What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 225: Increase revenue and reduce expenditure [update for 2200 orders]

Regarding the "Infinite" online game, Li Shushan has put it aside for the time being. With "Children of Destiny" such as [Li Lin], [Reifney] and so on, they will definitely be able to gather most of the players around them. Then use the charm aura, the quality and quantity of tasks, etc. to guide and control players.

Li Shushan is still very confident in hosting these real NPCs who are set to guide players to immerse themselves in online games. Yes, apart from them, the creatures and intelligent races on the evolutionary planet can actually be considered indigenous, not npc.

Although they evolved from Li Shushan, they were definitely not set, so their behavior patterns often did not follow the rules like real NPCs.

Many first-test players who have been tricked by the natives have posted complaints in the forum, saying that some NPCs have clearly issued tasks, but in the end after the players complete their tasks, they may default on the payment!

Some players who are not ruthless enough will often be dumbfounded in this situation and suffer the consequences, often being taken advantage of by the natives.

And some players who don't regard the natives as human beings at all, when encountering this kind of thing, are so happy that they just kill the natives to give them a happy feeling. The most desperate thing is to squeeze out all the value of the natives and then use them again. After forcing the natives to commit crimes and becoming the subject of a bounty, they then trade the natives for the bounty...

Anyway, for players, different players do have different gameplays. There are more orthodox online game gameplays, and there are also extremely eccentric gameplays. Some may feel that this online game has huge potential, so they regard it as a kind of online game. Playing for their careers, some still adopt a gaming attitude and enjoy such an epoch-making game to their heart’s content.

Li Shushan doesn't care how players play the online game "Infinite". He only knows that the stronger the players are, the stronger Su Wuming will become. When the time comes to use the players to conquer the world, it is estimated that the players will be very Work hard, after all, "Infinite" has released a new map.

However, the problem Li Shushan is facing now is that the magic power reserve has dropped to a very dangerous level after launching 5,000 players at once. He must continue to cause trouble in the real world and open up new "fertile fields".

In addition to open source, we must also reduce expenditure.

That's right, Li Shushan now feels that it's time for the "Universal Translation" app to be removed from the shelves, because he has already made enough money from this app. The essence of making money from this app is actually selling magic power.

Now Li Shushan is not short of money at all, but he is very short of magic power. The existence of the "Universal Translation" app is originally a great benefit to human beings. Money can buy the benefit of "knowing languages".

The ironic result is that China actually banned this app, but there are many people who use this app and have made great gains in many fields!

The most successful people who have used this app are undoubtedly the ghost masters in Japan. They use this app to communicate with ghosts, and finally use the power of ghosts to embark on the road to transcendence.

Now in South America, there is a group of explorers who followed suit and used the "Universal Translator" app to successfully tame some dinosaurs and giant beasts, turning themselves into real "animal tamers."

It's just that those giant beasts and dinosaurs are different from Japanese ghosts. They are living creatures, and it is naturally impossible for them to combine with the beast tamer, or even let the beast tamer possess their power.

Beast trainers can only become powerful by commanding them, but the trainers themselves are still very fragile. If they are hit by a gun, they will still die, but they can control the giant beasts to block the gun for them.

Whether they are "ghost controllers" or "animal tamers", the reason why they can successfully embark on the extraordinary road is that the "Universal Translator" app actually plays a very important role!

Even Li Shushan, the instigator, did not expect that some human beings can have such big brains and use everything available in order to embark on the path to transcendence.

But now, Li Shushan wants to apologize to those who have used this app to reach the top of their lives, as well as those who have never used this app.

Because he would take the app off the shelves soon. It only took Olivia a thought, and this magic scroll disguised as an app would be invalid.

If humans want to use the magic of "knowing language" in the future, they will of course need to go through the "Magic Network", and they will also need to meditate one day in advance.

In the past, people spent money to buy the magic effect of "Language Proficiency". In the future, it is equivalent to people needing to spend mental energy to buy this magic. The magic network can make profits through the price difference in the middle.

The time has come to New Year's Day, which can be said to be a new year. Less than a year after Olivia came to the earth, Li Shushan used her almost omnipotent magic to make the entire earth restless, even the stars. The United Nations forces led by Tōgoku attacked Samba Country, attracting the attention of the whole world...

And on this day, the “Universal Translator” app permanently lost its function!

At this moment, many users who were silently enjoying the bonus of the "Universal Translator" app couldn't believe that they could no longer use this app. The most outrageous thing is that this app actually allowed users to recharge their money without using it to purchase time. All the money was returned!

But as long as the users who use this app care about this small amount of money, what they care more about is obviously the convenience of this app. No matter how much money they spend, they are willing to buy the "universal mode" for as long as it lasts!

Luo Ji, a computer guru, was the first to discover the magic of the "Universal Translation" app. He had long been accustomed to using this thing disguised as an app to perform perfect programming.

But at this time, when he clicked on the app again, a line of text popped up - due to poor management and inability to make ends meet, this product declared bankruptcy and was permanently removed from the shelves. We can only apologize if it has caused any inconvenience to you.

When Luo Ji saw this line of text, he was stunned for a while. After clicking OK, he chose to click on the app again, and was helpless to find that the "app" had completely turned into an icon, just like an enchanted piece of equipment, permanently Lost the effect of enchantment...

Luo Ji couldn't help complaining in his heart, this "universal translation" obviously has so many users, but it can't make ends meet?

And as long as the mastermind behind the creation of the "Universal Translation" app appears and generously raises funds from all over the world, the capital to invest in this "app" will probably be enough to circle the earth several times! They will wave huge sums of money and force the other party to accept...

Therefore, Luo Ji believes that the reason why it announced its removal from the shelves is definitely not because of money!

The fourth update today! ! !

Thanks to [Golden Bear King] for the 500 reward, and [One is All, All is One] for the 100 reward~~~

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