Yan Lina had no idea that [Li Lin], who looked like a white-robed mage, could be so fierce in close combat!

In her eyes, he seemed to be able to predict the attacks of the city lord's guards. He used his long staff as a weapon and beat them hard, knocking all the guards down. He himself Unscathed!

Such fighting power left Yan Lina stunned!

Yan Lina visually estimated that the city lord's guards should be at least level 30, but now they are all knocked down by this [Li Lin]. So how powerful is this boss NPC?

Thinking of the other party's gentle and kind character, Yan Lina only felt that the two words "thigh" seemed to appear on [Li Lin]'s head!

That's right, if you don't hug such an NPC right now, when will you wait?

[Li Lin] After bringing down these city lord guards, of course he did not kill anyone. Instead, he showed a look of compassion on his face. He couldn't help but sigh: "Where should the fate of the human race go?"

Yan Lina received another reminder from the game system at this time. She, who was watching the [Prophet] the whole time, actually triggered a hidden mission!

This hidden mission allows her to dig out the truth behind all this, why the [Prophet] said such things...

Yan Lina was naturally ecstatic again. She didn't expect that there would be a hidden mission. Although the first-level mission reward of the hidden mission was not very good, she had reason to believe that as long as she dug out all the hidden missions, she would definitely gain something. Huge rewards!

At this time, Yan Lina suddenly had a bold idea, that is, could she kill these city lord guards? She knew that in many games, there is a saying of "killing monsters beyond the level", which often can bring benefits to players. Come to huge harvest...

In the end, Yan Lina still didn't take action. Of course, it was for the sake of [Li Lin]. In her opinion, this boss NPC was definitely a lawful good character. At first glance, it seemed that he was worried about the entire human race. Now if she dares to kill someone in front of the opponent, it will probably greatly affect the opponent's perception.

She has done so many tasks in the city-state of Loland, and she has long been familiar with how intelligent NPCs are. Now what she cares about most is the favorability of this "thigh". How can she take the risk to let him do it? Dislike things about her?

And if she kills all the city lord's guards in the city-state of Loland, then she probably won't be able to stay in this city-state any longer, and she will definitely be wanted by the city lord William.

She had also used the probing technique to check the [William] City Lord, and except for his name, everything else was "???". Obviously his combat power was much higher than the current players, and he also Having your own army is definitely not something that players can afford.

As for [Li Lin], the boss NPC is obviously not afraid of being targeted by this city lord, because the city lord is also discerning. Although the other party does not believe [Li Lin]'s prophecy at all, the personal combat power displayed by [Li Lin], It's enough to scare people away.

Not only Yan Lina, but also the scene of [Li Lin] beating the city lord's guards was of course also seen by other NPCs and passing players. Mainly because the city lord lived in the center of the city-state, and the flow of people was very large. big.

The commission bulletin board of Loran City-State is also located here. Most players who come to Loran City-State will receive tasks through this bulletin board.

In the minds of many players, the city lord's guards are absolutely untouchable. It's not like there are no players who want to play a "leap-level challenge", but the consequences are disastrous. Players who provoke the guards are simply giving away their money.

As a result, this arrogant guard was actually taught a lesson by a guy who ran out of nowhere?

The most important thing is that no matter from which angle you look at it, this guy should be a spell caster. What he is holding is a staff. Why is this guy so powerful in melee combat?

Player [巭嬬嬑**]: "Damn it! Where did this fierce man come out and hit the city lord in the face?"

Player [I am your dad]: "Is this boss NPC the legendary melee mage? He only knows one flash magic, and he wields a staff!"

Player [()What kind of trash are you]: "Here he comes! The young version of Gandalf, but his combat power should be comparable to that of Gandalf in white robes, right?"

Player [Senior Brother Daidaidai]: "Don't just look at it. Do you want to go up and make some repairs?"

When [Senior Brother Daidaidai] said these words, the other players who were watching were immediately excited, but no one actually went up to finish the attack.

The main reason is that many players know through the introduction of the game system that the city-state of Loland is the largest city-state of the human race today and has the largest number of residents. This also means that the tasks here are very rich. In the future, after you level up, you can NPCs who have changed jobs can definitely be found in this city-state.

And if they mess up now and the city-state no longer accepts them, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?

Many players who have played "The Elder Scrolls 5" have learned well. They are afraid that if they let themselves go, they will ruin their account. If you really want to be lawless, you might as well choose a ten-meter behemoth to start. , it is very easy to bully non-superhuman humanoids.

Players have now passed the time of playing around in the game. In the past, many players even wanted to beat up an NPC as soon as they entered the game, as if they wanted to use this method to vent their excitement of coming to this world for the first time.

But the consequence of this is that you will often be besieged by NPCs. If you attract patrolling guards again, you will have to be jailed depending on the seriousness of the case.

There is a player named [A Fei] who has been to prison many times. It is said that he has fallen in love with the feeling of being a prisoner. Because this place provides food and accommodation, he will definitely not lose hunger, and he will also be in prison. It’s fun to have tasks to do and practice lockpicking skills...

[A Fei] After picking his own lock, he would pick the locks of other prisoners, and then he would squat in his original prison peacefully, watching the leaders shout "I'm free" "He rushed out, some successfully escaped from prison, and some were brutally beaten and then recaptured. He looked on happily.

This [A Fei] is actually the genius player Xu Qihua. He obviously chose the magic talent, but ended up falling in love with the feeling of being a prisoner. He has completely regarded the prison as his home, and diligently practices his lock picking skills...

Now even if other players want to rescue him, he refuses to get out. Everyone in this prison is talented and well-spoken. He likes it here very much!

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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