Extraordinary people like "priests" really make people feel more at ease, because this extraordinary profession is essentially a priest. He can use light magic to purify ghosts, appease human fears, and even use divine magic. Get medical treatment.

Moreover, "priests" will not become extraordinary beings who wantonly massacre people. Once they fall, they will only lose the qualification to use divine magic.

As for "ghost controllers" compared with "priests", although they can also exorcise ghosts for the people, they are also time bombs. The ordinary people who unfortunately died in the hands of the "abyssal ones" after the "ghost controllers" fell, There are already many.

Moreover, the appearance of "Abyss Ones" after the fall of "Ghost Controllers" is often extremely terrifying and unsightly. This of course makes the people even more disgusted with "Ghost Controllers", thinking that they are not human beings at all. What exists to protect the people is nothing more than a dog-eat-dog existence with ghosts.

Therefore, the "priests" within the protection of Amaterasu Shrine are actually the reason why many ordinary people are attracted to settle here.

In this era of "supernatural recovery" where personal safety is completely unprotected, people will choose to go wherever their safety can be protected.

But for Li Shushan and Olivia, no matter how dangerous or turbulent they are, they don't need to care at all, because maybe the source of this turmoil comes from them.

Li Shushan and Olivia are of course still in Tokyo to experience the Japanese New Year atmosphere. This is the headquarters of the super disaster response room, and Yama Ai, Japan's national hero, is here, so the safety of the people is still guaranteed. .

It's just that compared to the stronger New Year atmosphere before, this year's Japan is obviously bleak.

But of course this does not affect Li Shushan and Olivia. The two of them seem to be completely detached from the world, just doing what they like to do as if no one else is around.

After spending so much time with Olivia, Li Shushan himself seems to have become accustomed to being a couple. Originally he only passively cooperated with Olivia in her little experiment, but now, he has taken the initiative to do so. Gave candy to Olivia.

For example, when the two of them are shopping in a shopping mall, Li Shushan will pay careful attention to Olivia's eyes and expressions. When he sees Olivia showing curiosity about a certain product, he will naturally buy it for her. commodity.

Whenever Li Shushan sees Olivia feeling happy because she has satisfied his curiosity, he is also happy in his heart.

Li Shushan has never been in love and doesn’t know how to fall in love, but as Olivia insists, love should be sweet, sweeter than her favorite sweets, and both parties in love have to do The only thing is to enjoy this sweetness.

As if aware of Li Shushan's subtle changes, Olivia's originally very rigid "experimental love" seemed to be changing subtly.

Originally, they seemed to be dating for the sake of dating. Olivia had to achieve goals such as "holding hands" and "hugging" before dating. But now, the date between them seems more natural. , as if Olivia could now snuggle up to Li Shushan very naturally.

"Li Shushan, do you think you would be happy if you fell in love with me now?" Olivia said lightly, with a strong sense of confidence in her tone.

Olivia has indeed always been confident, reserved and proud, and full of superiority. She now feels that no one is more suitable for Li Shushan than her. Her plan to monopolize Li Shushan can be said to be very smooth.

Olivia was indeed a novice in relationships, but instead of holding herself back because she was a novice in relationships, she used this to formulate the plan for a "little love experiment". She used a mechanical and rigid way to trick Li Shushan. Of course, she also tricked herself.

But the result is undoubtedly good. What was originally just an experimental love will eventually turn into true love. After all, the two of them are really suitable together.

Because Li Shushan knows Olivia’s personality, hobbies, etc. very well, and Olivia feels that Li Shushan has been watching her and helping her grow since she was a child. She thinks Li Shushan is the only person she can rely on, and she can trust him 100%.

And for a heroine like Olivia who puts interests first and is decisive in killing, she believes that the "protagonist halo" is very important to her. For Li Shushan, the person who gave her the protagonist's halo, she must grasp it no matter what. In your own hands.

"Yeah, I'm very happy." Li Shushan said from the bottom of his heart, "Actually, I never thought that one day the heroine of my 'writing' would come to reality, and then she would choose to fall in love with me. "

When Olivia heard what Li Shushan said, she showed a faint smile. At this time, she was holding one of Li Shushan's hands with both hands, and then one of her own hands was intertwined with Li Shushan's hand. Like this The way they held hands was completely different from the way they held hands at the beginning.

"I never thought that there would be any man who could make my heart flutter. Because in my world, I didn't take other people my age seriously at all. They were so weak and pitiful. I just had to snap my fingers and... A 'space tear' passed by, and their lives were like candles in the wind." Olivia said with a slightly emotional tone.

Li Shushan smiled and said: "I can't compare with the mages in your world at all. They are ordinary and unremarkable in every aspect. You can kill me without you using magic at all. How can you?" Just fall in love with me, a commoner who doesn’t even have any magic talent?”

"Like without reason, that is true love." Olivia responded righteously.

Is she going to tell Li Shushan that not only does she really like him, but also because of Li Shushan's special abilities? This is too realistic, and it clearly makes the perfect love in her mind less than perfect.

In addition, her magic cannot actually cause any harm to Li Shushan, just like Yu Shengfan's game panel cannot lock Li Shushan and let Li Shushan show his health bar, which means that Yu Shengfan cannot attack Li Shushan.

Of course, Olivia's magic also included this law. She could not think of attacking Li Shushan at all, but was willing to let him control her.

The third update today! ! !

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