What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 213 Unlimited freedom of online games

In the official forum of the "Infinite" online game, many players who have not qualified for the first test have started to curse!

“I’ve been hoping for the stars and hoping for the moon, and finally I’m hoping that ‘Future Technology Studio’ will release an online game. Why don’t you even qualify for the first beta test?”

"There is definitely a shady secret! I would like to ask those big guys who have qualified for the first test, how did you obtain this qualification?"

"Will the boss of the first beta test come out to answer questions? I guess they will enter the game and level up immediately..."

"Judging from Sima Xingxing of Future Technology Studio, the difficulty of this game must be extremely high. It would be better to just quietly be a cloud player!"

"Damn it, I've never seen such a willful game production team. They don't even have a game promotion video, but it went online inexplicably. The official website seems to be joking with everyone."

"I have already felt the attitude of the game makers of 'playing, not playing'. Haha, if I play "Infinite" in the future, I will eat shit!"

"I saw cheating and partying again. No matter what, I will definitely play the only virtual reality game in the world. I think it can definitely change my life!"

"Judging from the name of the online game "Infinite", we can know that this future technology studio has great ambitions. This will definitely be an all-inclusive game!"

"I seem to have been lucky enough to qualify for the first test, but I haven't entered the game yet. I will live broadcast it for everyone when the time comes."

"Damn it! The boss of the first test suddenly appeared upstairs. How did you get the qualification for the first test?"

"I don't know about this either. Just when I entered my account on the Magic Network platform, I found an email sent to me, saying that I had obtained this qualification. Could it be because I am better at playing "My Lord God Space"? I I have already made hundreds of thousands using this game..."

"I admire the boss of the first beta test, and I also admire the boss who can build houses. It seems that the game "Infinite" needs talents like the boss very much?"

The scolding in the official forum did not lower the expectations of many players for this game, and those players who showed off their qualifications for the first test have become the envy of many players.

Many players have discovered that these first beta testers are basically well-known high-level players in the two games "Martial Arts World" and "My Lord God Space", and some of them have pioneered certain gameplays and genres. player.

However, there are still some who don’t seem to be high-level players. Some people boldly speculate that it may be related to their responsibilities in reality.

After all, in a sense, those who can make a mark in "Earth OL" will definitely stand out as long as they play seriously after entering the game.

Xu Qihua is a player who was very lucky to qualify for the first test. He is a player with a particularly big brain and a wide range of ideas.

In the stand-alone game "Martial Arts World", he always wanted to prove that everything in this game world was real. However, as time went by, he found that this game seemed to be a pure game, but those high-level NPCs were indeed very similar to each other. It's just a real person, suspected to be an advanced artificial intelligence that has completely passed the Turing test.

Then in "My Lord God Space", he was keen on buying those building materials and making some weird things. Anyway, they were things that did not exist in reality and only existed in fantasy.

All in all, Xu Qihua is the kind of player who doesn't take the usual path at all. You never know what is going on in his mind at the next moment.

At this time, with deep curiosity, he finally entered the "Infinite" online game.

He originally thought that the mechanism of this online game should be similar to that of "World of Martial Arts". It should be an upgraded version of "World of Martial Arts", which would put all the players on one map...

However, when he entered the game's pinch interface, he was completely shocked!

What kind of magical game is this!

There are too many races to choose from, right?

Forget about those humans, elves, orcs, these are basically the basic settings of fantasy online games, but who will tell him why he can choose to become insects, birds, trees, and flowers?

Can this also have a gaming experience?

Xu Qihua suddenly understood the meaning of "Infinite" at this time. This means that no matter what race you use to start, you can have unlimited possibilities, right?

He carefully compared the differences between the different race selections, and then he discovered that choosing those creatures without intelligence would result in additional compensation points, and he could also obtain more talents and characteristics.

For example, if you choose a bird to start, it basically comes with the "Eagle Eye" and "Flying" skills, and it can become an excellent scouting species right from the start.

All in all, this setting is simply the favorite of those players who love freedom the most. They always feel that ordinary games are a kind of constraint for them.

Well now, the emergence of the "Infinite" game allows them to truly experience all kinds of life. Being a human is no longer a dream, but a reality.

However, some players must feel that this setting is too flashy, and non-human players may be rejected by humanoid players. After all, the different appearance will make people feel that this is not the same species at all.

Xu Qihua thought about it and felt that it would be better to play normally for his first account. If he wanted to experience the gameplay of other races, he could create another alt account.

The online game "Infinite" obviously does not restrict players from creating alt accounts. Unlike some games that trick players into exploring other worlds, once players create a character, they can only play with that character. Even alt accounts are not allowed. Can't open.

Since "Infinite" boasts unlimited possibilities, it will of course give players the greatest freedom. If the player wants to, they can completely close the game panel in the game and treat it as their second life, creating a completely immersive game. Players…

Xu Qihua created a human character, selected the magic talent, and then entered the game.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the way he entered the game this time was completely different from the way he entered "Martial Arts World"!

And when he appeared in the world of "Infinity", he found that a group of people knelt down in front of him, speaking strange languages, but he completely understood them. They called him "The Favored One of God" ” and hoped that he could save them.

He pinched his body and felt that this was so real!

And this time, he could even pull open his pants and see what was inside... Damn it, there was nothing there. Such a real game didn't even require excretion?

What kind of reality is this? Bad review!

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