Zhang Yaozhong, who was flying to a certain town, soon discovered the joy of this game, that is, when the NPCs in the game saw it flying over, they reacted very violently, as if they were very afraid of creatures like him.

Indeed, if humans and dinosaurs lived in the same era, they would definitely be natural enemies of each other. Dinosaurs could use humans as food, and humans could of course hunt dinosaurs.

Of course, this refers to those humans who have not yet possessed modern weapons. Otherwise, even dinosaurs would be younger brothers in the face of human weapons of mass destruction.

The level of development of humans in this world has not even reached the level of the Middle Ages. They do not have any gunpowder weapons and rely entirely on cold weapons. However, some humans are the so-called "dragon descendants", which can also be said to be descendants of dragons. They are born with It has the power of blood.

Zhang Yaozhong soon paid the price for his behavior of "flying dragon riding on the face". I don't know when, a group of archer NPCs actually ran out of the town, and just one salvo made him "crash"!

Who made Zhang Yaozhong want to fly lower and take a closer look at the appearance of these human NPCs? Then he discovered that these humans were not of the Western race. Originally, when he looked at the elves, orcs, etc. in the game interface, he thought they were... It's a pure fantasy game...

After the "crash", Zhang Yaozhong still had combat effectiveness. He found that the game's pain system still existed, and the default was to weaken it to 10% of reality, so when he was shot by an arrow just now, it was like being hit by a mosquito. It was a bite, and pterosaurs were actually more pain-resistant than humans, so he didn't really think it was a big deal.

Even when he "crash" from the air, it felt a bit exciting, probably like riding on a jumping plane. And when his nearly five-meter body completely fell to the ground, he also felt that he was probably seriously injured. He opened the game After looking at the panel, I realized that the "health bar" of this game is not as simple as that of ordinary games. Instead, there are health bars on the brain, body, limbs, etc. If you directly attack the brain, you have a chance to achieve a one-hit kill!

"The game "Infinite" seems to be as realistic as possible in many aspects. The blood exchange tactics in the previous "Martial Arts World" probably cannot be used in this game anymore, but the difficulty of this game is really not as good as "Martial Arts World" "World" is so high, if I hadn't been so careless about the 'Flying Dragon Riding on the Face', then I definitely wouldn't have been shot by them." Zhang Yaozhong said to the audience very calmly, as if he didn't care about his current situation at all.

Of course the audience could understand his "dragon cry", but the human NPCs in the game couldn't. They thought the pterosaur roared in pain.

Zhang Yaozhong took a look at the mini map and found that these humanoid NPCs were all red dots on the mini map. He said helplessly: "I understand, if you choose a non-human creature to start, and it is a large carnivorous animal such as a pterosaur. , then I guess I can only develop in the jungle, and I can’t communicate with human NPCs at all. It seems that this can be regarded as a balancing setting of the game?"

The NPCs who shot Zhang Yaozhong down were not lenient. They obviously wanted to directly hunt down this "giant" pterosaur. Some humans who wanted to become "dragon-slaying warriors" even rushed out with spears. .

Zhang Yaozhong did not sit back and wait for death. In order to test the combat effectiveness of the pterosaur, he chose to give it a try!

Speaking of which, as an alien beast, it was quite a new feeling to directly confront humans, but he also had a deep understanding of the combat power of the "terrible upright ape"!

Wait, are humans in this world really evolved from apes? It seems that apes in this era are all super giant apes. Can such apes evolve into such tiny humans?

Yes, in the eyes of Zhang Yaozhong now, human beings are so small. After all, he is about five meters tall now, which is almost three times the height of these humans. He looks at humans as if they are looking at a standing medium-sized creature. dog.

Of course, Zhang Yaozhong was still surrounded and killed by these humans, but he was completely unafraid of pain and killed about a dozen human NPCs. However, when he killed him, he was not as emotionless as other online games, because these human NPCs were really It's so realistic that they will even feel sad because of the death of their companions!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room felt uncomfortable. Although this "Infinite" online game has lost the reproduction function of the players, it has not harmonized any bloody scenes.

"The anchor seems a bit cold-blooded. These human NPCs seem to be intelligent beings, but they were killed like this..."

"It's a bit too gory and the picture is disgusting."

"If it weren't for the anchor playing this pterosaur, I really can't imagine this creature being so ferocious!"

"It's not that this creature is cruel, it's that the anchor who is not afraid of pain is so cruel. I guess those human NPCs are confused as to why this pterosaur can fight back even though it's injured to this extent."

"I think the anchor is playing well. They are just NPCs in the game anyway. They will definitely be refreshed."

"I suggest the anchor wait and come back to see if these dead NPCs have been refreshed..."

Zhang Yaozhong is indeed curious about whether NPCs will be refreshed. Anyway, although he does feel a little uncomfortable killing human NPCs, when he thinks that they are just NPCs in the game, just a bunch of data, he doesn't feel any guilt. .

After his death, Zhang Yaozhong soon discovered another interesting aspect of the "Infinite" online game, that is, in addition to being resurrected as a pterosaur, he could also be resurrected as other creatures, including humanoid creatures, but This is equivalent to deleting your account and starting over.

Therefore, this approach should be carefully considered. If you have trained the pterosaur to a very high level, you will definitely be reluctant to start over. If you want to start with other creatures, you might as well return to the game interface and create a new one. Let’s play again with the trumpet.

Zhang Yaozhong has a new account now anyway, so he might as well change into another creature for fun. He simply turned into the same species as the human NPCs he just killed, just to see if the dead NPCs would be refreshed.

As a result, he turned into a human. After entering this small town, he discovered that this small town was filled with a sad atmosphere. The people in the town were talking about the terrible pterosaur that just killed him crazily and sighed at those... The human warriors who were killed in counter-attack...

Then the people in the town held funerals for these soldiers. Everything made Zhang Yaozhong feel so real!

"This...I have become a murderer? This game is too..." Zhang Yaozhong didn't know what to say, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked!

The third update today! ! !

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