Gaia will naturally not take the initiative to provoke newly born intelligent life forms like the "Naga Tribe". Anyway, any independent individual life will eventually die. She only needs to wait until they die naturally before she can decompose their corpses. , and then study them thoroughly.

Basically, as long as it is a creature that Gaia has decomposed once, she can use cells to restore them, making them completely indistinguishable to members of their own race.

Gaia will place "undercover agents" among those biological populations that she believes have great potential, and experience the life of such creatures. This is a great satisfaction for her curiosity.

As the first intelligent creature that Gaia came into contact with, the Naga tribe was of course placed as an "undercover" by her.

In fact, the first generation of Nagas were not as intelligent as Gaia imagined. They were still full of wild nature and lived just to survive every day. They did not form a civilization at all.

This status quo has continued without any intention of changing. This kind of intelligent creature obviously did not meet Li Shushan's expectations.

There is not much difference between them and the mages created by Olivia, because they have been the protagonists of the ocean age since they were born, and they have no motivation to change or improve themselves. Anyway, there are almost endless fish in the ocean. class, so they don’t have to worry about food at all.

In addition, although they have also learned to make tools such as weapons, that's all. They don't even have the concept of "fire". The food they eat is always live fish.

"Originally, when you created the Naga tribe, I was still full of expectations for them, because the evolutionary planet that is now roughly covered is really their home field. Some of them have outstanding talents and have natural talents for water magic. However, Such a favorable environment has been wasted by them, and they are not worthy of being the protagonist." Olivia said with emotion as she looked at the Naga tribe in the evolutionary planet in the "Three-Dimensional Picture Scroll".

Her disappointment with these Nagas was probably her disappointment with the mages in the mini "France Continent" she created. She had already sent such precious knowledge to them, but they still let her down.

"Born in sorrow, died in happiness." Li Shushan replied lightly. He didn't expect the "Naga tribe" to promote the development of the entire world, and their current performance naturally did not exceed his expectations.

If you take a casual look at the timeline, you will find that if the evolution continues like this, the Naga tribe will eventually completely occupy the ocean, and then the food in the ocean will not be enough for them to survive. They will destroy the entire marine ecosystem, and as a result, they will not be able to recover. Ecology, nature will eventually become extinct.

Ironically, the first generation of the Naga tribe may be considered the smartest, because their tribe was still too small at that time, and the ocean was full of various dangers. In order to expand their tribe, they , still needs to be operated slowly.

This process was very interesting in the eyes of Gaia, the bystander. However, after the operation of the Naga tribe was completed and they fell into a state of reincarnation, Gaia completely lost interest in them.

Basically, the potential of creatures that make Gaia lose curiosity and interest is just that.

Gaia created a "memory organ" specifically to record everything she experienced. From the very beginning, the figure of her father-god Li Shushan was also recorded in it.

But because she was just a primitive cell at that time and had no visual organs, of course she couldn't see Li Shushan's true appearance. She could only record the vague feeling. In her mind, Father God Li Shushan was an incomparable person. A majestic existence...

When the Naga people lost the pressure to survive, they fell into a state of "stalemate". It is obvious that there is land on the evolutionary planet, but they are completely unwilling to go ashore. Maybe in their minds, the sea will always be The main theme of this world.

"Then what will you do next? Send the abyss monster to destroy the world?" Olivia asked casually. After she found out that the mage she created was so unsatisfactory, she felt a little depressed and directly used "Abyss" "Plane" monsters are extinct.

"It's not necessary for the time being. I originally wanted to continue changing the environment of the evolving planet." Li Shushan replied, and then he drew on the "three-dimensional scroll" at will, and saw dozens of huge meteorites turning into meteors and landing on the evolving planet. !

Li Shushan gave the Naga tribe 50 million years of development time. As a result, they had no enterprising ideas at all except to dominate the bathtub of the sea.

The "undersea city" they built is also extremely simple, just made of random piles of huge rocks. If the sea turned into land, it might become "Stonehenge".

Before the meteorite arrived on the evolving planet, Li Shushan wanted to push their potential. In the minds of the more intelligent priests, the doomsday scenario of "meteorite annihilation" appeared...

If this kind of "prophecy" appears in the mind of only one Naga priest, it will definitely not attract the attention of the entire Naga tribe. However, almost all priests and some Naga tribes with stronger water magic talents have appeared. In this "doomsday revelation", things are definitely not that simple.

However, the people in power of the Naga tribe are not willing to believe this "doomsday revelation" at all, and even think that it is not something to be afraid of at all, because they are "children of the ocean". As long as they hide in the depths of the sea when the meteorite falls, Then they can still live well?

The Naga tribe has thrived for tens of millions of years, will they become extinct because of a small meteorite?

Of course the Naga tribe will not become extinct, they will only lose their status as the protagonists of the world. From now on, they only deserve to exist in a corner of the ocean and survive...

The Naga people, who did not pay attention to the "doomsday apocalypse", completely swallowed the bitter pill.

On this day, I saw the huge meteor piercing the night sky and falling into the sea, with lightning flashing in the sky.

This is when the global climate becomes drier and temperatures drop.

The ocean currents swirled in new patterns, cooling the ocean further, making surface water more salinous and reducing the oxygen content in the ocean to very low levels.

Meteor impacts also caused additional climate changes.

The ignorant Naga tribe cannot understand at all that the truly terrifying aspect of a meteorite impact is not the moment of impact, but the series of chain reactions caused by the impact!

A total of six huge celestial bodies crashed into the ocean, resulting in the extinction of many marine life including reef-building animals, various fish and brachiopods.

The Nagas bear the brunt!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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