After Li Shushan removed the app, he found that it indeed saved a lot of magic money.

This made him feel very relieved. He had no psychological fluctuations in the various users on the Internet who were reluctant to give up because of the removal of this app.

He also saw that some users seemed to really believe that the app was removed from the shelves because they could not make ends meet, so they even called on everyone to crowdfund to save the app.

Others put their thoughts on the "Future Technology Studio", hoping that they could develop an app with the same function. Of course, this was criticized, because anyone with a little bit of discernment would think that this app is clearly " Future" technology studio's work.

Otherwise, why does Magic Online come with this function?

Now more and more people feel that what the "Future Technology Studio" masters may not be future technology, but something different from human beings and something completely different from the technological system.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to focus on the magic network to study, but in the end they could not study anything at all.

Because the magic power consumption was reduced, both Li Shushan and Olivia were very happy.

Once Olivia is happy, she will continue her little love experiment.

Now that Yu Shengfan is already busy with her main mission of "League of Legends", she will naturally not disturb Olivia's strategy for Li Shushan, while Su Wuming has been in the Tiandao Space and is mainly responsible for operating the online game "Infinite".

"League of Legends" is a game similar to "The Strongest King" in Yu Shengfan's world. Yu Shengfan still likes it very much. Completing this main mission is equivalent to completing her dream of the world she once lived in.

With the help of Yu Shengfan, a veteran with a system, Ming Kai, the two first killed everyone in the secondary league and controlled the thunder and lightning. Then they have confirmed that they will play in the LPL in this year's spring split. In the end, of course, they will strive for the LPL. Won the S10 championship.

It's just that not many people are optimistic about Yu Shengfan and Ming Kai now. Yu Shengfan is okay. Her talent that is visible to the naked eye is really exciting, but Ming Kai's comeback is not optimistic at all. They feel that he is here again. Dreaming.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that Ming Kai, who owns the system, is no longer the same person as before. Now he will not only protect his father, but he will also become a big figure himself!

Then the other three teammates of Yu Shengfan and Ming Kai will definitely not be held back. The bottom lane is a pair of twins who have a very tacit understanding. They are very stable in the lane and have extremely powerful team battle output. The top lane is also a monster operator, too. I met Yu Shengfan through rank.

Originally, this top player was just a booster who played orders. He could kill randomly in the king's game, and he was not inferior at all against professional players, even though he was a booster. But he also had a desire to play professionally, and then he was convinced by Yu Shengfan, so he chose to play professionally with Yu Shengfan.

This top player has an extremely powerful single-handed ability. If he is protected, he can definitely be C.

Mingkai is very satisfied with this team configuration. He feels that his dream can finally come true.

Olivia was clinging to Li Shushan and walking on the streets of Japan. Under the leadership of Li Shushan, she felt the atmosphere of the Japanese New Year.

That's right, now Li Shushan and Olivia have come to the "fertile land" of Japan again. In addition to inspecting the mage tower that is still under construction, they also come to this country that was once very suitable for tourism to relax and relax. Relax.

Why "once"?

Of course, it's because Japan is now surrounded by crises, and the influence of "supernatural recovery" has slowly expanded to the entire Japan!

Nowadays, there are large areas of uninhabited land in Japan, just because these places have become "ghost monsters". Except for those ghost hunters with extraordinary power who dare to set foot there, other ordinary people will basically not die.

Japan seems to have become a world of Japanese comics, that is, the scope of human activities is within the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the countryside seems to have completely disappeared.

It is not that the Japanese government did not organize the Self-Defense Forces to counterattack the "ghosts" and regain the "lost ground". As a result, after a wave of self-defense forces were destroyed by a large number of ghost groups, these self-defense force officers and soldiers who only regarded themselves as civil servants, not soldiers, I'm so scared that I won't die no matter what!

They also have good reasons, saying that ghosts can only be dealt with by ghost hunters, and technological weapons are useless against ghosts, so why are they kidding with their lives?

Therefore, Japan is now completely unsuitable for tourism. Except for some intelligence personnel and researchers from other countries, tourists have become increasingly rare. Some countries have even banned their own people from traveling to Japan.

More and more evidence has confirmed that the Japanese people are now living in dire straits. Many people killed by ghosts have also turned into ghosts. There are even those humans who have died of old age. It seems that they can no longer go. After entering the underworld, he immediately became a ghost.

Under such a situation, tourists who still want to visit Japan really have something wrong with their brains.

However, as there are more and more ghosts in Japan, there are more and more "ghost controllers" in Japan. Even Japan's "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" has mastered a skill to turn humans into "ghost controllers". ”, the method to embark on the extraordinary road from now on.

A Japanese middle school student who had many family members killed by ghosts resolutely embarked on the road of "ghost hunter" and vowed to avenge his family!

Not to mention, the "ghost hunters" who are in the second grade of middle school seem to be able to exert their extraordinary power. If they really want to save Japan, they must not rely on those useless self-defense forces, but must rely on Japan's middle school students. After all, this is He is as famous as the travelers of China and the veterans of Stars and Stripes.

In addition to the Tokyo metropolitan area, there is another place that is becoming more and more prosperous.

Yes, this place is the place blessed by Amaterasu Shrine, which is the land purchased by Li Shushan's company in Japan.

Nowadays, this land is extremely valuable. Many wealthy Japanese people outside the Tokyo metropolitan area have basically brought their assets to such a piece of land that can guarantee safety.

This land has become Japan's country within a country and is gradually becoming independent.

Just because more and more believers of the "Amaterasu Sect" have also settled in this land, some of the truly devout believers have also embarked on the extraordinary path, naturally following the "Priest System" The path to transcendence.

Compared to the "ghost controllers" that ordinary people hate, priests are naturally more reassuring.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] and [Unexpected Love] for the 100 reward~~~

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