What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 221 Female Players [Additional updates for 600 monthly tickets]

Yan Lina is one of the 5,000 first-test players. She is also one of the few female players to qualify for the first test. Her name in the "Infinite" online game is [Lina].

In reality, Yan Lina is an older single young woman who still has no partner after she is over thirty, but she is not anxious at all because she has achieved financial freedom and can be completely financially independent.

In the eyes of others, there is no doubt that Yan Lina is a successful person with a successful career. Such a person is of course qualified to be willful, and it is normal to look down on the men around her.

After all, ordinary men of the same age cannot compare to Yan Lina in career, and men who are more successful than Yan Lina prefer young, beautiful, and family-oriented girls.

All in all, Yan Lina was left like this, but as a senior gamer, she didn't think it was a big deal at all.

She has been different from other girls since she was a child. While other girls like to dress up and make up, she likes games, and she also likes role-playing games. Her favorite online game was "World of Warcraft", no one else. .

Speaking of which, she earned her entrepreneurial capital by playing the game "World of Warcraft".

However, with the gradual decline of computer games, there is no longer a role-playing game that can make people feel as immersed as "World of Warcraft", unless there is a major breakthrough in virtual reality technology...

As if by fate, Yan Lina met "Infinite", the only virtual reality online game in the world.

She had also played "Martial Arts World" before, but this kind of stand-alone game had never been enjoyable enough for her, and she always felt that something was missing.

Now she came into contact with the "Infinite" online game. The moment she entered the game, she felt that this was the game she wanted!

Yes, it’s this feeling of traveling to another world and experiencing a completely different life!

Yan Lina chose the human race to start, and her gender didn't mean much, so she chose a woman, and her face was pinched, making it ordinary. After all, she was pretty enough in reality, and she wanted to be a peerless person in the game. Assassins, of course, have to keep a low profile.

After entering the game, Yan Lina quickly discovered that this game was unusual. If the game system was not turned on, she would not be able to tell that it was a game at all!

The game system is still very important to players. It can be said to be the "golden finger" of players. If you open the game system, you can get a lot of information through the system, and then you will see the "exclamation mark" on the head of the NPC in the game, which means that you can Receive the quest from that NPC.

Then the game system also includes maps. Maps that have not been opened are all black, and even maps that have been opened will have "fog of war".

Where "question marks" appear on the map, it means that there may be monster lairs, bandit dens, etc. Players who like adventure can just turn on the game system and look for the "question marks" on the map.

Therefore, the existence of the game system is indeed very necessary, otherwise it would really be equivalent to traveling through another world. Players are not the protagonists of time-travel novels. They are proficient in everything and can thrive in another world. Players still need to rely on the game system in the early stages of entering the game.

As soon as Yan Lina entered the game, she quickly entered the state. She thought that this was an online game, not a stand-alone game, and she could proceed slowly.

For online games, there will definitely be various rankings in the future, and players who can be on the rankings will definitely have greater appeal and satisfy their own vanity.

Yan Lina has always been able to get on the level list when playing online games, because she has a fascination with upgrading. As long as there are levels in the game, she will choose to upgrade to the full level as soon as possible, and then slowly buy equipment and other things.

The two most basic ways to upgrade in general games are, of course, killing monsters and completing tasks.

The city-state of Loland, where Yan Lina came, is the largest settlement of the human race. The surrounding monsters have actually been cleared away. If you want to fight monsters, you must join the hunting force in the city-state. Otherwise, you can fight monsters alone. Then we can only pray that the monster is not so strong, otherwise we will die.

Such a setting undoubtedly seems very ungamey, but it is consistent with reality. After all, the largest city-state of the human race cannot be surrounded by monsters. Who can withstand the monsters attacking the city at every turn?

Since the method of killing monsters and upgrading is not feasible for the time being, Yan Lina chose to complete tasks in the city-state of Loland. Starting from simple tasks of delivering letters and running errands, it was a process for players to integrate into the world.

Yan Lina also got to know other players during this process. It is worth mentioning that players can only be recognized by other players if they turn on the game system. If the system is not turned on, they can pretend to be NPCs.

In the future, there will definitely be some old Yinbi players who will use this method to trick people, but their names must be better, otherwise they will be detected by the "detection technique" that comes with the game system and discover the identity of this "NPC" The name is actually called [Nima biss tonight], which will definitely reveal the secret instantly.

However, a name like Yan Lina makes her seem more integrated into the world. If she deliberately pretends to be an NPC, she can still deceive some players as long as she pretends to look like one.

Yan Lina quickly upgraded through persistent tasks, and she also became famous in the city-state of Loland, because many people in Loland felt that this "favorite" of the Mother Goddess of the Earth was really a very warm-hearted and friendly person. No matter what task is entrusted to her, she can ensure that it is completed efficiently.

But during this process, Yan Lina became a little tired and confused. Maybe it was because she had passed the freshness period. This game was free, but it really lacked some exciting points, as well as the main characters in the game.

When she had such thoughts, it was as if the game world knew what she was thinking!

The arrival of a young mage named [Li Lin] broke the tranquility of the city-state of Loland!

When Yan Lina saw [Li Lin], an NPC with a different style of painting and a big exclamation mark on his head, her intuition told her that this should be the main character of the game!

She used the detection technique on [Li Lin] and found that apart from his name, his other levels, abilities, etc. were all "???". This made her refreshed. Sure enough, this was a big boss NPC. So what kind of tasks will he issue?

The third update today! ! !

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