The audience was indeed shocked by Zhang Yaozhong's discovery, just because the behavior of these human NPCs was so real, just like real humans!

Although many players feel that as long as they play games, any character in the game can be regarded as an NPC and do whatever they want to them. But when all the behaviors of these NPCs are completely similar to humans, how many players can be cruel and do whatever they want to them? What about presumption?

Of course, such players exist, but deep down in their hearts, there must be an unknown dark side. They dare not expose such dark side to reality, so they can only do whatever they want in the game, and then return the favor. You can comfort yourself with "the NPCs in the game are just a bunch of data".

But if the characters in the game who are exactly the same as real humans are really regarded as data, then the question arises, are real humans also regarded as data?

Maybe what humans think of as reality is just a game world for players’ entertainment.

The advanced civilization hidden behind the scenes designed the scene of the earth, and then created human beings, endowed them with a certain amount of wisdom, and allowed them to freely develop, reproduce, plant, raise, build high-rise buildings, and invent machines... It is just this kind of wisdom No matter how it develops, it is within the controllable scope of advanced civilization.

Even the great people who promoted the progress of human civilization may be played by players. They borrowed human bodies. How many people have the memory of their birth?

Advanced civilization sends a group of players in from time to time. They have the same form as humans, hide among humans, and experience the game. Players can kill people, set fires, and act recklessly. News reports and historical records describe those who have advanced opinions. In fact, they are players.

When the game Earth and Humanity is not very popular, the game makers will update the version and re-create new scenes on the Earth, such as the pyramids, Sanxingdui, Maya and other unsolved mysteries, as well as the Mandela Effect. In fact, it is the above The remains of a game that have not yet been cleared away, and Cretaceous is actually a dinosaur hunting game where players can enjoy the thrill of hunting.

Many human NPCs actually live in reincarnation, so some people will always feel at a certain moment that they have experienced this incident or scene before.

The UFOs that appear from time to time are actually programmers from the game producer checking whether there are any bugs in the game "Earth OL".

In recent years, the black race may be a character that players from advanced civilizations like to create. They find it very enjoyable to use this identity to go around and play with women, because now the lives of black people are very precious, and they are completely free as players. Not afraid of NPC sanctions.

So the question becomes, what kind of person is the kind of rich player who spends a lot of money to play the game "Earth OL"?

Of course it’s the high-ranking ruling class. Maybe some of them were born into wealthy families, while some chose grassroots counterattacks in order to experience the thrill of starting a business. Anyway, players are always forward-thinking, and some do There are many things that human NPCs find unbelievable. For example, the player who became the president of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. Before he announced his participation in running for president, who would have thought that he could really succeed?

So players are always like this, always able to accomplish many incredible things, and after shocking many human NPCs, of course they choose to accept it. No matter what is unreasonable, there will be some expert and teaching NPCs who cooperate with the players to jump out and analyze it. I think this is actually a historical necessity!

Some players may choose to give up after playing, so we will always see some great people with great talents and sagacity becoming all kinds of stupid in their later years. In fact, we cannot blame them. In fact, they have been managed by the system at that time and have become NPCs. Of course, you can no longer have the "protagonist halo" and advanced insights that players have.

In fact, if you use this theory to interpret history, you will find many interesting things, which can perfectly explain why heroes and saints appear in troubled times. The harder it is to calm down the world and unify the country, the players must be the kind of hard-core high-level players. Play.

Even if these players return to their original advanced civilization, they will be hot talents.

Different versions of the game have different levels of popularity. Those eras with more celebrities are probably the most popular versions.

The viewers in the live broadcast room are already doubting the truth behind the game "Infinite" at this time——

"This is not a game at all, but a real other world!"

"Damn it! Why do you feel like this is a primitive planet? Is there any astronomy expert who can determine its position in the universe?"

"So why was this game created? Is it just to make us players happy?"

"There are no NPCs in this game at all. It is completely different from "Martial Arts World". Some characters in "Martial Arts World" are obviously NPCs, but everything in this world is very real!"

"If you want to explore the secrets behind this world, players should try their best to improve themselves, even climbing the technology tree. In short, let's enter the universe first and see what this world is like."

"Suddenly I feel that this game is really full of fun. This is probably the game with the most elements and the most freedom in history, right?"

"I'm just afraid that some evil players are just messing around in the game. The natives can't deal with such players at all. They still have to rely on the players to check and balance the players!"

Seeing these discussions from the audience, Zhang Yaozhong also thought a lot. He worked hard to overcome the guilt in his heart, and then retreated to the game interface and started to create a trumpet.

He just wanted to see what the largest and smallest creatures he could play were. This was also part of the game evaluation.

Then he discovered that the smallest creature was an algae creature with only 4 cells. He could start playing with this algae creature...

There seems to be a limit to the maximum size of a creature, which can only be within 10 meters. But in the game, you can definitely make yourself bigger through leveling up.

However, in this kind of planet with extraordinary power, larger size does not mean more powerful. Maybe when encountering some extraordinary people, it will directly become a living target.

Of course, it is definitely not ruled out that some sandbox players just want to play a "Leviathan" account, or just want to evolve into a giant Kun. Many web games and mobile games use Kun to brainwash...

The fourth update today! ! !

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