After the Zerg era, there is of course the era of dragons. However, although the dragons have extremely powerful bodies and dragon language magic, they are still somewhat lacking in wisdom, and with their long lifespans, no matter what they do, they lack a certain kind of wisdom. Sense of urgency.

However, the giant dragons still became the protagonists of the First Age. With their more lewd natures, they also left behind a bunch of dragon descendants and created the profession of Dragon Vein Warlock.

Due to their strong individual strength, giant dragons have not formed a civilization, and there are very few giant dragons that can become true dragons. Many giant dragons basically accumulate treasures, eat and wait to die.

In the end, like the Naga tribe, the dragon also became a backdrop and withdrew from the stage of the times.

On the contrary, the inferior blood reptiles of the giant dragons later became the masters of the evolutionary planet. This evolutionary process is very similar to the age of dinosaurs on the earth.

But these reptiles did not evolve wisdom after all, but they were not exterminated by meteorites. They just became ordinary creatures. Some of them may have stronger dragon blood and can release magic.

Next comes the era of competition between elves, dwarves, orcs, humans and other races. Various professions have also been created one after another. This evolving planet has finally become a world suitable for online games.

This is an extremely real world with its own long history. There will be various myths and epics for players to explore. When players upgrade to a certain level, plane wars will begin, and all players will fight for plane advancement. And fighting, after all, the higher the energy level of the plane, the higher their level limit will be.

The existence of Gaia is to shape the player's body. She has survived for more than four billion years from the moment the original cells of this world appeared. Until now, she has decomposed almost all living things. This is of course This means that she can create the body of any creature, and these bodies can inject consciousness into the player.

Therefore, in theory, players can play any race in this world, whether it is Naga, Zerg, Dragon, etc., because Gaia can easily shape the bodies of these races and retain their racial talents.

Players can even play as animals and plants without intelligence. They can be a tree, a dinosaur, a fish... and experience a completely different life.

However, animals and plants with player consciousness can also evolve through upgrading. They can even evolve their original unintelligent tribe into intelligent ones, and then form a civilization!

This is of course very difficult, but the degree of freedom is really high. Players who like to play games like "Spore" will definitely like this kind of player. For example, the real ancient elf Luna, if she comes to If you become a tree in this game, you will definitely be very skilled in playing it.

This game was eventually named "Infinite" by Li Shushan!

In the game "Infinite", players do have unlimited possibilities. After all, Evolution Planet is just a novice village for players to familiarize them with the gameplay. Moreover, after players enter the game, the evolution of Evolution Planet will never change. Stop, it is very likely that tens of millions of years will pass after an update and maintenance, and the players themselves will become part of the epic and myth.

Players who come again will definitely feel very happy when they see that they are "famous in history".

"Infinite" has not produced any game promotion videos, because the number of first-test players is currently only 5,000. Players who can qualify for the first test are not random, but the kind of players who truly love sandbox games with complete freedom. High play.

They need to have a stronger desire to explore, and their curiosity will never end!

After all, this will be an extremely open game world, and even all the tasks in it can be completely ignored. Players can play the game according to their own wishes. Maybe some players are playing, You will find that it may not be a game at all, but real reality!

The "Infinite" online game was launched quietly, and of course its official website and official forum appeared on the Magic Network platform. As a result, its official forum was maxed out immediately!

The Magic Network platform now has a very large number of people online, at least it has exceeded 10 million. Even if many people do not play the games of the Magic Network platform, they still like to watch live broadcasts and follow novels on the Magic Network platform.

Because this is a platform where the mythical beast of harmony does not exist at all, many netizens feel the long-lost atmosphere of freedom in this place!

As soon as the official website of the "Infinite" online game appeared, of course, netizens discovered it, and then they were shocked...

They had never seen such a crude official website, which didn't even have a promotional video for the game, let alone any introduction to how to play the game.

There is only one sentence on the official website - In the world of "Infinite", you will have unlimited possibilities, and your footsteps will travel all over the world!

In addition, it is the entrance to the game. As a result, after most people choose to click, a reminder will appear, that is, dear player, unfortunately, you have not qualified for the first test.

This reminder simply makes those players who were full of expectations want to vomit blood!

Yes, even though the official website of "Infinite" is so crude, it makes people wonder if the game production team is playing tricks, but this is the first online game work of "Future Technology Studio", and it will obviously be the first in the world. A true virtual reality online game!

Of course, everyone wants to try such an online game, especially those studios that originally make money through online games. They all feel that any online game produced by "Future Technology Studio" has great potential!

You know, now that "Martial Arts World" has launched an online mode, it has even spawned a group of power-trainers. They will lead those "brainless party members" through missions. However, even so, the difficulty of "Martial Arts World" is still difficult for many players. Not friendly.

As a result, countless players are looking forward to "Future Technology Studio" to release an online game with a moderate difficulty level. What they never expected was that this online game called "Infinite" would disappear so quietly. The sound is online!

The most annoying thing is that most players who are particularly looking forward to playing online games are not even qualified for the first test!

Many people who think that the qualifications for the first test are drawn by luck, of course feel very dissatisfied because they don't know when to draw the qualifications for the first test. This clearly means that they are not even given a chance to try their luck. This game Operations is like a mother’s death!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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