What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 224 The Backbone [Updated for 2100 orders]

Many players thought about something with Yan Lina. They felt that [Li Lin], the boss NPC who was crushing the guards, must be extraordinary and must have a very valuable mission. Of course, they all came forward to chat with her, hoping that Tasks can be obtained.

What surprised these players was that they originally thought that this melee mage was difficult to get in touch with, but after getting in touch with him, they found out that he was so approachable!

And the players basically all received the job transfer task, and then they suddenly understood that this melee mage named [Li Lin] seemed to be their player's novice guide!

As a result, the players couldn't help but become more enthusiastic about this big boss NPC. Everyone wanted to be [Li Lin]'s licking dog. What made the players happy was that at least licking this NPC didn't make them feel any discomfort. Maybe it was Because the opponent's charm value is too high, in the game it is simply a killing between male and female players!

Among the first test players, many are the kind of players who prefer to share their gaming experiences. Of course, they immediately went to the official forum of the "Infinite" online game to post.

Of course, the posts all revolve around the boss NPC [Li Lin].

"A suspected novice player guide appears and recommends all human players to come to the city-state of Loland"

"Shock! The most handsome NPC in history has appeared! 》

"The boss NPC is actually a white-robed mage who knows martial arts!" 》

"Video of white-robed mage Li Lin beating up Luolan city-state guard"

"Conjecture about the [Prophet] Identity of White-robed Mage Li Lin"

"Prophet Li Lin's Doomsday Apocalypse"

"Stories My Husband Li Lin and I Have to Tell"

For many players who have not qualified for the first test, all they can do now is enjoy posting in the official forum of "Infinite", and then gradually evolve into that kind of game that they have never played at all, but But he is a super cloud player who can speak clearly about the game.

At this time, many cloud players saw the various screenshots and videos of these first-test players of a boss NPC. They just felt like they had become a member of the crowd watching [Li Lin], and they felt inexplicably enjoyable. It was as if he was also involved in this matter.

The cloud players responded very enthusiastically. Of course, the cloud players’ replies were also mixed with those of the first beta players——

"Kneel down and lick this handsome NPC in the front row. I also hope to inhale the European energy of the big guys in the first test. You must choose me in the second test!"

"Is this the head of the novice village? Indeed, he is handsome!"

"Isn't there any high-level player who chooses to kill this guy? Maybe he can explode a magical weapon."

"The cloud players are very good at what they say. This young version of Gandalf uses his staff to hit people, which is better than Shaolin's stick skills. Those city lord guards who can kill a player with one blow were all beaten by Gandalf. Players go and mess with him. , not looking for death?"

"Gandalf's beef! (broken sound)"

"It finally feels like an online game. Otherwise, like before, I would feel very confused after the novelty wears off. I don't know what to do. Now, just upgrade and that's it!"

"Are those first beta players who call NPC husbands really all girls? I suspect there is a demon pretending to be a girl and trying to seduce Gandalf..."

"Girl players, wake up. Don't be deceived by the appearance of the NPC. It's just a bunch of data. What's the point of the Paper Man Husband?"

“The paper man’s husband is great, and Li Lin’s personality is really warm. He is very patient with all players. When the level is high, maybe you can go to him and change your profession to a mage. "

"It seems a bit difficult to randomly pick out high-level magic talents. This seems to be related to the player's own mental strength..."

There is no doubt that the "Infinite" online game has once again caused a wave of popularity due to the appearance of [Li Lin].

Many players feel that the dog planner of the "Infinite" online game must have been paying attention to the official forum and will improve the game and increase the playability based on the feedback of the first test players on the game.

Some players originally naively believed that the higher the degree of freedom in a game, the better. After all, reality is full of constraints. In the game, of course, they have complete freedom. They can become whatever race they want and do whatever they want. What to do.

However, when such a game with unlimited freedom actually appears, they will find that such a game is not as interesting as they imagined. The unlimited freedom seems to have turned into an invisible constraint.

And if the game is too real and almost indistinguishable from reality, then the game will also lose a lot of fun. This is why the game reviewer named Zhang Yaozhong feels that NPCs are too smart and real as a shortcoming. .

So no matter what, if a game wants players to be addicted to it, it still needs to have a clear main line. Even if the main line is poorly made, it doesn’t matter. After all, in online games, a lot of fun actually comes from the interaction between players. .

However, because the map of the "Infinite" online game is too large, and many players choose races and creatures to start, the online game becomes a single player, which is actually quite harmful.

But as the number of players increases, and the "reincarnation space" exists, it is actually still acceptable.

Because of the appearance of [Li Lin], the human players seemed to have a backbone all of a sudden, and some players even chose to reopen an account and start directly as a human player.

This is actually a very normal choice. After all, we are all human beings in reality, and there are only a few players who can truly achieve the unconventional path of "I am no longer a human being."

After many first-beta players tried other creatures and races, they still found that being a human is the most comfortable, and they can also use their experience in playing other online games.

The current human players have built a village around [Li Lin] not far from the city-state of Loland, making it a veritable novice village. However, this novice village only has one NPC. .

However, human players are very affectionate towards this novice village. The Jiangnan Ranger, who is very popular among human players, even said that he will slowly develop this novice village into a town, and eventually even become a human player. The main city!

As for the nearby city-state of Loland, it will definitely become the player's bag!

Under such a situation, human players first burst out with strong enthusiasm for construction, and later they even wanted to grab wonders, because wonders can indeed increase the various values ​​of the player's main city.

It is said that [Jiangnan Ranger] has actually spent a lot of money to invite a construction team to design the main city for human players.

The third update today! ! !

Thanks to [Jie Ni Oh] for the 500 reward~~~

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