Li Shushan, the producer of the "Infinity" game, is quite optimistic about the 5,000 first-test players.

Because these players are carefully selected based on big data through the magical artificial intelligence Alice. Most of them are players who have their own ideas, and some even desire to change the world.

However, the real world cannot give them a stage to fully display their ambitions. After all, their background in the real world is too crucial. No matter how capable and hardworking some people are, they will definitely encounter invisible obstacles when they reach a certain level. ceiling.

However, in the online game "Infinite", all players have equal backgrounds, and it all depends on how each player plays the game.

Some people may choose to take the lone wolf route, mainly to increase their personal combat effectiveness, hoping to save the world entirely by relying on their own strength.

Some people are taking the route of uniting and organizing players, hoping to build a country that belongs to players and change the entire game world through collective power.

Maybe some people will choose to fool the "NPCs" in the game, let the natives fight for them, and use the "power" in the game to achieve their goals.

All in all, the "Infinite" online game is such a world with infinite possibilities, and the planet that players have landed on can indeed only be regarded as a novice village, and players can completely build this novice village into the perfect world in their minds .

In addition to being able to follow every move of the player through the "Tiandao Space", Li Shushan can also follow through the "Gaia Consciousness".

You know, the players' bodies are actually created through Gaia, and Gaia has collected all biological data on this planet since the birth of life.

This means that as long as Gaia wants, it can construct the creatures in its database as it pleases.

In fact, the arrival of the players can be said to have greatly satisfied Gaia's curiosity, because some of their behaviors are so interesting that sometimes she can't even understand why they do what they do.

There are not a few players who choose to commit suicide as soon as they enter the game. Some may simply want to see if this "Infinite" game will force players to quit.

Then of course the players discovered that this mechanism no longer existed, which meant that they could continue playing without restraint!

Of course, death does not mean that there is no cost at all. If there are too many deaths, they will definitely have negative buffs on them, and they will even lose experience and level. The higher the level of the player, the more severe the penalty for one death.

As a result, players quickly discovered that this "Infinite" online game and the previous stand-alone game "Martial Arts World" have completely different attitudes towards death!

"Martial Arts World" wants players to be tortured and unable to die, while the "Infinite" online game hopes that players will try not to die, and it is best to be full of the desire to survive.

On the whole, the difficulty of the "Infinite" online game is undoubtedly much lower than that of "Martial Arts World". It can even be said that as long as the player does not commit suicide, he can continue to survive, even if you choose this It’s okay to be a salty fish in the game world.

But there is no doubt that salty fish players are basically not qualified for the first test.

Again, Li Shushan created this "Infinite" online game not for players to come in and have fun, but for them to work for themselves and work hard for Su Wuming's plane promotion.

Those players who are determined to make progress are what Li Shushan wants to see. As long as the players keep getting stronger, they will increase Su Wuming's power.

At this time, Li Shushan also chose to enter the "Infinite" online game, but he did not enter as a player, but as an NPC. This NPC identity is that he can directly issue tasks to players.

As a game planner, he still knows that most players need guidance, and some players are even task-obsessed and like to dig out hidden tasks.

The identity Li Shushan set for himself is that of a prophetic mage, a prophet-like figure named [Li Lin]. His magical talent is top-notch, and he is especially good at prophetic spells. Anyway, he is directly based on the heroine in his works. Olivia, the difference is that Olivia is better at space magic.

The prophet [Li Lin] wears a pure white magic robe and holds a staff in his hand. The appearance of this white-robed mage is quite recognizable in this era when human civilization is not yet developed.

[Li Lin]'s current combat effectiveness is not high, because he is set as a young mage. In this era, the human magic system is not perfect at all, and spell casters need to improve their spell casting level through their own exploration. , maybe if you are not careful, you will sacrifice your life for magic...

Li Shushan hopes that his identity as an NPC will grow with the players in the game and increase the players' sense of identification with this legendary NPC character, so that he can guide players in a subtle and subtle way.

At this time, [Li Lin] came alone to Luolan, the most prosperous city-state among the human race.

The players who came to Loland basically started with a more traditional human race, but the talent characteristics they chose were different. Some players who like to be warriors and engage in hand-to-hand combat naturally chose talents related to melee combat, and " With the talent of fighting spirit, as long as the level of fighting spirit is cultivated, one can "turn fighting spirit into a dragon". This is probably because horses do not exist in this world, only earthly dragons are used as a means of transportation for human domestication.

[Li Lin] The ostensible reason for coming to Loland is just like those Naga priests, to tell William, the city lord of Loland city-state, that one day in the future, the invasion of abyssal monsters will destroy the human world. , in such a situation, William, as the lord of the city-state of Loland, should do something.

In fact, the real purpose of [Li Lin] coming to the city-state of Loland is, of course, to issue tasks to players who are in a period of confusion after the novelty wears off. The game system will remind players that this young mage [Li Lin] is this game world. As long as you start your game life around [Li Lin], the main character in the game, you definitely don’t have to worry about running out of tasks to complete.

In addition to [Li Lin], of course there will be other "Children of Destiny". After all, there are many players who started the game from other races or even other creatures. These players cannot be left idle.

For [Li Lin], every player is a helper for the “dimensional promotion” of this world!

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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