It is precisely because of the existence of Gaia that Li Shushan will give the insects on the evolving planet a "hive will", allowing them to gather the power of the group and eventually become a Zerg civilization.

Logically speaking, the "Hive Mind" has no emotions, no emotions, refuses to communicate, has careful thinking, quick reactions, and delicate operations. Therefore, when the Tyranids grow into the ultimate predator in the world, they will use it to become A "natural disaster".

However, the moment the "Hive Mind" given by Li Shushan appeared on the evolutionary planet, Gaia quickly discovered its appearance.

Just like when Gaia discovered the Naga clan, her curiosity was aroused again.

Speaking of the huge meteorite that almost wiped out the Naga clan, of course it also caused great losses to the Gaia clan, but this was actually just drizzle. No matter how impressive the meteorite was, it could not wipe out cells...

Gaia is the most tenacious existence on the entire evolutionary planet, and her adaptability far exceeds that of other creatures.

In Gaia's eyes, the Naga tribe is undoubtedly the flowers in the greenhouse. They purely relied on the blessing of her father God to become the protagonists of the Ocean Age, with a history of 50 million years of reproduction.

However, they completely failed to grasp this favor. Instead, the more they multiplied, the more they regressed. Eventually, they lost their divine favor. Under the destruction of the meteorite, they withdrew from the stage of history and became an ancient but not great creature at all. To survive in a small corner of the ocean.

Comparing the high-spiritedness of the Naga tribe in its heyday when they controlled the sea and built "palaces" and temples on the seabed, and then look at the decline of the Naga tribe now, Gaia only feels that she has learned a lot of things and lessons.

Now, the appearance of the Zerg mother nest has made Gaia suddenly interested again. Could it be said that the protagonists of this era are insects?

Of course not individual insects, but insects with the will of the hive.

Gaia can feel the Hive Mind, and the feeling the other party gives her seems to have a very clear goal, which is to "devour", "reproduce", and "evolve". Any organic matter will become nourishment for the Tyranids. No matter where it goes, it will Like locusts passing through!

Gaia felt the potential of the Tyranids, but she did not choose to stifle the opponent's potential. Instead, she was curious about how far the opponent could achieve.

What Gaia never expected was that the Tyranids would be so ferocious!

The various insects produced in the Zerg mother nest will simply eat up all the organic matter on the entire evolving planet, and then they will reproduce, reproduce, and reproduce again!

As for evolution, it has stopped at a low level, because the Tyranids feel that the current level of evolution is enough for it to eat the organic matter of the entire evolutionary planet...

After the Naga Age, the Teran Age finally truly begins!

Olivia, who has been paying attention to the evolving planet, couldn't help complaining to Li Shushan: "You just let the Tyranids run wild? Now, both the land and the sky are dominated by insects. The originally colorful world is dominated by insects. Life will be swallowed up by these bugs! These bugs are more aggressive than the Nagas, but they are too aggressive. When they finish swallowing the entire planet, they will eventually become extinct if they cannot leave the planet!"

Olivia now has the idea that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry. She has been watching the "Evolution Planet" for so long that she has almost developed feelings for this planet, and is very much looking forward to what the rich and colorful lives in it can eventually evolve into. To such an extent, who knew that the "Tyranids" created by Li Shushan could be so ferocious!

Compared with the Tyranids, the Nagas are just harmless little white rabbits. They simply don't have the terrifying devouring ability of the Tyranids. Now looking at the Tyranids' posture, they want to worm the entire evolving planet!

Li Shushan didn't panic when he heard Olivia's complaints. He created the Tyranids. Of course he knew how powerful the other party was. As long as the "plane war" officially started in the future, the Tyranids would definitely become the most powerful force. A terrifying sharp knife, to creatures from other planes, it is a natural disaster invasion!

However, the problem now is that the Tyranid needs a dog chain to tie it up, otherwise its hive will will cause it to bite everyone on its own!

"We have to believe in Gaia. She will definitely not let the Tyranids devour them without any bottom line. If the Tyranids really devour all the organic matter on the evolutionary planet, wouldn't Gaia be completely dead? This is so sorry for my expectations for her." Li Shushan said in a relaxed tone.

As if to prove that Li Shushan's relaxation was not unreasonable.

After Gaia's curiosity about the Tyranids was exhausted, she finally took action because she didn't want the Tyranids to devour all the organic matter on the planet. She would have no new creatures to observe and decompose, causing her to There was no way to satisfy her curiosity.

Gaia does not intend to completely destroy the Tyranids, but to imprison the Tyranids' Zerg mother nests and set aside an area for the Tyranids to evolve. In any case, it is to restrain the Tyranids' hive will.

Of course it is impossible for other creatures to do this, but Gaia's consciousness has such confidence.

If the "meteorite annihilation" is the reason why the Naga Era opens a new chapter and comes to the Zerg Era, then Gaia's action this time is the reason why the protagonist of this era, the "Tyranid Zerg", exits.

Li Shushan and Olivia enjoyed a unique "World War of Biology". The insect soldiers of the Tyranids who originally faced other creatures were completely reduced to nothing after encountering Gaia's army of insect-eating creatures!

The Zerg army created by the Tyranid Zerg diligently by devouring organic matter was completely defeated by Gaia's Zerg nemesis army specially constructed and copied from cells! The organic matter it devoured all became Gaia's in the blink of an eye...

Olivia now feels that the Tyranids are too miserable. She originally looked like a tiger swallowing up thousands of miles, but in the blink of an eye, she became the most unlucky wage earner in history!

But this cannot be blamed on the Tyranid Zerg. Who allowed the existence of a hive mind like the Gaiatianke Zerg?

The "hive mind" of the Tyranids, which was not afraid of anything, was actually frightened by the consciousness of Gaia. It was even brainwashed by the consciousness of Gaia, that is - reproduction is of course good, but it cannot be done in her. Instead of multiplying without restraint on their own land, we must follow the path of sustainable development and ensure biological diversity!

In this case, it will also be good for your own evolution!

How could the Tyranids dare to refute anything? They could only be raised and trained by Gaia...

The third update today! ! !

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