After Zhang Yaozhong showed the audience the tip of the iceberg of the "Infinite" online game, he went offline and wrote a review article with pictures and texts.

The "Infinite" online game, like the stand-alone game "Martial Arts World", has very convenient screenshots and video recording functions, which is very convenient for game reviewers and game video creators like him.

Zhang Yaozhong wrote:

"Thanks to Future Technology Studio, the producer of the "Infinite" online game, I am very honored to be the first test player of this epoch-making game!

Let me talk about my feelings after playing this game from several aspects. The first is the game's graphics and music. In fact, these two things are very important to traditional games. For the game "Infinite", it seems It doesn't matter anymore, because after all, this is an almost 100% realistic virtual reality online game. It is the real second world, and its graphics and music are almost the same as reality!

In addition, there is also the game's physics system, which feels infinitely close to reality. Whether you are starting with a flying creature or being a fish in the sea, you can perfectly experience how awesome this game's physics system is. Appearing, it can simply satisfy all the players’ fantasies!

I think this game has really demonstrated the technology of "Future Technology Studio" to the extreme. Judging from the game's optional creature opening, no game has ever given players such a high degree of freedom! It seems that on the planet where the players come, any kind of creature can be selected!

What amazing technology this is, the game system of "Infinite" is simply admirable!

In addition, this game has the following advantages... (Thousands of words omitted)

After talking about the advantages, of course we also need to talk about its shortcomings. This kind of objectivity is the basic quality of game reviewers like us.

The shortcoming of this game may be its plot. This seems to be a game with no plot at all. Ordinary players may be confused when playing this game and do not know what to do after entering this game.

Of course, this may also be the unusual thing about the "Infinite" online game. It does not want to constrain players with the plot. Except for the main task of "resisting the invasion of the abyss", everything else requires players to explore it themselves. .

For hardcore players, they will find this game extremely playable and can create unlimited possibilities, but for ordinary players, they may find it very boring before playing it, especially after the first few seconds. After the freshness.

Before playing the "Infinite" online game, players had better ask themselves, why should I play this game, and what is the meaning of my life in this game...

In addition, the NPCs in the game are so realistic that you can even think that they are real people. It feels like we players have traveled to their world.

Originally, when many people played games, they basically regarded NPCs as data and could do whatever they wanted to them. This game might make many players realize their true nature.

The shortcomings of the "Infinite" online game are simply insignificant compared to its many advantages!

It can become the most popular game in the world with only one thing, and that is the problem of time flow. It is even more exaggerated than "My Lord God Space". This is simply a game that can make players immortal!

Therefore, it is okay that there are not many players playing the game now, but if this game is put into large-scale public testing, it may have a huge impact on the entire real world...

The possible result is that officials will join the "Infinite" online game on an organizational basis, and then also manage players in it.

This is just the speculation of a small game reviewer like me. The social issues caused by this epoch-making online game should be left to real professionals to deal with.

Finally, what I just want to say is that it’s great to be able to live in this era. I don’t care if the ‘Future Technology Studio’ really comes from the future. I only know that next I will be in the “Infinite” online game. , live your true self!

Thank you ‘Future Technology Studio’ for bringing such interesting games to our boring world! "

Zhang Yaozhong's eloquent game review of two to three thousand words is more like a feeling after playing the game. In the past, when he wrote game reviews, he often had a "no emotion" attitude. Bragging games are picky to the extreme.

But when faced with the "Infinite" online game, he simply had a "blow-up" attitude. Even the shortcomings of some of the games he cited were even seen as advantages in the eyes of some players.

What is the shortcoming of an online game without a plot? Many popular online games on the market now have no plots, or players don’t care about the plots of online games at all. For example, in "DNF" or something like that, it’s just a matter of just brushing the pictures. Who cares about the plot?

There are also the earliest online games, as long as there is content such as upgrading and fighting monsters and passionate PK, it can make players happy.

The game system of the current "Infinite" online game can be said to be very simple. You can even turn off the system completely to play. You can treat the players as time-travelers, and the game system is the golden finger of the players...

In addition, Zhang Yaozhong said that the NPCs in the game are too real. Can this be considered a shortcoming?

When real-life games can make the NPCs in the game extremely real, it will probably be blown away. If such technology is used to create a stand-alone game, players will definitely buy it.

As soon as Zhang Yaozhong's game review article came out, it certainly instantly made the "Infinite" online game more popular. He posted this game review article to his Weibo headline article.

As a result, in just a short period of time, it attracted many readers, and the number of his fans' attention suddenly skyrocketed!

Many Weibo users couldn't help but take a lemon in the comments below. They were very upset that Zhang Yaozhong could qualify for the first beta test. They were really upset that they couldn't play this epoch-making game!

Some Weibo users asked where to buy the activation code for the "Infinite" online game. Even if you lose your money, you still have to buy the activation code for this game!

As long as you enter the "Infinite" online game, you can start your second life, and this second life can also have unlimited possibilities. How can this not make many players crazy?

However, it is very frustrating that it is really difficult to obtain the qualifications to enter the "Infinite" online game. The first batch of first-test players are almost all players who know what they want.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Da Zuo: $$$$$$$$] and [Constantine♂] for the 100 reward~~~ and the 300 reward from qq reading [Hehe Yixiao]~~~

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