Almost all the ordinary members of the Naga tribe died in this "genocide of life" because they had no way to save themselves.

In such a situation, knowing that the end is coming in advance, all they can do is pray to the "Poseidon".

In the mythology of the Naga people, the sea was created by the "Poseidon", and as the "sons of the ocean", they are of course the objects of the "Poseidon"'s favor. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they are already accustomed to praying to the "Poseidon" .

However, they have prayed to the "Poseidon" for tens of millions of years, but no miracles have appeared at all...

But the purpose of religion is to provide spiritual comfort to the incompetent. Anyway, no matter what the situation, just believe in God and that's it.

Even though the Naga tribe is now experiencing an unprecedented mass extinction, they still believe that this may be a test of their faith by the "God of the Sea". The more they are in this critical moment, the more pious they must maintain their faith.

This performance of the Naga tribe really amused Li Shushan, who directed "Meteor Destruction". Why didn't he know that the intelligent creatures in the ocean he created were such high-quality believers...

"The reason is very simple. Everything they have comes from the sea. The 'Poseidon' means they have deified the sea. In their minds, the sea is omnipotent. They grow up in the sea and get sufficient food and water from the sea. , the sea can also give them the power of water magic... Therefore, it makes sense for them to believe in the 'Poseidon' so devoutly. This is a race that does not know how to create with their own hands. Li Shushan, you failed this time I am deeply inspired by their creations." Olivia said with an emotional tone.

Li Shushan looked indifferently at the countless Naga creatures who died tragically in the evolutionary planet. There was no fluctuation in his heart. He just continued to use the "Book of Creation" to record: "The meteorite destroyed the world, the Naga Age ended, and the Naga clan retreated to the depths of the North Sea. Place, hidden from the world.”

After the Naga Period, as the climate of the evolving planet became harsh, lakes and swamps dried up, placoderm fish became extinct, and many species of fish also faced threats.

During this long period of time, some species of lobe-finned fish adapted well to the environment. They relied on even fins, internal nostrils and swim bladders to climb onto land in search of water and food. Over time, some of them gradually evolved into primitive amphibians. animal.

Perhaps the Naga people will be very ashamed when they see these fish that were originally just their food, because these fish are really able to survive. No matter how bad the climate and environment become, they will try their best to survive.

Under this situation, even Olivia was moved by these naturally evolved creatures. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have been able to believe that the Nagas, an intelligent race favored by the "gods", were not as intelligent as those without intelligence. of fish...

On today's evolving planet, due to the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere, an ozone layer is formed in the stratosphere that can absorb most ultraviolet rays, adding a protective layer to the surface of the planet in addition to the shelter of seawater for organisms.

It can be said that the emergence of the ozone layer created conditions for the landing of Paleozoic plants.

The earliest insects have become extinct, but insects are by far the most successful animals to inhabit the evolutionary planet.

They are the earliest land animals.

Tropical rainforests are the most biologically diverse places, with insects making up one-third of the total weight of animals and plants.

The strong exoskeleton protects small animals from harm and prevents them from drying out during times of drought and lack of rain.

Insects can lay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of eggs at a time. Even in the most dangerous or harsh environments, eggs can hatch and grow, producing more insects.

As the climate gradually became humid, new and unique forests appeared on the land, which were the earliest forests on the land.

These forests are not as dense and dark as swamp forests, and are composed of horsetails, thick layers of ferns, and tall, slender trees.

New and strange animals have colonized this strange landscape. Amphibians of all shapes and sizes thrive in moist environments, as do giant insects.

Insects were the first animals to master flight. Reptiles, birds, mammals and even fish took to the sky after them. Flying greatly facilitates evading predators, conquering new territories, and finding new food sources.

At first, insects may run, jump, or glide down trees. Insects with body sizes more conducive to locomotion often survive, and eventually they develop wings.

Without Li Shushan, the development of insects might have been exactly like that on earth, where they would almost always play a supporting role and never produce advanced intelligence.

But Li Shushan feels that it is possible to create a "hive mind" to integrate these insects that have evolved tenaciously to the present. Their future may bring surprises to the world.

He also gave this "Hive Mind" a name, called "Tylon".

The Tyranids have since been born on the evolutionary planet. The emergence of the Zerg mother nest also means that its evolutionary path has begun.

However, there is no doubt that the Tyranids are also very dependent on the species evolution of the evolutionary planet itself. They evolve completely through "predation" and "devourment". In theory, they have unlimited possibilities. As long as they develop, they may It will become a "natural disaster"!

"This Tyranid is simply born for war, but it is a double-edged sword. Aren't you afraid that after it develops, your evolutionary planet will completely become the home planet of the Tyranids?" Livia commented on Li Shushan's behavior of giving insects the "hive will".

Li Shushan said indifferently: "Have you forgotten that there is a big boss behind the scenes on the evolutionary planet?"

Olivia was stunned for a moment, and then took a closer look at the "three-dimensional picture", only to discover that "Gaia" has almost completely integrated with the evolving planet. Its tribe exists in almost every place on the planet. Be it fish, insects, amphibians, plants, etc.

The "Hive Mind" of the Tyranids is indeed very terrifying and has great potential, but when compared with Gaia's consciousness, it is incomparable, because it is impossible for the "Hive Mind" to micromanage a single cell. It can only rely on Build your own Zerg mother nest for directed evolution.

No matter what biological weapons the Tyranids come up with, as soon as they are decomposed by "Gaia", they will directly become Gaia's!

To destroy Gaia, you even need to destroy every cell in her. As long as one cell exists, Gaia can make a comeback!

But if the Tyranids' Zerg mother nest is destroyed, the Hive Will will be finished, and other Zerg soldiers controlled by the Hive Will will instantly become headless flies.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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