Anyway, in Yan Lina's opinion, the painting style of this NPC is different from others, and the modeling is more refined than other NPCs. It is as if other NPCs are born and raised, and this NPC named [Li Lin] is the creator. It looks like it was made by hand.

After Yan Lina observed it for a while, she chose to step forward to see if she could get a different task from the other party. When she got closer to [Li Lin] and saw the other party's appearance more clearly, she couldn't help but secretly praise her in her heart. , this male NPC is too handsome, his charm value must be super high!

In fact, players also have charm value attributes, and they are very intelligently judged based on the faces they pinch. The more handsome and beautiful the faces they pinch, the higher the charm value will naturally be, but this also represents freely allocated attribute points. After all, the higher the charm value, the easier it is to trigger the task, and the uglier the face, the other aspects can be strengthened.

The reason why Yan Lina made her appearance in the game unremarkable was to improve other attributes such as strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, and spirit. She allocated all the freely allocated points to agility. After all, this time she I want to play an assassin character.

Yan Lina couldn't help but worry about whether her charm could trigger the mission of this NPC with a different style of painting. What if the other party saw that she looked ordinary and her level was not high enough, so she completely ignored her?

"Do you need my help?" Yan Lina said skillfully.

In this game world, she basically uses this sentence to trigger tasks. It is very simple and crude, and she doesn't care what the NPC thinks of her.

Some NPCs may even think that she is crazy. This is probably the kind of NPC that does not have an "exclamation mark" on its head. If it is an NPC with an "exclamation mark", they may choose to ask the player to help them when they are in trouble.

This is probably like in the real world, those without exclamation marks on their heads are people walking normally on the street, while those with exclamation marks happen to have lost their wallets and encountered robbers. At this time, if there are enthusiastic people If you are willing to help, you will definitely not refuse the enthusiastic person.

[Li Lin] or the NPC being controlled by Li Shushan. If Li Shushan does not control [Li Lin], he will also be managed by the game system. [Li Lin] is actually a tool man, allowing Li Shushan to guide and control him. player.

[Li Lin] showed a gentle smile and made a very good first impression. It can only be said that NPCs with good looks and high charm will naturally make players like him.

An appearance like [Li Lin's] is particularly damaging to female players. There is a high probability that they will be called "husband" in private. Paper Man Husband, the male god in the game, is very stable.

In addition to [Li Lin] from the human race, Li Shushan also created a female elf vest from the elf race. Her appearance is really incredible. Her name is [Reifni]. It is estimated that she will appear as the "Child of Destiny" in the future. After being in the player's field of vision, she will become the "wife" in the player's mouth.

"This enthusiastic lady, you are still too weak to help me now." [Li Lin] said to Yan Lina, and then continued to find the city lord.

When Yan Lina heard what the other party said, she understood instantly. It was estimated that her current level was not high enough and her combat effectiveness was not strong enough, so she was unable to obtain this mission.

Of course, Yan Lina was unwilling to accept this. Her intuition told her that [Li Lin], whose style of painting was different from other NPCs, must have a major secret hidden in him. Maybe he was a hidden plot character. If possible, She wants to monopolize all the rewards of this character.

Of course, she definitely didn't make such a judgment because the other party was too good-looking. She just made the conclusion based on her own game intuition.

"Then how powerful do I need to become to be able to help you?" Yan Lina asked.

[Li Lin] always seemed to have such a gentle and patient attitude. He said calmly: "You first need to truly embark on the path to transcendence."

When Yan Lina heard what the other party said, she couldn't help but be slightly startled, because at this time the game system had reminded her that a task "Embark on the Road to Extraordinary" appeared in her taskbar.

Mission name: Embark on the extraordinary road

Mission description: You accepted the guidance of [Prophet], and he told you that you must first become a professional before you can help him. (Note: Characters can change jobs when their level reaches level 20)

Mission completion rewards: [Prophet] favorability +5, skill point +1, experience points...

When Yan Lina saw this mission, she couldn't help but clenched her fists in excitement. The reward for this mission was not very generous, but it suddenly gave her a clearer goal. She felt that she had finally entered the "Infinite" online game. into her familiar trajectory.

Otherwise, because the openness of this online game is too strong, it will make her confused. In fact, she still likes online games like "World of Warcraft" in her heart.

Then Yan Lina also noticed the word "Prophet" in the mission reminder, which made her even more interested in the identity of "Li Lin". Who is this boss NPC and why does he appear in the city-state of Loland? ?

Yan Lina still did not give up following this NPC, just like a licking dog, if she tried her best to trick this NPC, anyway, she felt that even if she just looked familiar in front of him, it would be profitable.

What makes Yan Lina admire herself is that the other party's attitude is gentle from beginning to end, and her temper is extremely good. It is not like those ordinary NPCs at all. Often, if she talks a little more, she will make the other party impatient. She obviously wants to dig out. Just check if there are any hidden tasks.

This also made Yan Lina more fond of this big boss NPC. She always felt that this [Prophet] described in the game system should be the biggest boost to their player camp.

Yan Lina followed the other party all the way to the place where the city lord lived, but she was stopped outside because she was still a nobody and was not qualified to see the city lord William.

On the contrary, [Li Lin], after seeing his appearance, the guards gave way respectfully, as if this boss NPC could show off his face wherever he went.

However, what surprised Yan Lina was that not long after [Li Lin] entered, he seemed to be blasted out by the city lord, and then the guards used violence against [Li Lin] under the order of the city lord.

Yan Lina couldn't help but feel worried about [Li Lin], because in her mind, the city lord's guards were also extremely powerful. To defeat the current players was basically like stabbing a child with one blow!

From her appearance, [Li Lin] is clearly a spell caster. He should be very bad at melee combat... right?

But the next moment, she was shocked!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [I just started] for the 1000 reward, and [Dunxiang] for the 100 reward~~~

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