What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 226 Playing with the palm of your hand

No matter why this "universal translation" app was removed from the shelves, Luo Ji knew that it would definitely cause a huge impact!

Just because this extremely unscientific "app" appeared in the world, it has been paid attention to and used by more and more people. There are countless people and groups trying to study its essence and the secrets behind it, but they have never been able to crack it.

Unless there is another magician on the earth, the other person can see through its essence with just one look.

Since you can't decipher the essence of this "app", you can only use it in a daze. There's no other way. Who made it so convenient to use?

In some fields, if you don't use it, you can't compete with others. Reality will force you to use it anyway.

However, now, people like Luo Ji, who have long been accustomed to its convenience, feel particularly uncomfortable after losing it suddenly, and their work efficiency plummets...

Luo Ji took a look at Weibo. As he expected, the removal of the "Universal Translator" app has become a trending topic on Weibo. The public response online has been overwhelming!

"Why are you removing this perfect tool from the shelves? It is clearly the greatest invention of this century!"

"Those who blocked this app before came out and were beaten. It was you who made it impossible for this app to continue operating!"

"Without this app, I was already on pills, and it took me a long time to adjust."

“I thought this app was really cheap to use and very cost-effective. I suspected that it had been operating at a loss...”

"There must be a huge conspiracy behind this. Judging from the public opinion, everyone is criticizing and blocking it. Why do I feel that the black technology circle has taken action to suppress it."

"What the hell is the black technology circle? Just call it Future Technology Studio. Maybe this app is also produced by this studio, but its income is far less than that of virtual reality games, which led to its removal from the shelves."

"Yes, don't forget, the Magic Network platform has its own 'universal translation' effect. Any language that appears on the Magic Network platform can be understood by users. It can be seen that Future Technology Studio has mastered this Technical.”

"After all, this is future technology. The technology is five hundred years ahead of the present! (Funny)"

"It really made me laugh. The government no longer bans the use of virtual reality technology. It's a pity that universal translation has not been promoted. Now it's better. There is no need to do anything, it will disappear on its own!"

Many beneficiaries of the "universal translation" app can't help but criticize those who blocked the app before. As long as it is not blocked and it has more users, how can it be poorly managed and unable to make ends meet?

Because this is a translation app, many people preconceptionally believe that it is not profitable enough. In fact, they have been deceived by the mastermind behind it.

In this era where the number of users is king, it is estimated that not many people will stop operating an app that has accumulated a large number of high-quality users. Is there still money in this world that cannot be dealt with?

Li Shushan really has trouble with money. He feels that the "Universal Translation" app can only make money, but consumes magic power in vain. It is really not as good as virtual reality games, which can not only harvest players' mental power, but also make money.

Li Shushan, who is now completely free of money, certainly does not need the "Universal Translation" app, which is essentially a tool that exchanges magic power for money.

As for the people around the world who have benefited from this "app", that has nothing to do with Li Shushan. After all, he is the mastermind behind the monopoly of "magic" resources in this world.

In addition to many people who regretted and were sad that the "Universal Translator" app was removed from the shelves, of course there were also people who felt that there was no problem at all, and even their worries finally disappeared.

This person is Xu Lingxue from the special office. She has always been full of prejudice against the "Universal Translator" app. She thinks it is an evil app that can control the human brain. Its principle cannot be explained by science at all. It is unreliable. How can we let something circulate on the Internet?

Xu Lingxue has been trying to identify the person behind the "Universal Translation" app through "Jiangcheng", the place where it was first circulated. However, this is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack...

Those who are most distressed by the disappearance of the "Universal Translation" app are the group of linguists who knew about this app because of Luo Ji. Through this app, they have completed the deciphering of many ancient languages, such as oracle bone inscriptions. Then through the deciphered oracle bone inscriptions, linguists learned a lot of "ancient secrets."

Therefore, on the whole, there is no doubt that the "Universal Translation" app has helped human beings in many fields, and it has not caused any physical harm to the users who use it.

Of course, it has also had a relatively big impact on other translation apps. After all, its use effect really crushes other apps.

There are even many people in the translation industry who have been impacted by this app. Those who are pushing the country to ban this app may not have certain interested parties who are behind it.

Many students who study translation even feel that their future is extremely dark because of this app, and they feel discouraged in various ways.

It is said that some organizations have conducted investigations and said that this app has caused a sharp drop in the number of college students applying for translation majors this year, and the entire translation industry has suffered severely!

There is no doubt that the emergence of this universal translation app is just like the emergence of those inventions that led to the industrial revolution. While benefiting many people, it also caused an unprecedented impact on the old industry!

Such pain actually takes time to resolve. Who would have thought that this app would suddenly be removed from the shelves?

The entire human race seems to be being fooled by the mastermind behind this app!


PS: Some readers may have discovered it. Now I have written as little official content as possible.

So I always see readers complaining that the official power in this book is too weak. In fact, this is because I deliberately downplayed its existence...

My desire to survive is so strong that this book is still harmonized for two chapters, and I still don’t know how to change it before it can be released...

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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