What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 208 The Protagonist of the Ocean Age

Hearing what Li Shushan said, Olivia didn't know how to respond, because her curiosity and desire to explore were indeed very strong. As a result, Li Shushan gave the consciousness of her curiosity and desire to explore into a primitive Above the cells...

As time goes by, how will this primitive cell, named "Gaia" by Li Shushan, develop?

Olivia was inexplicably looking forward to it, and Su Wuming also found it very interesting, so they both tacitly agreed not to call up the timeline to check it from a high-dimensional perspective. Instead, they joined Li Shushan in accelerating time. , see how this primitive cell of "Gaia" will evolve itself.

Of course "Gaia" has memories of Li Shushan. She completely regards him as her father god. After she became a primitive cell, she began to slowly evolve...

And because she is a primitive cell with self-awareness, her evolutionary process seems to have subtly affected other primitive cells, causing them to gradually develop into single-celled organisms.

"On this planet, the existence of life is a necessity. From the moment Gaia's consciousness appears in the primitive cells, the future of this evolving planet is destined to be colorful!"

However, even if the primitive cells possess Gaia consciousness, the evolution process is far slower than Olivia and Su Wuming imagined. They even doubt that even if the primitive cells possess consciousness, they will not be able to successfully evolve. However, Li Shushan is far slower than them. Stay calm.

Time flies forward like this, and the evolutionary planet seems to have entered an accelerated space alone. The sea has changed, the world has changed... and finally ushered in a period of great explosion of life!

For Li Shushan and others who joined the outer space, the billions of years it took for the planet to evolve were just a blink of an eye.

"The Book of Creation" records: "The Cambrian explosion of life, the Gaia consciousness once given, finally played its due role."

Of course, today's Gaia consciousness no longer exists in the poor primitive cells. She now has her own group of multi-cellular organisms. These organisms are not like those naturally evolved organisms, such as trilobites, crinoids, Nautilus and the like, these primitive creatures still act according to instinct and have no intelligence.

But Gaia's biological groups are intelligent. They are like Gaia's organs. Because of her ever-strong curiosity and desire for knowledge, she has even evolved a "research organ" specifically responsible for research. The "prey organ" is responsible for hunting other creatures. When it encounters new creatures, it will capture them and send them to the "research organ".

Gaia cares very much about ecological balance and will never exterminate any species, because every new species can satisfy her curiosity and increase her "technical reserves". She is very happy to see species continue to evolve, and Willing to promote their evolution.

Gaia has 80% of the credit for the Cambrian explosion of life, because while she was learning from those naturally evolving lives, other lives were also learning from her...

After the Cambrian, the Ordovician period dominated by invertebrates came. During this period, the algae did not change much, and the number of trilobites still ranked first. However, at this time, the number and types of other invertebrates exceeded the Cambrian. .

The land of the evolutionary planet has not changed much, and due to the continuous photosynthesis of aquatic plants, the oxygen content in the air has further increased.

The vast sea area breeds a large number of invertebrates of various categories. In addition to those already produced in the Cambrian, some groups have also been further developed, such as graptolites, corals, brachiopods, crinoids, bryozoans and molluscs.

Li Shushan stayed with Olivia and Su Wuming again, observed this era ruled by invertebrate creatures up close, and then recorded it in the "Book of Creation".

"The environment of the evolving planet is very suitable for the survival of life, but to some extent, this will slow down the evolution of life. Life needs to use its own strength to overcome various difficulties in order to become tough." Li Shushan Said this to them.

Originally, both Olivia and Su Wuming were very optimistic about the development of the evolving planet, especially Olivia. She even shamelessly took the credit for "Gaia" on herself, thinking that she was responsible for the many changes that had occurred to the evolving planet along the way. The Mother Earth Goddess who protects and protects life...

As a result, now that she heard Li Shushan say this, she couldn't help but wonder: "Then what do you want to do?"

Li Shushan smiled and said nothing. As he continued to accelerate the time of the evolving planet, vertebrates finally appeared, and fish became the overlord of the evolving planet.

"It's time to take the initiative to create the first batch of intelligent life. The environment of the evolving planet is just right for them." Li Shushan said calmly.

The subsequent emergence of the "Naga Clan" of intelligent life also marks the arrival of the "Naga Age"!

Generally speaking, Naga is a humanoid creature whose lower body is like a big snake and its body is covered with scales. Nagas can breathe freely whether in the sky or underwater. Most Nagas live in the depths of the ocean.

Female Nagas are tall and slender, with fine scales and tentacles on their faces. Female Nagas have stronger intelligence and magic power than their male spouses, and the Naga tribe is also a matriarchal society.

Compared to Naga women, Naga men are larger and stronger, and their appearance is closer to beasts. Naga males have dragon-like heads and seemingly unevolved human muscles. The size and thickness of the scales covering the body are also far greater than those of female Nagas.

Of course, the Naga tribe is not a life that evolved naturally, but an intelligent life created by Li Shushan.

He just wanted to see if the Naga tribe, which monopolized the ocean and was blessed with natural resources, could develop a brilliant civilization while the environment on the mainland was not suitable for intelligent land races.

Even if he can't, it doesn't matter to Li Shushan. Evolution Planet was originally used to make online games in the future. The existence of the Naga tribe can enrich the game's racial settings.

In addition, Li Shushan also wanted to see whether Gaia's ethnic group would evolve again due to the emergence of the first intelligent race, "Naga".

Gaia has been expanding her population. She hopes that one day she can completely cover the entire planet, and then no matter what new species appears on the planet, she can study it immediately and satisfy her curiosity.

Gaia discovered the "Naga tribe" that appeared very suddenly in the depths of the sea through her algae community in the sea. Of course, she became very curious about this creature that did not appear to have evolved naturally at first glance!

The third update today! ! !

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