If Li Shushan did not exist, then the formation of life would be an accident, and there would be no organic matter on the entire planet.

However, under Li Shushan's will, as the planet gradually cooled, simple single molecules gradually formed, and after mixing, they formed more complex polymers.

Later, ocean currents gathered these large particles to "hot spots" such as coasts and deep-sea hot springs. They eventually formed the first primitive cells, and life was born in the ocean.

Compared with Olivia's direct creation of human beings, Li Shushan's transformation of the accidental birth of life into an inevitable behavior can be said to completely make him, the "Creation God", disappear behind the scenes, even if he appears on this planet in the future. Without civilization, if we continue to trace the question "where did we come from?", the conclusion we will probably reach will only be - natural evolution.

Li Shushan's operations made Olivia and Su Wuming watch very carefully, especially Olivia. She felt that her process of creating "France Continent" seemed particularly rough compared with Li Shushan.

Li Shushan then took Olivia and Su Wuming to personally visit this planet where life has not yet formed. The environment of the planet is still too harsh. If those primitive cells want to evolve rich and colorful life, the probability is almost zero.

Now in this star system, there are only five planets in total. Except for the middle star "Su", the other four are the Warrior World, the Farland Continent, the Abyss Plane, and Li Shushan's current "evolutionary planet".

Li Shushan felt that this star system was still too monotonous and the background was not grand enough. However, he could not let Su Wuming continue to create new planets because her world was still too small. You must know that the star "Su" also relied on Created from her original world.

The way to increase this world is very simple, that is to engage in plane wars, plunder other planes, and integrate them into Su Wuming's world, and naturally more planets can be created.

"What should we do next? Looking back through the timeline, your evolutionary planet is completely unable to produce life." Olivia said with some confusion.

Li Shushan smiled lightly, opened his "Book of Creation" and wrote on it: "Gaia will become a primitive cell with self-awareness."

After writing it, he chose one of the many primitive cells in the ocean and injected it with a consciousness called "Gaia".

"Isn't this a copy of the Chaos Consciousness we used to make Liz last time? In the final analysis, it comes from me." Olivia was shocked, what on earth was Li Shushan doing?

"I need a primitive cell that is always full of curiosity and desire to explore. I believe Gaia will not let me down." Li Shushan said with a smile.

Second update today! ! !

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